Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.action.executer |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.action.executer with parameters of type NodeRef | |
void |
ActionExecuterAbstractBase.execute(Action action, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef) Execute the action executer |
abstract void |
ActionExecuter.execute(Action action, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef) Execute the action executer |
protected abstract void |
ActionExecuterAbstractBase.executeImpl(Action action, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef) Execute the action implementation |
protected boolean |
ActionExecuterAbstractBase.isApplicableType(NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef) Check if a node is a type or subtype of the of one of the applicable types |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.content |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.content with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
ContentServicePolicies.OnContentPropertyUpdatePolicy.onContentPropertyUpdate(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, ContentData beforeValue, ContentData afterValue) |
abstract void |
ContentServicePolicies.OnContentReadPolicy.onContentRead(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract void |
ContentServicePolicies.OnContentUpdatePolicy.onContentUpdate(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean newContent) |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.content.transform |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.content.transform that return types with arguments of type NodeRef | |
TransformerConfig.getBlacklist(ContentTransformer transformer, String sourceMimetype, String targetMimetype) Returns a list of blacklisted NodeRefs of the specified transformer for the the combination of source and target mimetype. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.copy |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.copy that return NodeRef | |
CopyDetails.getSourceNodeRef() Get the source node |
CopyDetails.getTargetNodeRef() Get the node to which the copy will occur. |
CopyDetails.getTargetParentNodeRef() Get the node under which the new/existing copy will be placed |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.copy with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
CopyServicePolicies.BeforeCopyPolicy.beforeCopy(QName classRef, NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetNodeRef) |
abstract void |
CopyServicePolicies.OnCopyCompletePolicy.onCopyComplete(QName classRef, NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetNodeRef, boolean copyToNewNode, Map<NodeRef> copyMap) |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.repo.copy with type arguments of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
CopyServicePolicies.OnCopyCompletePolicy.onCopyComplete(QName classRef, NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetNodeRef, boolean copyToNewNode, Map<NodeRef> copyMap) |
Constructors in org.alfresco.repo.copy with parameters of type NodeRef |
CopyDetails(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, QName sourceNodeTypeQName, Set<QName> sourceNodeAspectQNames, Map<QName,Serializable> sourceNodeProperties, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, NodeRef targetNodeRef, boolean targetNodeIsNew, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder with parameters of type NodeRef | |
boolean |
HiddenAspect.checkHidden(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean both, boolean checkChildren) Checks whether the file should be hidden and applies the hidden and not indexed aspects to it and its children (if cascadeHidden == true). |
org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder.HiddenAspect.Visibility |
HiddenAspect.getVisibility(org.alfresco.util.FileFilterMode.Client client, NodeRef nodeRef) Gets the visibility constraint for the given client on the given node. |
boolean |
HiddenAspect.hasHiddenAspect(NodeRef nodeRef) |
void |
HiddenAspect.hideNode(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean cascadeHiddenAspect, boolean cascadeIndexControlAspect, boolean clientControlled) Hides the node by applying the hidden and not indexed aspects. |
void |
HiddenAspect.hideNode(NodeRef nodeRef, int clientVisibilityMask, boolean cascadeHiddenAspect, boolean cascadeIndexControlAspect, boolean clientControlled) Hides the node by applying the hidden and not indexed aspects. |
void |
HiddenAspect.hideNodeExplicit(NodeRef nodeRef) Mark this node as hidden regardless of any name/pattern/matching rules. |
boolean |
HiddenAspect.isClientControlled(NodeRef nodeRef) |
org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder.HiddenFileInfo |
HiddenAspect.onHiddenPath(NodeRef nodeRef) Checks whether the node is on a hidden path |
void |
HiddenAspect.removeHidden(NodeRef nodeRef) |
void |
HiddenAspect.removeHiddenAspect(NodeRef nodeRef) |
void |
HiddenAspect.showNode(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean cascade) Removes the hidden and index contol aspect. |
void |
HiddenAspect.unhideExplicit(NodeRef nodeRef) Remove the explicit hiding of a node. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.node |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.node with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeAddAspectPolicy.beforeAddAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called before an aspect is added to a node |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeArchiveNodePolicy.beforeArchiveNode(NodeRef nodeRef) Called before a node is archived. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeCreateNodePolicy.beforeCreateNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName) Called before a new node is created. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteNodePolicy.beforeDeleteNode(NodeRef nodeRef) Called before a node is deleted. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeMoveNodePolicy.beforeMoveNode(ChildAssociationRef oldChildAssocRef, NodeRef newParentRef) Called before a node is moved. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeRemoveAspectPolicy.beforeRemoveAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called before an aspect is removed from a node |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeSetNodeTypePolicy.beforeSetNodeType(NodeRef nodeRef, QName oldType, QName newType) Called before the type of a node is set explicitly. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeUpdateNodePolicy.beforeUpdateNode(NodeRef nodeRef) Called before a node is updated. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy.onAddAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called after an aspect has been added to a node |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateStorePolicy.onCreateStore(NodeRef rootNodeRef) Called when a new node store has been created. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnRemoveAspectPolicy.onRemoveAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called after an aspect has been removed from a node |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnSetNodeTypePolicy.onSetNodeType(NodeRef nodeRef, QName oldType, QName newType) Called after the type of a node is set explicitly. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdateNodePolicy.onUpdateNode(NodeRef nodeRef) Called after a new node has been created. |
abstract void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy.onUpdateProperties(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> before, Map<QName,Serializable> after) Called after a node's properties have been changed. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.nodelocator |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.nodelocator that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeLocatorService.getNode(String locatorName, NodeRef source, Map<String,Serializable> params) Locates and returns a NodeRef using the specified org.alfresco.repo.nodelocator.NodeLocator. |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.nodelocator with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeLocatorService.getNode(String locatorName, NodeRef source, Map<String,Serializable> params) Locates and returns a NodeRef using the specified org.alfresco.repo.nodelocator.NodeLocator. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.policy |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.policy that return NodeRef | |
