Uses of QName in org.alfresco.model |
Fields in org.alfresco.model declared as QName | |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_AUTHOR |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_HIDDEN |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_PENDING_DELETE Aspects marking nodes that are pending deletion. |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_ROOT |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_THUMBNAILED Deprecated. |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_TITLED |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_UNDELETABLE Aspect for nodes which are by default not deletable. |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASPECT_UNMOVABLE Aspect for nodes which are by default not movable. |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASSOC_AVATAR |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN child association type supported by ContentModel.TYPE_CONTAINER |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS child association type supported by ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASSOC_IN_ZONE |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASSOC_MEMBER |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASSOC_RATINGS |
static QName |
static QName |
RenditionModel.ASSOC_RENDITION |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.ASSOC_THUMBNAILS Deprecated. |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_ACCESSED |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_AUTHOR |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_COUNTER |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_CREATED |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_CREATOR |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_EMAIL |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_ENABLED |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_HITS |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_IS_INDEXED |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_JOBTITLE |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_LATITUDE |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_LOCALE |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_LOCATION |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_LOCK_OWNER |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_LOCK_TYPE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_MOBILE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_MODEL_NAME |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIED |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIER |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_NAME |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_NODE_DBID |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_NODE_REF |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_NODE_UUID |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_ORGID |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_OWNER |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_PASSWORD |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_PASSWORD_SHA256 |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_RATED_AT |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_SALT |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_SENTDATE |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_SIZE_QUOTA |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_SKYPE |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_STORE_NAME |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_SUBJECT |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_SYS_NAME |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_TAGS |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_TEMPLATE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_TITLE |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_UPDATED |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.PROP_USERNAME |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_BASE |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_CATEGORY |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_CMOBJECT |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_DELETED |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER |
static QName |
ForumModel.TYPE_FORUM |
static QName |
ForumModel.TYPE_FORUMS |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_LINK |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_PERSON |
static QName |
ForumModel.TYPE_POST |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_RATING |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ForumModel.TYPE_TOPIC |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_USER |
static QName |
ContentModel.TYPE_ZONE |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.content |
Fields in org.alfresco.repo.content declared as QName | |
static QName |
ContentServicePolicies.OnContentUpdatePolicy.QNAME |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata that return types with arguments of type QName | |
MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy.applyProperties(Map<QName,Serializable> extractedProperties, Map<QName,Serializable> targetProperties) Apply the overwrite policy for the extracted properties. |
MetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
MetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
MetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination, Map<String,Set<QName>> mapping) Extracts the metadata from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination, Map<String,Set<QName>> mapping) Extracts the metadata from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.getDefaultEmbedMapping() This method provides a best guess of what model properties should be embedded in content. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.getDefaultMapping() This method provides a best guess of where to store the values extracted from the documents. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.getEmbedMapping() Helper method for derived classes to obtain the embed mappings. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.getMapping() Helper method for derived classes to obtain the mappings that will be applied to raw values. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.readEmbedMappingProperties(Properties mappingProperties) A utility method to convert mapping properties to the Map form. