This service API is designed to support the public facing Site APIs
Field Summary | ||
Method Summary | ||
boolean |
canAddMember(String shortName, String authorityName, String role) Can the current user add the authority "authorityName" to the site "shortName" with role "role"? |
void |
cleanSitePermissions(NodeRef relocatedNode, SiteInfo containingSite) This method cleans the permissions on the specified node. |
int |
countAuthoritiesWithRole(String shortName, String role) | |
createContainer(String shortName, String componentId, QName containerType, Map<QName,Serializable> containerProperties) Creates a container for a component is a site of the given container type (must be a sub-type of st:siteContainer) |
createSite(String sitePreset, String shortName, String title, String description, boolean isPublic) Deprecated. since version 3.2, replaced by createSite(String, String, String, String, SiteVisibility) |
createSite(String sitePreset, String shortName, String title, String description, SiteVisibility visibility) Create a new site. |
createSite(String sitePreset, String shortName, String title, String description, SiteVisibility visibility, QName siteType) Create a new site. |
void |
deleteSite(String shortName) Delete the site. |
findSites(String filter, int size) This method will find all sites available to the currently authenticated user based on the specified site filter and result set size. |
findSites(String filter, String sitePresetFilter, int size) This method will find all sites available to the currently authenticated user based on the specified site filter, site preset filter and result set size. |
getContainer(String shortName, String componentId) Gets the "container" folder for the specified component. |
getMembersRole(String shortName, String authorityName) | ||
getMembersRoleInfo(String shortName, String authorityName) Gets the extended role information of the specified user. |
getSite(NodeRef nodeRef) This method gets the SiteInfo for the Share Site which contains the given NodeRef. |
getSite(String shortName) Gets site information based on the short name of a site. |
getSiteGroup(String shortName) Gets the sites group. |
getSiteRoleGroup(String shortName, String role) Gets the sites role group. |
getSiteRoles() Gets a list of all the currently available roles that a user can perform on all sites |
getSiteRoles(String shortName) Gets a list of all the currently available roles that a user can perform on a specific site. |
getSiteRoot() Gets the reference to the folder that is the Site root node. |
getSiteShortName(NodeRef nodeRef) This method gets the shortName for the Share Site which contains the given NodeRef. |
boolean |
hasContainer(String shortName, String componentId) Determines if a "container" folder for the specified component exists. |
boolean |
hasCreateSitePermissions() This method checks if the currently authenticated user has permission to create sites. |
boolean |
hasSite(String shortName) Returns true if the site exists. |
boolean |
isMember(String shortName, String authorityName) Indicates whether an authority is a member of a site or not |
boolean |
isSiteAdmin(String userName) Indicates whether the specified user is a site administrator or not. |
listContainers(String shortName, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Returns a paged list of top level containers for the site |
void |
listMembers(String shortName, String nameFilter, String roleFilter, boolean collapseGroups, org.alfresco.service.cmr.site.SiteService.SiteMembersCallback callback) List the members of the site. |
listMembers(String shortName, String nameFilter, String roleFilter, int size) List the members of the site. |
listMembers(String shortName, String nameFilter, String roleFilter, int size, boolean collapseGroups) List the members of the site. |
listMembersInfo(String shortName, String nameFilter, String roleFilter, int size, boolean collapseGroups) List the members of the site. |
PagingResults<org.alfresco.repo.site.SiteMembership> |
listMembersPaged(String shortName, boolean collapseGroups, List<Pair<org.alfresco.service.cmr.site.SiteService.SortFields,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Gets the role of the specified user. |
List<org.alfresco.repo.site.SiteMembership> |
listSiteMemberships(String userName, int size) Lists all the memberships in sites that the specified user is in. |
listSites(List<org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterProp> filterProps, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) This method returns paged result sets of SiteInfo objects, which should be more efficient than the unpaged methods also available on this interface. |
listSites(String userName) List all the sites that the specified user has a explicit membership to. |
listSites(String userName, int size) List all the sites that the specified user has a explicit membership to. |
listSites(String filter, String sitePresetFilter) List the available sites. |
listSites(String filter, String sitePresetFilter, int size) List the available sites. |
PagingResults<org.alfresco.repo.site.SiteMembership> |
listSitesPaged(String userName, List<Pair<org.alfresco.service.cmr.site.SiteService.SortFields,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) List all the sites that the specified user has a explicit membership to. |
void |
removeMembership(String shortName, String authorityName) Clears an authorities role within a site |
resolveSite(String group) | ||
void |
setMembership(String shortName, String authorityName, String role) Sets the role of an authority within a site |
void |
updateSite(SiteInfo siteInfo) Update the site information. |
if current user can create sites, else false
.Returns null if the site can not be found.
is returned.null
if node is not in a site.null
is returned.null
if node is not in a site.Note that the short name and site preset of a site can not be updated once the site has been created.
Name and role filters are optional and if not specified all the members of the site are returned.
Name and role filters are optional and if not specified all the members of the site are returned.
If no container type is specified then a node of type st:siteContainer is created.
The map of container properties are set on the created container node. Null can be provided when no properties need to be set.
Note: The super/repo admin is considered to be a site administrator too.