ClassBehaviourBinding.getNodeRef() Gets the instance level node reference |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.policy with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
BehaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(NodeRef nodeRef) Disable all behaviours for a given node |
abstract void |
BehaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(NodeRef nodeRef, QName className) Disable behaviour for specific node and class |
abstract void |
BehaviourFilter.enableBehaviour(NodeRef nodeRef) Enable behaviour for a specific node |
abstract void |
BehaviourFilter.enableBehaviour(NodeRef nodeRef, QName className) Enable behaviour for specific node |
abstract void |
BehaviourFilter.enableBehaviours(NodeRef nodeRef) |
ClassPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class and Propery When multiple behaviours are bound to the policy for the class feature, an aggregate policy implementation is returned which invokes each policy in turn. |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class and Association When multiple behaviours are bound to the policy for the class feature, an aggregate policy implementation is returned which invokes each policy in turn. |
ClassPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames) Gets the policy implementation for the given classes. |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Association |
ClassPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName propertyQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class and Association |
ClassPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the given classes |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Properties |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Associations |
abstract boolean |
BehaviourFilter.isEnabled(NodeRef nodeRef) Determine if behaviour is enabled for a specific node. |
abstract boolean |
BehaviourFilter.isEnabled(NodeRef nodeRef, QName className) Determine if behaviour is enabled for specific node and class. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.rating |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.rating with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract Serializable |
AbstractRatingRollupAlgorithm.recalculate(NodeRef ratedNode) |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.tenant |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.tenant that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getBaseName(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getBaseName(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean forceForNonTenant) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getName(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getName(NodeRef inNodeRef, NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getRootNode(NodeService nodeService, SearchService searchService, NamespaceService namespaceService, String rootPath, NodeRef rootNodeRef) |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.tenant with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getBaseName(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getBaseName(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean forceForNonTenant) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getName(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getName(NodeRef inNodeRef, NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract QName |
TenantService.getName(NodeRef inNodeRef, QName name) |
abstract NodeRef |
TenantService.getRootNode(NodeService nodeService, SearchService searchService, NamespaceService namespaceService, String rootPath, NodeRef rootNodeRef) |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.repo.version |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.version with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
VersionServicePolicies.AfterCreateVersionPolicy.afterCreateVersion(NodeRef versionableNode, Version version) Called after the version has been created |
abstract void |
VersionServicePolicies.AfterVersionRevertPolicy.afterVersionRevert(NodeRef nodeRef, Version version) Called after the version has been reverted |
abstract void |
VersionServicePolicies.BeforeCreateVersionPolicy.beforeCreateVersion(NodeRef versionableNode) Called before a new version is created for a version |
abstract void |
VersionServicePolicies.OnCreateVersionPolicy.onCreateVersion(QName classRef, NodeRef versionableNode, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties, org.alfresco.repo.policy.PolicyScope nodeDetails) Called during the creation of the version to determine what the versioning policy for a perticular type may be. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.action |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.action that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
Action.getNodeRef() Gets the node ref that represents the saved action node. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.action with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract boolean |
ActionService.evaluateAction(Action action, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef) Evaluted the conditions set on an action. |
abstract boolean |
ActionService.evaluateActionCondition(ActionCondition condition, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef) Evaluate an action condition. |
abstract void |
ActionService.executeAction(Action action, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef) The actions conditions are always checked. |
abstract void |
ActionService.executeAction(Action action, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef, boolean checkConditions) The action is executed based on the asynchronous attribute of the action. |
abstract void |
ActionService.executeAction(Action action, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef, boolean checkConditions, boolean executeAsynchronously) Executes the specified action upon the node reference provided. |
abstract Action |
ActionService.getAction(NodeRef nodeRef, String actionId) Gets an action stored against a given node reference. |
abstract List<ActionDefinition> |
ActionService.getActionDefinitions(NodeRef nodeRef) Get all the action definitions that are applicable for the given node, based on its type and aspects. |
ActionService.getActions(NodeRef nodeRef) Gets all the actions currently saved on the given node reference. |
abstract void |
ActionService.removeAction(NodeRef nodeRef, Action action) Removes an action associated with a node reference. |
abstract void |
ActionService.removeAllActions(NodeRef nodeRef) Removes all actions associated with a node reference |
abstract void |
ActionService.saveAction(NodeRef nodeRef, Action action) Save an action against a node reference. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.activities |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.activities with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
ActivityPostService.postActivity(String activityType, String siteId, String appTool, NodeRef nodeRef) Post a pre-defined activity type - certain activity data will be looked-up asynchronously, including: name (of nodeRef) displayPath typeQName firstName (of posting user) lastName (of posting user) |
abstract void |
ActivityPostService.postActivity(String activityType, String siteId, String appTool, NodeRef nodeRef, String beforeName) Post a pre-defined activity type - eg. |
abstract void |