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.readEmbedMappingProperties(String propertiesUrl) A utility method to read embed mapping properties from a resource file and convert to the map form. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.readGlobalEmbedMappingProperties() A utility method to convert global mapping properties to the Map form. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.readGlobalExtractMappingProperties() A utility method to convert global properties to the Map form for the given propertyComponent. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.readMappingProperties(Properties mappingProperties) A utility method to convert mapping properties to the Map form. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.readMappingProperties(String propertiesUrl) A utility method to read mapping properties from a resource file and convert to the map form. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata with type arguments of type QName | |
MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy.applyProperties(Map<QName,Serializable> extractedProperties, Map<QName,Serializable> targetProperties) Apply the overwrite policy for the extracted properties. |
void |
MetadataEmbedder.embed(Map<QName,Serializable> properties, ContentReader reader, ContentWriter writer) Embeds the given properties into the file specified by the given content writer. |
void |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.embed(Map<QName,Serializable> properties, ContentReader reader, ContentWriter writer) Embeds the given properties into the file specified by the given content writer. |
MetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
MetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination) Extracts the metadata values from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
MetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination, Map<String,Set<QName>> mapping) Extracts the metadata from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.extract(ContentReader reader, MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy overwritePolicy, Map<QName,Serializable> destination, Map<String,Set<QName>> mapping) Extracts the metadata from the content provided by the reader and source mimetype to the supplied map. |
protected void |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.filterSystemProperties(Map<QName,Serializable> systemProperties, Map<QName,Serializable> targetProperties) Filters the system properties that are going to be applied. |
void |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.setEmbedMapping(Map<QName,Set<String>> embedMapping) Set the embed mapping from document metadata to system metadata. |
void |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter.setMapping(Map<String,Set<QName>> mapping) Set the mapping from document metadata to system metadata. |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.copy |
Fields in org.alfresco.repo.copy declared as QName | |
static QName |
CopyServicePolicies.BeforeCopyPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
CopyServicePolicies.OnCopyCompletePolicy.QNAME |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.copy with parameters of type QName | |
void |
CopyServicePolicies.BeforeCopyPolicy.beforeCopy(QName classRef, NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetNodeRef) |
void |
CopyServicePolicies.OnCopyCompletePolicy.onCopyComplete(QName classRef, NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetNodeRef, boolean copyToNewNode, Map<NodeRef> copyMap) |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.lock |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.lock with parameters of type QName | |
JobLockService.getLock(QName lockQName, long timeToLive) Take a manually-managed lock. |
JobLockService.getLock(QName lockQName, long timeToLive, JobLockService.JobLockRefreshCallback callback) Take a manually-managed lock and provide a callback to refresh it periodically. |
JobLockService.getLock(QName lockQName, long timeToLive, long retryWait, int retryCount) Take a manually-managed lock. |
void |
JobLockService.getTransactionalLock(QName lockQName, long timeToLive) Take a transactionally-managed lock. |
void |
JobLockService.getTransactionalLock(QName lockQName, long timeToLive, long retryWait, int retryCount) Take a transactionally-managed lock. |
void |
JobLockService.refreshLock(String lockToken, QName lockQName, long timeToLive) Refresh the lock using a valid lock token. |
void |
JobLockService.refreshLock(String lockToken, QName lockQName, long timeToLive, JobLockService.JobLockRefreshCallback callback) Provide a callback to refresh a lock using a valid lock token, pushing responsibility for regular lock refreshing onto the service implementation code. |
void |
JobLockService.releaseLock(String lockToken, QName lockQName) Release the lock using a valid lock token. |
boolean |
JobLockService.releaseLockVerify(String lockToken, QName lockQName) Release the lock using a valid lock token. |
Constructors in org.alfresco.repo.lock with parameters of type QName |
LockAcquisitionException(QName lockQName, String lockToken) |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder |
Fields in org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder with type parameters of type QName | |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.node |
Fields in org.alfresco.repo.node declared as QName | |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeCreateStorePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateStorePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeCreateNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeMoveNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnMoveNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeUpdateNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdateNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeArchiveNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeAddAspectPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeRemoveAspectPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnRemoveAspectPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnRestoreNodePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateChildAssociationPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteChildAssociationPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteChildAssociationPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateAssociationPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteAssociationPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteAssociationPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeSetNodeTypePolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
