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Package org.alfresco.repo.policy
Interface Summary
AssociationPolicy Marker interface for representing an Association-level Policy.
Behaviour A Behaviour represents an encapsulated piece of logic (system or business) that may be bound to a Policy.
BehaviourBinding A Behaviour Binding represents the way in which a Behaviour is bound to a Policy i.e.
BehaviourDefinition<B extends BehaviourBinding> Description of a bound Behaviour.
BehaviourFilter Contract disabling and enabling policy behaviours.
BehaviourIndex<B extends BehaviourBinding> Index of Bound Behaviours.
ClassPolicy Marker interface for representing an Class-level Policy.
Policy Marker interface for representing a Policy.
PolicyComponent Policy Component for managing Policies and Behaviours.
PolicyDefinition<P extends Policy> Definition of a Policy
PropertyPolicy Marker interface for representing a Property-level Policy.
Class Summary
AssociationPolicyDelegate<P extends AssociationPolicy> Delegate for a Class Feature-level (Property and Association) Policies.
BaseBehaviour Base behaviour implementation
CachedPolicyFactory<B extends BehaviourBinding,P extends Policy> Policy Factory with caching support.
ClassBehaviourBinding Behaviour binding to a Class (Type or Aspect) in the Content Model.
ClassFeatureBehaviourBinding Behaviour binding to a Class (Type or Aspect) in the Content Model.
ClassPolicyDelegate<P extends ClassPolicy> Delegate for a Class-level Policy.
JavaBehaviour Java based Behaviour.
PropertyPolicyDelegate<P extends PropertyPolicy> Delegate for a Class Feature-level (Property and Association) Policies.
ServiceBehaviourBinding Behaviour binding to a Service.
Enum Summary
Behaviour.NotificationFrequency When should behaviour be notified?
PolicyType Type of Policy.
Exception Summary
PolicyException Base Policy Exception.

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