ActivityPostService.postActivity(String activityType, String siteId, String appTool, NodeRef nodeRef, String name, QName typeQName, NodeRef parentNodeRef) Post a pre-defined activity type - eg. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.coci |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.coci that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.cancelCheckout(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef) Cancels the checkout for a given working copy. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkin(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties) If no content url is specified then current content set on the working copy is understood to be current. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkin(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties, String contentUrl) By default the checked in node is not keep checked in. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkin(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties, String contentUrl, boolean keepCheckedOut) Checks in the working node specified. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkout(NodeRef nodeRef) Checks out the working copy of the node into the same parent node with the same child associations details. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkout(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef destinationParentNodeRef, QName destinationAssocTypeQName, QName destinationAssocQName) Checks out the given node placing a working copy in the destination specified. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.getCheckedOut(NodeRef nodeRef) Helper method to retrieve the original node (check-out source) for a working copy. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.getWorkingCopy(NodeRef nodeRef) Helper method to retrieve the working copy node reference for a checked out node. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.coci with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.cancelCheckout(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef) Cancels the checkout for a given working copy. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkin(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties) If no content url is specified then current content set on the working copy is understood to be current. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkin(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties, String contentUrl) By default the checked in node is not keep checked in. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkin(NodeRef workingCopyNodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties, String contentUrl, boolean keepCheckedOut) Checks in the working node specified. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkout(NodeRef nodeRef) Checks out the working copy of the node into the same parent node with the same child associations details. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkout(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef destinationParentNodeRef, QName destinationAssocTypeQName, QName destinationAssocQName) Checks out the given node placing a working copy in the destination specified. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.getCheckedOut(NodeRef nodeRef) Helper method to retrieve the original node (check-out source) for a working copy. |
abstract NodeRef |
CheckOutCheckInService.getWorkingCopy(NodeRef nodeRef) Helper method to retrieve the working copy node reference for a checked out node. |
abstract boolean |
CheckOutCheckInService.isCheckedOut(NodeRef nodeRef) Determine if a node has been checked out or not |
abstract boolean |
CheckOutCheckInService.isWorkingCopy(NodeRef nodeRef) Determine if a node is a working copy or not |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.lock |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.lock with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
LockService.checkForLock(NodeRef nodeRef) Checks to see if the current user has access to the specified node. |
abstract String |
LockService.getAdditionalInfo(NodeRef nodeRef) Retrieve the additional lock info associated with a node ref. |
abstract org.alfresco.repo.lock.mem.LockState |
LockService.getLockState(NodeRef nodeRef) Retrieve the lock properties for the given NodeRef. |
abstract LockStatus |
LockService.getLockStatus(NodeRef nodeRef) Gets the lock status for the node reference relative to the current user. |
abstract LockStatus |
LockService.getLockStatus(NodeRef nodeRef, String userName) Gets the lock status for the node reference for the specified user. |
abstract LockType |
LockService.getLockType(NodeRef nodeRef) Gets the lock type for the node indicated. |
abstract void |
LockService.lock(NodeRef nodeRef, LockType lockType) Places a lock on a node. |
abstract void |
LockService.lock(NodeRef nodeRef, LockType lockType, int timeToExpire) Places a persistent lock on a node. |
abstract void |
LockService.lock(NodeRef nodeRef, LockType lockType, int timeToExpire, boolean lockChildren) Places a lock on a node and optionally on all its children. |
abstract void |
LockService.lock(NodeRef nodeRef, LockType lockType, int timeToExpire, org.alfresco.repo.lock.mem.Lifetime lifetime) Places a lock on a node. |
abstract void |
LockService.lock(NodeRef nodeRef, LockType lockType, int timeToExpire, org.alfresco.repo.lock.mem.Lifetime lifetime, String additionalInfo) Places a lock on a node. |
abstract void |
LockService.unlock(NodeRef nodeRef) Removes the lock on a node; if there is no lock then nothing is done. |
abstract void |
LockService.unlock(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean lockChildren) Removes the lock on a node and optional on its children. |
abstract void |
LockService.unlock(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean lockChildren, boolean allowCheckedOut) Removes the lock on a node and optional on its children. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.lock with type arguments of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
LockService.lock(Collection<NodeRef> nodeRefs, LockType lockType, int timeToExpire) Places a lock on all the nodes referenced in the passed list. |
abstract void |
LockService.unlock(Collection<NodeRef> nodeRefs) Removes a lock on the nodes provided. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
FileInfo.getLinkNodeRef() |
abstract NodeRef |
FileFolderService.getLocalizedSibling(NodeRef nodeRef) Uses the cm:name of the given node and attempts to find a sibling node with a more specific localized name. |
abstract NodeRef |
FileInfo.getNodeRef() |
FileExistsException.getParentNodeRef() | |
abstract NodeRef |
FileFolderService.searchSimple(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String name) Get a node ref of the node that has the name within the parent node |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName) Copy a source file or folder. |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.create(NodeRef parentNodeRef, String name, QName typeQName) Create a file or folder; or any valid node of type derived from file or folder. |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.create(NodeRef parentNodeRef, String name, QName typeQName, QName assocQName) Create a file or folder; or any valid node of type derived from file or folder |
abstract void |
FileFolderService.delete(NodeRef nodeRef) Delete a file or folder |
abstract boolean |
FileFolderService.exists(NodeRef nodeRef) Check the validity of a node reference |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.getFileInfo(NodeRef nodeRef) Get the file info (name, folder, etc) for the given node |
abstract NodeRef |
FileFolderService.getLocalizedSibling(NodeRef nodeRef) Uses the cm:name of the given node and attempts to find a sibling node with a more specific localized name. |
FileFolderService.getNameOnlyPath(NodeRef rootNodeRef, NodeRef nodeRef) Get the file or folder names from the root down to and including the node provided. |
FileFolderService.getNamePath(NodeRef rootNodeRef, NodeRef nodeRef) Get the file or folder information from the root down to and including the node provided. |
abstract ContentReader |
FileFolderService.getReader(NodeRef nodeRef) Get the reader to the file represented by the node according to the File/Folder model. |
abstract ContentWriter |
FileFolderService.getWriter(NodeRef nodeRef) Get the writer to the file represented by the node according to the File/Folder model. |
abstract boolean |
FileFolderService.isHidden(NodeRef nodeRef) |
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef) Lists immediate child files and folders of the given context node. |
abstract PagingResults<FileInfo> |
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting author janv |
abstract PagingResults<FileInfo> |