NodeServicePolicies.OnSetNodeTypePolicy.QNAME |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.node with parameters of type QName | |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeAddAspectPolicy.beforeAddAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called before an aspect is added to a node |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeCreateNodePolicy.beforeCreateNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName) Called before a new node is created. |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeCreateStorePolicy.beforeCreateStore(QName nodeTypeQName, StoreRef storeRef) Called before a new node store is created. |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeRemoveAspectPolicy.beforeRemoveAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called before an aspect is removed from a node |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeSetNodeTypePolicy.beforeSetNodeType(NodeRef nodeRef, QName oldType, QName newType) Called before the type of a node is set explicitly. |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy.onAddAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called after an aspect has been added to a node |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnRemoveAspectPolicy.onRemoveAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Called after an aspect has been removed from a node |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnSetNodeTypePolicy.onSetNodeType(NodeRef nodeRef, QName oldType, QName newType) Called after the type of a node is set explicitly. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.repo.node with type arguments of type QName | |
void |
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy.onUpdateProperties(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> before, Map<QName,Serializable> after) Called after a node's properties have been changed. |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.policy |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.policy that return QName | |
ClassBehaviourBinding.getClassQName() Gets the class qualified name |
PolicyDefinition.getName() Gets the name of the Policy |
BehaviourDefinition.getPolicy() Gets the Policy bound to |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.policy with parameters of type QName | |
PolicyComponent.bindAssociationBehaviour(QName policy, Object service, Behaviour behaviour) Bind a Service specific behaviour to an Association-level Policy |
BehaviourDefinition<org.alfresco.repo.policy.ClassFeatureBehaviourBinding> |
PolicyComponent.bindAssociationBehaviour(QName policy, QName className, Behaviour behaviour) Bind an Association specific behaviour to an Association-level Policy (for all associations of a Class) |
BehaviourDefinition<org.alfresco.repo.policy.ClassFeatureBehaviourBinding> |
PolicyComponent.bindAssociationBehaviour(QName policy, QName className, QName assocName, Behaviour behaviour) Bind an Association specific behaviour to an Association-level Policy |
PolicyComponent.bindClassBehaviour(QName policy, Object service, Behaviour behaviour) Bind a Service behaviour to a Class-level Policy |
PolicyComponent.bindClassBehaviour(QName policy, QName className, Behaviour behaviour) Bind a Class specific behaviour to a Class-level Policy. |
PolicyComponent.bindPropertyBehaviour(QName policy, Object service, Behaviour behaviour) Bind a Service specific behaviour to a Property-level Policy |
BehaviourDefinition<org.alfresco.repo.policy.ClassFeatureBehaviourBinding> |
PolicyComponent.bindPropertyBehaviour(QName policy, QName className, Behaviour behaviour) Bind a Property specific behaviour to a Property-level Policy (for all properties of a Class) |
BehaviourDefinition<org.alfresco.repo.policy.ClassFeatureBehaviourBinding> |
PolicyComponent.bindPropertyBehaviour(QName policy, QName className, QName propertyName, Behaviour behaviour) Bind a Property specific behaviour to a Property-level Policy |
void |
BehaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(NodeRef nodeRef, QName className) Disable behaviour for specific node and class |
void |
BehaviourFilter.disableBehaviour(QName className) Disable behaviour for a type or aspect for all nodes. |
void |
BehaviourFilter.enableBehaviour(NodeRef nodeRef, QName className) Enable behaviour for specific node |
void |
BehaviourFilter.enableBehaviour(QName className) Enable behaviour for all nodes |
ClassPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class and Propery When multiple behaviours are bound to the policy for the class feature, an aggregate policy implementation is returned which invokes each policy in turn. |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class and Association When multiple behaviours are bound to the policy for the class feature, an aggregate policy implementation is returned which invokes each policy in turn. |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Association |
ClassPolicyDelegate.get(QName classQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class When multiple behaviours are bound to the policy for the class, an aggregate policy implementation is returned which invokes each policy in turn. |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(QName classQName, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class and Propery When multiple behaviours are bound to the policy for the class feature, an aggregate policy implementation is returned which invokes each policy in turn. |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(QName classQName, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy implementation for the specified Class and Association When multiple behaviours are bound to the policy for the class feature, an aggregate policy implementation is returned which invokes each policy in turn. |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Association |
ClassPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName propertyQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, QName classQName, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class and Association |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Properties |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Associations |
ClassPolicyDelegate.getList(QName classQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(QName classQName, QName propertyQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(QName classQName, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the specified Class and Association |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Properties |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Associations |
PolicyComponent.getRegisteredPolicy(PolicyType policyType, QName policy) Gets the specified registered Policy |
boolean |
BehaviourFilter.isEnabled(NodeRef nodeRef, QName className) Determine if behaviour is enabled for specific node and class. |
boolean |
BehaviourFilter.isEnabled(QName className) Determine if behaviour is enabled for a class. |
boolean |
PolicyComponent.isRegisteredPolicy(PolicyType policyType, QName policy) Determine if the specified policy has been registered |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.repo.policy with type arguments of type QName | |
ClassPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames) Gets the policy implementation for the given classes. |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Association |
ClassPolicyDelegate.get(Set<QName> classQNames) Gets the policy implementation for the given classes. |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.get(Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Property |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.get(Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets a Policy for all the given Class and Association |
ClassPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the given classes |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Properties |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Associations |
ClassPolicyDelegate.getList(Set<QName> classQNames) Gets the collection of Policy implementations for the given classes |
PropertyPolicyDelegate.getList(Set<QName> classQNames, QName propertyQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Properties |
AssociationPolicyDelegate.getList(Set<QName> classQNames, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the Policy instances for all the given Classes and Associations |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.site |
Fields in org.alfresco.repo.site declared as QName | |
static QName |
SiteModel.ASPECT_SITE_CONTAINER Site Container |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
SiteModel.TYPE_SITE |
static QName |
SiteModel.TYPE_SITES Site |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.template |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.template that return QName | |
TemplateProperties.getType() |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.template that return types with arguments of type QName | |
TemplateProperties.getAspects() |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.tenant |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.tenant that return QName | |
TenantService.getBaseName(QName name, boolean forceIfNonTenant) | |
TenantService.getName(NodeRef inNodeRef, QName name) | |
TenantService.getName(QName name) |
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.tenant with parameters of type QName | |
TenantService.getBaseName(QName name, boolean forceIfNonTenant) | |
TenantService.getName(NodeRef inNodeRef, QName name) | |
TenantService.getName(QName name) |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.version |
Fields in org.alfresco.repo.version declared as QName | |
static QName |
VersionServicePolicies.BeforeCreateVersionPolicy.QNAME |
static QName |
VersionServicePolicies.AfterCreateVersionPolicy.QNAME |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.repo.workflow |
Fields in org.alfresco.repo.workflow declared as QName | |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.ASSOC_ASSIGNEE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.ASSOC_PACKAGE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_COMMENT |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_CONTEXT |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_DUE_DATE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_OUTCOME |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_PRIORITY |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_START_DATE |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_STATUS |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.PROP_TASK_ID |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.TYPE_PACKAGE |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.TYPE_START_TASK |
static QName |
WorkflowModel.TYPE_TASK |
static QName |
static QName |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service |
Fields in org.alfresco.service declared as QName | |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.ACTION_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.AUDIT_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.BLOG_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.CALENDAR_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.CATEGORY_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.CMIS_QUERY_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.CMIS_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.COCI_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.CONTENT_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.COPY_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.EDITION_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.EXPORTER_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.FORM_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.IMAP_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.IMPORTER_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.JOB_LOCK_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.LOCK_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.MIMETYPE_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.MODULE_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.NODE_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.OWNABLE_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.PERSON_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.RATING_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.REGISTRY_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.REPO_ADMIN_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.RULE_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.SCRIPT_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.SEARCH_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.SITE_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.TAGGING_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.TEMPLATE_SERVICE |
