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Package org.alfresco.repo.content.transform
Interface Summary
ContentTransformer Interface for class that allow content transformation from one mimetype to another.
ContentTransformerWorker An interface that allows separation between the content transformer registry and the various third party subsystems performing the transformation.
TransformerConfig Provides access to transformer configuration and current performance data.
TransformerSelector Selects a transformer from a supplied list of transformers that appear able to handle a given transformation.
TransformerStatistics Interface to obtain the configuration and performance data for every source, target and transformer combination.
Class Summary
AbstractContentTransformer2 Provides basic services for ContentTransformer implementations.
AbstractContentTransformerLimits Provides transformation limits for ContentTransformer implementations.
ComplexContentTransformer Transformer that passes a document through several nested transformations in order to accomplish its goal.
ContentTransformerHelper A class providing basic functionality shared by both ContentTransformers and ContentTransformerWorkers.
ContentTransformerRegistry Holds and provides the most appropriate content transformer for a particular source and target mimetype transformation request.
FailoverContentTransformer This class is a transformer which contains a fixed sequence of delegate transformers.
ProxyContentTransformer Makes use of a ContentTransformerWorker to perform conversions.
RuntimeExecutableContentTransformerWorker This configurable wrapper is able to execute any command line transformation that accepts an input and an output file on the command line.
TransformerDebug Debugs transformers selection and activity.
TransformerLog Implementation of a org.apache.commons.logging.Log that logs messages to a structure accessible via TransformerConfigMBean.getTransformationLog(int).
Exception Summary
UnsupportedTransformationException Exception indicates that a transformer is unable to transform a requested transformation.

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