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, String pattern, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with pattern matching and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting Pattern uses '*' as a wildcard |
abstract PagingResults<FileInfo> |
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef rootNodeRef, Set<QName> searchTypeQNames, Set<QName> ignoreAspectQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Lists page of immediate child objects of the given context node with specification of which types to list and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting |
FileFolderService.listDeepFolders(NodeRef contextNodeRef, SubFolderFilter filter) Deprecated. |
FileFolderService.listFiles(NodeRef contextNodeRef) Lists all immediate child files of the given context node Note: this could be a long list (and will be trimmed at a pre-configured maximum). |
FileFolderService.listFolders(NodeRef contextNodeRef) Lists all immediate child folders of the given context node Note: this could be a long list (and will be trimmed at a pre-configured maximum). |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.move(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef sourceParentRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName) Deprecated. From 3.4.2, use FileFolderService.moveFrom(NodeRef, NodeRef, NodeRef, String) or FileFolderService.move(NodeRef, NodeRef, String). See ALF-7692 |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.move(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName) Move a file or folder to a new name and/or location. |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.moveFrom(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef sourceParentRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName) Move a file or folder to a new name and/or location. |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.rename(NodeRef fileFolderRef, String newName) Rename a file or folder in its current location |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.resolveNamePath(NodeRef rootNodeRef, List<String> pathElements) Resolve a file or folder name path from a given root node down to the final node. |
abstract FileInfo |
FileFolderService.resolveNamePath(NodeRef rootNodeRef, List<String> pathElements, boolean mustExist) Resolve a file or folder name path from a given root node down to the final node. |
FileFolderService.search(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String namePattern, boolean includeSubFolders) Deprecated. for shallow search use list, listFolders, listFiles, searchSimple. For deep listing use listDeepFolders. Avoid calling this method with any name pattern except for "*". |
FileFolderService.search(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String namePattern, boolean fileSearch, boolean folderSearch, boolean includeSubFolders) Deprecated. for shallow search use list, listFolders, listFiles, searchSimple. For deep listing use listDeepFolders. Avoid calling this method with any name pattern except for "*". |
abstract NodeRef |
FileFolderService.searchSimple(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String name) Get a node ref of the node that has the name within the parent node |
abstract void |
FileFolderService.setHidden(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean isHidden) |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model with type arguments of type NodeRef | |
FileFolderService.toFileInfoList(List<NodeRef> nodeRefs) |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model with parameters of type NodeRef |
FileExistsException(NodeRef parentNodeRef, String name) |
FileNotFoundException(NodeRef nodeRef) |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rating |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rating with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
RatingService.applyRating(NodeRef targetNode, float rating, String ratingSchemeName) This method applies the given rating to the specified target node. |
abstract float |
RatingService.getAverageRating(NodeRef targetNode, String ratingSchemeName) This method returns the average (mean) rating in the specified scheme for the specified nodeRef. |
abstract org.alfresco.service.cmr.rating.Rating |
RatingService.getRatingByCurrentUser(NodeRef targetNode, String ratingSchemeName) This method gets the org.alfresco.service.cmr.rating.Rating applied by the current user to the specified node in the specified RatingScheme - if there is one. |
abstract Serializable |
RatingService.getRatingRollup(NodeRef targetNode, String ratingSchemeName, String ratingRollupName) This method returns a 'rolled up' property value for the specified targetNode. |
abstract List<org.alfresco.service.cmr.rating.Rating> |
RatingService.getRatingsByCurrentUser(NodeRef targetNode) This method gets the ratings applied by the current user to the specified node. |
abstract int |
RatingService.getRatingsCount(NodeRef targetNode, String ratingSchemeName) This method gets the number of individual ratings which have been applied to the specified node in the specified RatingScheme. |
abstract float |
RatingService.getTotalRating(NodeRef targetNode, String ratingSchemeName) This method gets the total accumulated rating score for the specified node in the specified RatingScheme. |
abstract org.alfresco.service.cmr.rating.Rating |
RatingService.removeRatingByCurrentUser(NodeRef targetNode, String ratingSchemeName) This method removes any org.alfresco.service.cmr.rating.Rating applied by the current user to the specified node in the specified RatingScheme. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
RenditionDefinition.getRenditionParent() Returns the node to which the rendition is linked when it is first created. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
RenditionService.cancelRenditions(NodeRef sourceNode) Cancels all known cancellable running renditions for the given NodeRef via the org.alfresco.service.cmr.action.ActionTrackingService. |
abstract void |
RenditionService.cancelRenditions(NodeRef sourceNode, String type) Cancels all known cancellable running renditions for the given NodeRef and type via the org.alfresco.service.cmr.action.ActionTrackingService. |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
RenditionService.getRenditionByName(NodeRef node, QName renditionName) This method gets the rendition of the specified node identified by the provided rendition name. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
RenditionService.getRenditions(NodeRef node) This method gets all the renditions of the specified node. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
RenditionService.getRenditions(NodeRef node, String mimeTypePrefix) This method gets all the renditions of the specified node filtered by MIME-type prefix. |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
RenditionService.getSourceNode(NodeRef renditionNode) This method gets the source node for the specified rendition node. |
abstract boolean |
RenditionService.isRendition(NodeRef node) This method returns true if the specified NodeRef is a valid rendition node, else false . |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, QName renditionDefinitionQName) This method synchronously renders content as specified by the given rendition name. |
abstract void |
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, QName renditionDefinitionQName, org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition.RenderCallback callback) This method asynchronously renders content as specified by the given rendition definition name. |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, RenditionDefinition renditionDefinition) This method synchronously renders content as specified by the given RenditionDefinition. |
abstract void |
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, RenditionDefinition renditionDefinition, org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition.RenderCallback callback) This method asynchronously renders content as specified by the given RenditionDefinition. |
abstract void |