static QName |
static QName |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.VERSION_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.WEBDAV_SERVICE |
static QName |
ServiceRegistry.WORKFLOW_SERVICE |
Methods in org.alfresco.service that return types with arguments of type QName | |
ServiceRegistry.getServices() Get the list of services provided by the Repository |
Methods in org.alfresco.service with parameters of type QName | |
ServiceRegistry.getService(QName service) Get the specified service. |
boolean |
ServiceRegistry.isServiceProvided(QName service) Is the specified service provided by the Repository? |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.action |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.action that return QName | |
ParameterDefinition.getType() Get the type of parameter |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.action that return types with arguments of type QName | |
ActionDefinition.getApplicableTypes() Gets a list of the types that this action item is applicable for |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.coci |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.coci with parameters of type QName | |
CheckOutCheckInService.checkout(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef destinationParentNodeRef, QName destinationAssocTypeQName, QName destinationAssocQName) Checks out the given node placing a working copy in the destination specified. |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary |
Fields in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary declared as QName | |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.ANY |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.ASSOC_REF |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.BOOLEAN |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.CATEGORY |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.CHILD_ASSOC_REF |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.CONTENT |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.DATE |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.DATETIME |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.DOUBLE |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.ENCRYPTED |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.FLOAT |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.INT |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.LOCALE |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.LONG |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.MLTEXT |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.NODE_REF |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.PATH |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.PERIOD |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.QNAME |
static QName |
DataTypeDefinition.TEXT |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary that return QName | |
InvalidAspectException.getAspectName() | |
InvalidTypeException.getClassName() | |
InvalidAspectException.getClassName() | |
PropertyDefinition.getName() | |
ModelDefinition.getName() | |
DataTypeDefinition.getName() | |
ConstraintDefinition.getName() | |
ClassDefinition.getName() | |
ClassAttributeDefinition.getName() | |
AssociationDefinition.getName() | |
ClassDefinition.getParentName() | |
ConstraintDefinition.getRef() | |
AssociationDefinition.getSourceRoleName() | |
AssociationDefinition.getTargetRoleName() | |
InvalidTypeException.getTypeName() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary that return types with arguments of type QName | |
DictionaryService.getAllAspects() | |
DictionaryService.getAllAspects(boolean includeInherited) | |
DictionaryService.getAllAssociations() Get all the association definitions |
DictionaryService.getAllAssociations(boolean includeInherited) | |
DictionaryService.getAllDataTypes() | |
DictionaryService.getAllModels() | |
DictionaryService.getAllProperties(QName dataType) Get all properties defined across all models with the given data type. |
DictionaryService.getAllTypes() | |
DictionaryService.getAllTypes(boolean includeInherited) | |
DictionaryService.getAspects(QName model) | |
ClassDefinition.getAssociations() Fetch all associations for which this is a source type, including child associations. |
DictionaryService.getAssociations(QName model) | |
ClassDefinition.getChildAssociations() Fetch only child associations for which this is a source type. |
DictionaryService.getDataTypes(QName model) | |
ClassDefinition.getDefaultAspectNames() | |
ClassDefinition.getDefaultValues() | |
ClassDefinition.getProperties() | |
DictionaryService.getProperties(QName model) Get all properties for the specified model |
DictionaryService.getProperties(QName model, QName dataType) Get all properties defined for the given model with the given data type. |
DictionaryService.getPropertyDefs(QName className) Gets the definitions of the properties defined by the specified Class. |
DictionaryService.getSubAspects(QName aspect, boolean follow) | |
DictionaryService.getSubTypes(QName type, boolean follow) Get the sub types of the type. |
DictionaryService.getTypes(QName model) |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary with parameters of type QName | |
DictionaryService.getAllProperties(QName dataType) Get all properties defined across all models with the given data type. |
DictionaryService.getAnonymousType(QName name) Creates an anonymous TypeDefinition with all the mandatory Aspects applied. |
DictionaryService.getAnonymousType(QName type, Collection<QName> aspects) Construct an anonymous type that combines the definitions of the specified type and aspects. |
DictionaryService.getAspect(QName name) | |
DictionaryService.getAspects(QName model) | |