RenditionDefinition.setRenditionParent(NodeRef renditionParent) Sets the node to which the rendition is linked when it is first created. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) By default children of the source node are not copied. |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean copyChildren) Creates a copy of the given node. |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.copyAndRename(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean copyChildren) |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeService.getChildByName(NodeRef nodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, String childName) Get the node with the given name within the context of the parent node. |
ChildAssociationRef.getChildRef() | |
InvalidNodeRefException.getNodeRef() | |
AspectMissingException.getNodeRef() | |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeService.getNodeRef(Long nodeId) Get the node reference for a given node DB ID |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.getOriginal(NodeRef copiedNodeRef) Get the original for a given copied node |
ChildAssociationRef.getParentRef() | |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeService.getRootNode(StoreRef storeRef) |
TransformationOptions.getSourceNodeRef() Gets the source node reference |
AssociationRef.getSourceRef() | |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeService.getStoreArchiveNode(StoreRef storeRef) Get the node where archived items will have gone when deleted from the given store. |
TransformationOptions.getTargetNodeRef() Get the target node reference |
AssociationRef.getTargetRef() | |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeService.restoreNode(NodeRef archivedNodeRef, NodeRef destinationParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) Restore an individual node (along with its sub-tree nodes) to the target location. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository that return types with arguments of type NodeRef | |
NodeService.findNodes(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeService.FindNodeParameters params) | |
NodeService.getAllRootNodes(StoreRef storeRef) | |
CopyService.getCopies(NodeRef nodeRef) | |
NodeRef.getNodeRefs(String values) | |
NodeRef.getNodeRefs(String values, org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger) |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
NodeService.addAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName, Map<QName,Serializable> aspectProperties) Applies an aspect to the given node. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.addChild(Collection<NodeRef> parentRefs, NodeRef childRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName qname) Associates a given child node with a given collection of parents. |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
NodeService.addChild(NodeRef parentRef, NodeRef childRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName qname) Makes a parent-child association between the given nodes. |
abstract void |
NodeService.addProperties(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Add all given properties to the node. |
TemplateService.buildDefaultModel(NodeRef person, NodeRef companyHome, NodeRef userHome, NodeRef template, TemplateImageResolver imageResolver) Helper method to build a default model |
abstract void |
CopyService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef destinationNodeRef) Copies the state of one node on top of another. |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) By default children of the source node are not copied. |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean copyChildren) Creates a copy of the given node. |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.copyAndRename(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean copyChildren) |
abstract int |
NodeService.countChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean isPrimary) Counts the number of child associations of nodeRef. |
abstract AssociationRef |
NodeService.createAssociation(NodeRef sourceRef, NodeRef targetRef, QName assocTypeQName) Create a peer association between two nodes. |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
NodeService.createNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName) |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
NodeService.createNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Creates a new, non-abstract, real node as a primary child of the given parent node. |
abstract void |
NodeService.deleteNode(NodeRef nodeRef) Deletes the given node. |
abstract boolean |
NodeService.exists(NodeRef nodeRef) |
NodeService.getAspects(NodeRef nodeRef) | |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef) Get all child associations of the given node. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern) Gets all child associations where the pattern of the association qualified name is a match. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern, boolean preload) Gets all child associations where the pattern of the association qualified names match the patterns provided. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern, int maxResults, boolean preload) Gets all child associations where the pattern of the association qualified name is an exact match. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> childNodeTypeQNames) Retrieve immediate children of a given node where the child nodes are in the given inclusive list. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildAssocsByPropertyValue(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, Serializable value) Retrieve the immediate children of a given node based on the value of a property of those children. |
abstract Collection<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildAssocsWithoutParentAssocsOfType(NodeRef parent, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the set of child associations of a certain parent node without parent associations of a certain type to other nodes with the same parent! In effect the 'orphans' with respect to a certain association type. |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeService.getChildByName(NodeRef nodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, String childName) Get the node with the given name within the context of the parent node. |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getChildrenByName(NodeRef nodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, Collection<String> childNames) Get the nodes with the given names within the context of the parent node. |
CopyService.getCopies(NodeRef nodeRef) | |
abstract PagingResults<org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.CopyService.CopyInfo> |
CopyService.getCopies(NodeRef originalNodeRef, NodeRef copyParentNodeRef, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Get the copies of a given node |
abstract PagingResults<org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.CopyService.CopyInfo> |
CopyService.getCopies(NodeRef originalNodeRef, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Get the copies of a given node |
abstract Long |
NodeService.getNodeAclId(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef.Status |
NodeService.getNodeStatus(NodeRef nodeRef) Gets the ID of the last transaction that caused the node to change. |
abstract NodeRef |
CopyService.getOriginal(NodeRef copiedNodeRef) Get the original for a given copied node |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getParentAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.getParentAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern) Gets all parent associations where the pattern of the association qualified name is a match |
abstract Path |
NodeService.getPath(NodeRef nodeRef) The root node has an entry in the path(s) returned. |
NodeService.getPaths(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean primaryOnly) The root node has an entry in the path(s) returned. |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
NodeService.getPrimaryParent(NodeRef nodeRef) Fetches the primary parent-child relationship. |
abstract Map<QName,Serializable> |
NodeService.getProperties(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract Serializable |
NodeService.getProperty(NodeRef nodeRef, QName qname) |
abstract ContentReader |
ContentService.getReader(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName) Gets a reader for the content associated with the given node property. |
abstract List<AssociationRef> |
NodeService.getSourceAssocs(NodeRef targetRef, QNamePattern qnamePattern) Fetches all associations to the given target where the associations' qualified names match the pattern provided. |
abstract List<AssociationRef> |
NodeService.getTargetAssocs(NodeRef sourceRef, QNamePattern qnamePattern) Fetches all associations from the given source where the associations' qualified names match the pattern provided. |
abstract List<AssociationRef> |
NodeService.getTargetAssocsByPropertyValue(NodeRef sourceRef, QNamePattern qnamePattern, QName propertyQName, Serializable propertyValue) Fetches all associations from the given source where the associations' qualified names match the pattern provided. |
abstract String |
CopyService.getTopLevelNodeNewName(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) Determines if top-level node name will be changed during copy according to policies. |
abstract QName |
NodeService.getType(NodeRef nodeRef) |
abstract ContentWriter |
ContentService.getWriter(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, boolean update) Get a content writer for the given node property, choosing to optionally have the node property updated automatically when the content stream closes. |
abstract boolean |
NodeService.hasAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Determines if a given aspect is present on a node. |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
NodeService.moveNode(NodeRef nodeToMoveRef, NodeRef newParentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) Moves the primary location of the given node. |
abstract void |
NodeService.removeAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Remove an aspect and all related properties from a node |
abstract void |
NodeService.removeAssociation(NodeRef sourceRef, NodeRef targetRef, QName assocTypeQName) |
abstract void |
NodeService.removeChild(NodeRef parentRef, NodeRef childRef) Severs all parent-child relationships between two nodes. |
abstract void |
NodeService.removeProperty(NodeRef nodeRef, QName qname) Removes a property value completely. |
abstract NodeRef |
NodeService.restoreNode(NodeRef archivedNodeRef, NodeRef destinationParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) Restore an individual node (along with its sub-tree nodes) to the target location. |
abstract void |
NodeService.setAssociations(NodeRef sourceRef, QName assocTypeQName, List<NodeRef> targetRefs) Re-assign all typed target associations for a given node. |
abstract void |
NodeService.setProperties(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Replace all current properties on the node with the given properties. |
abstract void |
NodeService.setProperty(NodeRef nodeRef, QName qname, Serializable value) Sets the value of a property to be any Serializable instance. |
void |
TransformationOptions.setSourceNodeRef(NodeRef sourceNodeRef) Set the source node reference |
void |
TransformationOptions.setTargetNodeRef(NodeRef targetNodeRef) Set the taget node reference |
abstract void |
NodeService.setType(NodeRef nodeRef, QName typeQName) Re-sets the type of the node. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with type arguments of type NodeRef | |
abstract List<ChildAssociationRef> |
NodeService.addChild(Collection<NodeRef> parentRefs, NodeRef childRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName qname) Associates a given child node with a given collection of parents. |
abstract void |
NodeService.setAssociations(NodeRef sourceRef, QName assocTypeQName, List<NodeRef> targetRefs) Re-assign all typed target associations for a given node. |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with parameters of type NodeRef |
AspectMissingException(QName missingAspect, NodeRef nodeRef) Constructor |
AssociationRef(Long id, NodeRef sourceRef, QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef targetRef) Construct a representation of a source --- name ----> target relationship. |
AssociationRef(NodeRef sourceRef, QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef targetRef) Construct a representation of a source --- name ----> target relationship. |
ChildAssociationRef(QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef parentRef, QName childQName, NodeRef childRef) Constructs a non-primary, -1th sibling parent-child association reference. |
ChildAssociationRef(QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef parentRef, QName childQName, NodeRef childRef, boolean isPrimary, int nthSibling) Construct a representation of a parent --- name ----> child relationship. |
InvalidNodeRefException(NodeRef nodeRef) |
InvalidNodeRefException(String msg, NodeRef nodeRef) |
InvalidNodeRefException(String msg, NodeRef nodeRef, Throwable cause) |
TransformationOptions(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, QName sourceContentProperty, NodeRef targetNodeRef, QName targetContentProperty) Constructor |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
CategoryService.createCategory(NodeRef parent, String name) Create a new category. |
abstract NodeRef |
CategoryService.createClassification(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String attributeName) Create a new category. |
abstract NodeRef |
CategoryService.createRootCategory(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String name) Create a new root category in the given classification |
abstract NodeRef |
ResultSetRow.getNodeRef() The reference to the node that equates to this row in the result set |
abstract NodeRef |
ResultSetSPI.getNodeRef(int n) Get the id of the node at the given index (if there is only one selector or no selector) |
abstract NodeRef |
ResultSetRow.getNodeRef(String selectorName) Gets the node ref related to the named selector |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search that return types with arguments of type NodeRef | |
ResultSetSPI.getNodeRefs() Get a list of all the node refs in the result set (if there is only one selector or no selector) |
ResultSetRow.getNodeRefs() Gets the node refs |
CategoryService.getTopCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, int count) Get the most polular categories |
SearchService.selectNodes(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String xpath, QueryParameterDefinition[] parameters, NamespacePrefixResolver namespacePrefixResolver, boolean followAllParentLinks) Select nodes using an xpath expression. |
SearchService.selectNodes(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String xpath, QueryParameterDefinition[] parameters, NamespacePrefixResolver namespacePrefixResolver, boolean followAllParentLinks, String language) Select nodes using an xpath expression. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract boolean |
SearchService.contains(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, String googleLikePattern) Search for string pattern in both the node text (if present) and node properties |
abstract boolean |
SearchService.contains(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, String googleLikePattern, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.SearchParameters.Operator defaultOperator) Search for string pattern in both the node text (if present) and node properties |
abstract NodeRef |
CategoryService.createCategory(NodeRef parent, String name) Create a new category. |
abstract void |
CategoryService.deleteCategory(NodeRef nodeRef) Delete a category |
abstract ChildAssociationRef |
CategoryService.getCategory(NodeRef parent, QName aspectName, String name) Looks up a category by name under its immediate parent. |
abstract Collection<ChildAssociationRef> |
CategoryService.getChildren(NodeRef categoryRef, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.CategoryService.Mode mode, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.CategoryService.Depth depth) Get the children of a given category node |
abstract boolean |
SearchService.like(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, String sqlLikePattern, boolean includeFTS) Search for string pattern in both the node text (if present) and node properties |
SearchService.selectNodes(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String xpath, QueryParameterDefinition[] parameters, NamespacePrefixResolver namespacePrefixResolver, boolean followAllParentLinks) Select nodes using an xpath expression. |