DictionaryService.getAssociation(QName associationName) Gets the definition of the association as defined by its owning Class. |
DictionaryService.getAssociations(QName model) | |
DictionaryService.getClass(QName name) | |
DictionaryService.getConstraint(QName constraintQName) Gets the definition of the constraint |
DictionaryService.getConstraints(QName model) Get constraints for the specified model |
DictionaryService.getConstraints(QName model, boolean referenceableDefsOnly) Get constraints for the specified model Optionally return referenceable (ie. |
DictionaryService.getDataType(QName name) | |
DictionaryService.getDataTypes(QName model) | |
DictionaryService.getModel(QName model) | |
DictionaryService.getProperties(QName model) Get all properties for the specified model |
DictionaryService.getProperties(QName model, QName dataType) Get all properties defined for the given model with the given data type. |
DictionaryService.getProperty(QName propertyName) Gets the definition of the property as defined by its owning Class. |
DictionaryService.getProperty(QName className, QName propertyName) Gets the definition of the property as defined by the specified Class. |
DictionaryService.getPropertyDefs(QName className) Gets the definitions of the properties defined by the specified Class. |
DictionaryService.getSubAspects(QName aspect, boolean follow) | |
DictionaryService.getSubTypes(QName type, boolean follow) Get the sub types of the type. |
DictionaryService.getType(QName name) | |
DictionaryService.getTypes(QName model) | |
boolean |
DictionaryService.isSubClass(QName className, QName ofClassName) Determines whether a class is a sub-class of another class |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary with type arguments of type QName | |
DictionaryService.getAnonymousType(QName type, Collection<QName> aspects) Construct an anonymous type that combines the definitions of the specified type and aspects. |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary with parameters of type QName |
InvalidAspectException(QName aspectName) |
InvalidAspectException(String msg, QName aspectName) |
InvalidTypeException(QName typeName) |
InvalidTypeException(String msg, QName typeName) |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model that return QName | |
FileInfo.getType() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model that return types with arguments of type QName | |
FileInfo.getProperties() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model with parameters of type QName | |
FileFolderService.create(NodeRef parentNodeRef, String name, QName typeQName) Create a file or folder; or any valid node of type derived from file or folder. |
FileFolderService.create(NodeRef parentNodeRef, String name, QName typeQName, QName assocQName) Create a file or folder; or any valid node of type derived from file or folder |
FileFolderService.getType(QName typeQName) Checks the type for whether it is a recognised file or folder type or is invalid for the FileFolderService. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model with type arguments of type QName | |
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting author janv |
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, String pattern, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with pattern matching and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting Pattern uses '*' as a wildcard |
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef rootNodeRef, Set<QName> searchTypeQNames, Set<QName> ignoreAspectQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Lists page of immediate child objects of the given context node with specification of which types to list and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition that return QName | |
RenditionDefinition.getRenditionAssociationType() Returns the association type used to link the rendition to its parent node after it has been newly created. |
RenditionDefinition.getRenditionName() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition with parameters of type QName | |
org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition.CompositeRenditionDefinition |
RenditionService.createCompositeRenditionDefinition(QName renditionName) Creates a new org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition.CompositeRenditionDefinition and sets the rendition name and the rendering engine name to the specified values. |
RenditionService.createRenditionDefinition(QName renditionName, String renderingEngineName) Creates a new RenditionDefinition and sets the rendition name and the rendering engine name to the specified values. |
RenditionService.getRenditionByName(NodeRef node, QName renditionName) This method gets the rendition of the specified node identified by the provided rendition name. |
RenditionService.loadRenditionDefinition(QName renditionName) This method retrieves a RenditionDefinition that has been stored in the repository using the save() method. |
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, QName renditionDefinitionQName) This method synchronously renders content as specified by the given rendition name. |
void |
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, QName renditionDefinitionQName, org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition.RenderCallback callback) This method asynchronously renders content as specified by the given rendition definition name. |
void |
RenditionDefinition.setRenditionAssociationType(QName renditionAssociationType) Sets the association type used to link the rendition to its parent node after it has been newly created. |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository that return QName | |
AspectMissingException.getMissingAspect() | |
ChildAssociationRef.getQName() Get the qualified name of the parent-child association |
AssociationExistsException.getQName() | |
TransformationOptions.getSourceContentProperty() Get the source content property |
TransformationOptions.getTargetContentProperty() Get the target content property |
NodeService.getType(NodeRef nodeRef) | |
ChildAssociationRef.getTypeQName() Get the qualified name of the association type |
AssociationRef.getTypeQName() Get the qualified name of the source-target association |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository that return types with arguments of type QName | |