SearchService.selectNodes(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String xpath, QueryParameterDefinition[] parameters, NamespacePrefixResolver namespacePrefixResolver, boolean followAllParentLinks, String language) Select nodes using an xpath expression. |
abstract List<Serializable> |
SearchService.selectProperties(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String xpath, QueryParameterDefinition[] parameters, NamespacePrefixResolver namespacePrefixResolver, boolean followAllParentLinks) Select properties using an xpath expression |
abstract List<Serializable> |
SearchService.selectProperties(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String xpath, QueryParameterDefinition[] parameters, NamespacePrefixResolver namespacePrefixResolver, boolean followAllParentLinks, String language) Select properties using an xpath expression |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
PersonService.createPerson(Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Create a new person with the given properties. |
abstract NodeRef |
PersonService.createPerson(Map<QName,Serializable> properties, Set<String> zones) Create a new person with the given properties, recording them against the given zone name (usually identifying an external user registry from which the details were obtained). |
abstract NodeRef |
AuthorityService.getAuthorityNodeRef(String name) Gets the authority node for the specified name |
PersonService.PersonInfo.getNodeRef() | |
abstract NodeRef |
AuthorityService.getOrCreateZone(String zoneName) Gets or creates an authority zone node with the specified name |
abstract NodeRef |
PersonService.getPeopleContainer() Return the container that stores people. |
abstract NodeRef |
PersonService.getPerson(String userName) Get a person by userName. |
abstract NodeRef |
PersonService.getPerson(String userName, boolean autoCreateHomeFolderAndMissingPersonIfAllowed) Retrieve the person NodeRef for a username, optionally creating the home folder if it does not exist and optionally creating the person if they don't exist AND the PersonService is configured to allow the creation of missing persons PersonService.setCreateMissingPeople(boolean). |
abstract NodeRef |
PersonService.getPersonOrNull(String userName) Get a person by userName. |
abstract NodeRef |
AuthorityService.getZone(String zoneName) Gets an authority zone node with the specified name |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security that return types with arguments of type NodeRef | |
PersonService.getAllPeople() | |
PersonService.getPeopleFilteredByProperty(QName propertyKey, Serializable propertyValue, int count) Get people filtered by the given property name/value pair. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
PermissionService.clearPermission(NodeRef nodeRef, String authority) Delete all permission for the given authority. |
abstract void |
PermissionService.deletePermission(NodeRef nodeRef, String authority, String permission) Find and delete a access control entry by node, authentication and permission. |
abstract void |
PermissionService.deletePermissions(NodeRef nodeRef) Delete all the permission assigned to the node |
abstract void |
PersonService.deletePerson(NodeRef personRef) Delete the person identified by the given ref. |
abstract void |
PersonService.deletePerson(NodeRef personRef, boolean deleteAuthentication) Delete the person identified by the given ref, and optionally delete the associated authentication, if one. |
abstract Set<AccessPermission> |
PermissionService.getAllSetPermissions(NodeRef nodeRef) Get all the AccessPermissions that are set for anyone for the given node |
abstract boolean |
PermissionService.getInheritParentPermissions(NodeRef nodeRef) Return the global inheritance behaviour for permissions on a node. |
abstract Set<AccessPermission> |
PermissionService.getPermissions(NodeRef nodeRef) Get all the AccessPermissions that are granted/denied to the current authentication for the given node |
abstract PersonService.PersonInfo |
PersonService.getPerson(NodeRef personRef) Retrieve the person info for an existing person NodeRef |
PermissionService.getSettablePermissions(NodeRef nodeRef) Get the permissions that can be set for a given node |
abstract AccessStatus |
PermissionService.hasPermission(NodeRef nodeRef, String permission) Check that the given authentication has a particular permission for the given node. |
abstract AccessStatus |
PermissionService.hasReadPermission(NodeRef nodeRef) Check if read permission is allowed on an acl (optimised) caveats: doesn't take into account dynamic authorities/groups doesn't take into account node types/aspects for permissions |
abstract void |
PermissionService.setInheritParentPermissions(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean inheritParentPermissions) Set the global inheritance behaviour for permissions on a node. |
abstract void |
PermissionService.setInheritParentPermissions(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean inheritParentPermissions, boolean asyncCall) Set the global inheritance behavior for permissions on a node. |
abstract void |
PermissionService.setPermission(NodeRef nodeRef, String authority, String permission, boolean allow) Set a specific permission on a node. |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security with parameters of type NodeRef |
PersonInfo(NodeRef nodeRef, String userName, String firstName, String lastName) |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
SiteService.createContainer(String shortName, String componentId, QName containerType, Map<QName,Serializable> containerProperties) Creates a container for a component is a site of the given container type (must be a sub-type of st:siteContainer) |
abstract NodeRef |
SiteService.getContainer(String shortName, String componentId) Gets the "container" folder for the specified component. |
abstract NodeRef |
SiteInfo.getNodeRef() Get the site node reference |
abstract NodeRef |
SiteService.getSiteRoot() Gets the reference to the folder that is the Site root node. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract void |
SiteService.cleanSitePermissions(NodeRef relocatedNode, SiteInfo containingSite) This method cleans the permissions on the specified node. |
abstract SiteInfo |
SiteService.getSite(NodeRef nodeRef) This method gets the SiteInfo for the Share Site which contains the given NodeRef. |
abstract String |
SiteService.getSiteShortName(NodeRef nodeRef) This method gets the shortName for the Share Site which contains the given NodeRef. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
TaggingService.addTag(NodeRef nodeRef, String tag) Add a tag to a node. |
abstract NodeRef |
TaggingService.changeTag(StoreRef storeRef, String existingTag, String newTag) |
abstract NodeRef |
TaggingService.createTag(StoreRef storeRef, String tag) Create a new tag |
abstract NodeRef |
TaggingService.getTagNodeRef(StoreRef storeRef, String tag) Gets the node reference for a given tag. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging that return types with arguments of type NodeRef | |
TaggingService.addTags(NodeRef nodeRef, List<String> tags) Adds a list of tags to a node. |
TaggingService.findTaggedNodes(StoreRef storeRef, String tag) Find all nodes that have been tagged with the specified tag. |
TaggingService.findTaggedNodes(StoreRef storeRef, String tag, NodeRef nodeRef) Find all nodes that have been tagged with the specified tag and reside within the context of the node reference provided. |
abstract PagingResults<Pair<NodeRef,String>> |
TaggingService.getTags(NodeRef nodeRef, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Get a paged list of all the tags on a node |
abstract PagingResults<Pair<NodeRef,String>> |
TaggingService.getTags(StoreRef storeRef, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Get a paged list of all the tags currently available |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
TaggingService.addTag(NodeRef nodeRef, String tag) Add a tag to a node. |
TaggingService.addTags(NodeRef nodeRef, List<String> tags) Adds a list of tags to a node. |
abstract void |
TaggingService.addTagScope(NodeRef nodeRef) Adds a tag scope to the specified node |
abstract void |
TaggingService.clearTags(NodeRef nodeRef) Clears all tags from an already tagged node. |
abstract List<org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging.TagScope> |
TaggingService.findAllTagScopes(NodeRef nodeRef) Finds all the tag scopes for the specified node. |
TaggingService.findTaggedNodes(StoreRef storeRef, String tag, NodeRef nodeRef) Find all nodes that have been tagged with the specified tag and reside within the context of the node reference provided. |
abstract org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging.TagScope |
TaggingService.findTagScope(NodeRef nodeRef) Finds the 'nearest' tag scope for the specified node. |
abstract String |
TaggingService.getTagName(NodeRef nodeRef) |
TaggingService.getTags(NodeRef nodeRef) Get all the tags on a node |
abstract PagingResults<Pair<NodeRef,String>> |
TaggingService.getTags(NodeRef nodeRef, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Get a paged list of all the tags on a node |
abstract boolean |
TaggingService.hasTag(NodeRef nodeRef, String tag) Indicates whether a node has the specified tag or not. |
abstract boolean |
TaggingService.isTagScope(NodeRef nodeRef) Indicates whether the node reference is a tag scope |
abstract void |
TaggingService.refreshTagScope(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean async) Refreshes the tag count of the passed tag scope by recounting all the tags of the children of the scope. |
abstract void |
TaggingService.removeTag(NodeRef nodeRef, String tag) Remove a tag from a node. |
abstract void |
TaggingService.removeTags(NodeRef nodeRef, List<String> tags) Removes a list of tags from a node. |
abstract void |
TaggingService.removeTagScope(NodeRef nodeRef) Removes a tag scope from a specified node. |
abstract void |
TaggingService.setTags(NodeRef nodeRef, List<String> tags) Sets the list of tags that are applied to a node, replaces any existing tags with those provided. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.version |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.version that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
Version.getFrozenStateNodeRef() Gets the reference to the node that contains the frozen state of the version. |
abstract NodeRef |
Version.getVersionedNodeRef() Gets a reference to the node that this version was created from. |
abstract NodeRef |
VersionService.restore(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef parentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) By default a deep restore is performed. |
abstract NodeRef |
VersionService.restore(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef parentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean deep) Restores a node not currently present in the store, but that has a version history. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.version with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract Version |
VersionService.createVersion(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties) Creates a new version based on the referenced node. |
abstract Collection<Version> |
VersionService.createVersion(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties, boolean versionChildren) Creates a new version based on the referenced node. |
abstract void |
VersionService.deleteVersion(NodeRef nodeRef, Version version) Delete a specific version associated with a node reference. |
abstract void |
VersionService.deleteVersionHistory(NodeRef nodeRef) Delete the version history associated with a node reference. |
abstract void |
VersionService.ensureVersioningEnabled(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> versionProperties) Ensures that a node has the versionable aspect applied to it, and has at least an initial entry in the version store. |
abstract Version |
VersionService.getCurrentVersion(NodeRef nodeRef) Gets the version object for the current version of the node reference passed. |
abstract VersionHistory |
VersionService.getVersionHistory(NodeRef nodeRef) Gets the version history information for a node. |
abstract boolean |
VersionService.isAVersion(NodeRef nodeRef) Is the nodeRef a version node? |
abstract boolean |
VersionService.isVersioned(NodeRef nodeRef) Is the nodeRef versioned? |
abstract NodeRef |
VersionService.restore(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef parentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) By default a deep restore is performed. |
abstract NodeRef |
VersionService.restore(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef parentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean deep) Restores a node not currently present in the store, but that has a version history. |
abstract void |
VersionService.revert(NodeRef nodeRef) Revert the state of the node to the current version. |
abstract void |
VersionService.revert(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean deep) Revert the state of the node to the current version. |
abstract void |
VersionService.revert(NodeRef nodeRef, Version version) Revert the state of the node to the specified version. |
abstract void |
VersionService.revert(NodeRef nodeRef, Version version, boolean deep) Revert the state of the node to the specified version. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.version with type arguments of type NodeRef | |
abstract Collection<Version> |
VersionService.createVersion(Collection<NodeRef> nodeRefs, Map<String,Serializable> versionProperties) Creates new versions based on the list of node references provided. |
Uses of NodeRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow |
Fields in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow declared as NodeRef | |
WorkflowInstance.context Deprecated. |
WorkflowInstance.initiator Deprecated. |
WorkflowInstance.workflowPackage Deprecated. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow that return NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
WorkflowService.createPackage(NodeRef container) Create a Workflow Package (a container of content to route through the Workflow). |
WorkflowInstance.getContext() | |
WorkflowInstance.getInitiator() | |
WorkflowInstance.getWorkflowPackage() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow that return types with arguments of type NodeRef | |
WorkflowService.getPackageContents(NodeRef packageRef) Get a list of node refs to all the package contents. |
WorkflowService.getPackageContents(String taskId) Get a list of node refs to all the package contents for the given task id. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow with parameters of type NodeRef | |
abstract NodeRef |
WorkflowService.createPackage(NodeRef container) Create a Workflow Package (a container of content to route through the Workflow). |
abstract WorkflowDeployment |
WorkflowService.deployDefinition(NodeRef workflowDefinition) Deploy a Workflow Definition to the Alfresco Repository Note: The specified content object must be of type bpm:workflowdefinition. |
WorkflowService.getPackageContents(NodeRef packageRef) Get a list of node refs to all the package contents. |
abstract List<WorkflowInstance> |
WorkflowService.getWorkflowsForContent(NodeRef packageItem, boolean active) Gets the Workflows that act upon the specified Repository content. |
abstract boolean |
WorkflowService.isDefinitionDeployed(NodeRef workflowDefinition) Is the specified Workflow Definition already deployed? Note: the notion of "already deployed" may differ between bpm engines. |
abstract WorkflowPath |
WorkflowService.startWorkflowFromTemplate(NodeRef templateDefinition) Start a Workflow Instance from an existing "Start Task" template node held in the Repository. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow with type arguments of type NodeRef | |
abstract WorkflowTask |
WorkflowService.updateTask(String taskId, Map<QName,Serializable> properties, Map<QName,List<NodeRef>> add, Map<QName,List<NodeRef>> remove) Update the Properties and Associations of a Task |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow with parameters of type NodeRef |
WorkflowInstance(String id, WorkflowDefinition definition, String description, NodeRef initiator, NodeRef workflowPackage, NodeRef context, boolean active, Date startDate, Date endDate) |