NodeService.getAspects(NodeRef nodeRef) | |
NodeService.getProperties(NodeRef nodeRef) |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with parameters of type QName | |
void |
NodeService.addAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName, Map<QName,Serializable> aspectProperties) Applies an aspect to the given node. |
NodeService.addChild(Collection<NodeRef> parentRefs, NodeRef childRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName qname) Associates a given child node with a given collection of parents. |
NodeService.addChild(NodeRef parentRef, NodeRef childRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName qname) Makes a parent-child association between the given nodes. |
CopyService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) By default children of the source node are not copied. |
CopyService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean copyChildren) Creates a copy of the given node. |
CopyService.copyAndRename(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean copyChildren) | |
NodeService.createAssociation(NodeRef sourceRef, NodeRef targetRef, QName assocTypeQName) Create a peer association between two nodes. |
NodeService.createNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName) | |
NodeService.createNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Creates a new, non-abstract, real node as a primary child of the given parent node. |
NodeService.getChildAssocsByPropertyValue(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, Serializable value) Retrieve the immediate children of a given node based on the value of a property of those children. |
NodeService.getChildAssocsWithoutParentAssocsOfType(NodeRef parent, QName assocTypeQName) Gets the set of child associations of a certain parent node without parent associations of a certain type to other nodes with the same parent! In effect the 'orphans' with respect to a certain association type. |
NodeService.getChildByName(NodeRef nodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, String childName) Get the node with the given name within the context of the parent node. |
NodeService.getChildrenByName(NodeRef nodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, Collection<String> childNames) Get the nodes with the given names within the context of the parent node. |
NodeService.getProperty(NodeRef nodeRef, QName qname) | |
ContentService.getReader(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName) Gets a reader for the content associated with the given node property. |
NodeService.getTargetAssocsByPropertyValue(NodeRef sourceRef, QNamePattern qnamePattern, QName propertyQName, Serializable propertyValue) Fetches all associations from the given source where the associations' qualified names match the pattern provided. |
CopyService.getTopLevelNodeNewName(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) Determines if top-level node name will be changed during copy according to policies. |
ContentService.getWriter(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, boolean update) Get a content writer for the given node property, choosing to optionally have the node property updated automatically when the content stream closes. |
boolean |
NodeService.hasAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Determines if a given aspect is present on a node. |
NodeService.moveNode(NodeRef nodeToMoveRef, NodeRef newParentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) Moves the primary location of the given node. |
void |
NodeService.removeAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName) Remove an aspect and all related properties from a node |
void |
NodeService.removeAssociation(NodeRef sourceRef, NodeRef targetRef, QName assocTypeQName) |
void |
NodeService.removeProperty(NodeRef nodeRef, QName qname) Removes a property value completely. |
NodeService.restoreNode(NodeRef archivedNodeRef, NodeRef destinationParentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) Restore an individual node (along with its sub-tree nodes) to the target location. |
void |
NodeService.setAssociations(NodeRef sourceRef, QName assocTypeQName, List<NodeRef> targetRefs) Re-assign all typed target associations for a given node. |
void |
NodeService.setProperty(NodeRef nodeRef, QName qname, Serializable value) Sets the value of a property to be any Serializable instance. |
void |
TransformationOptions.setSourceContentProperty(QName sourceContentProperty) Set the source content property |
void |
TransformationOptions.setTargetContentProperty(QName targetContentProperty) Set the target content property |
void |
NodeService.setType(NodeRef nodeRef, QName typeQName) Re-sets the type of the node. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with type arguments of type QName | |
void |
NodeService.addAspect(NodeRef nodeRef, QName aspectTypeQName, Map<QName,Serializable> aspectProperties) Applies an aspect to the given node. |
void |
NodeService.addProperties(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Add all given properties to the node. |
NodeService.createNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Creates a new, non-abstract, real node as a primary child of the given parent node. |
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> childNodeTypeQNames) Retrieve immediate children of a given node where the child nodes are in the given inclusive list. |
void |
NodeService.setProperties(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Replace all current properties on the node with the given properties. |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with parameters of type QName |
AspectMissingException(QName missingAspect, NodeRef nodeRef) Constructor |
AssociationExistsException(Long sourceNodeId, Long targetNodeId, QName qname) |
AssociationExistsException(Long sourceNodeId, Long targetNodeId, QName qname, Throwable cause) |
AssociationRef(Long id, NodeRef sourceRef, QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef targetRef) Construct a representation of a source --- name ----> target relationship. |
AssociationRef(NodeRef sourceRef, QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef targetRef) Construct a representation of a source --- name ----> target relationship. |
ChildAssociationRef(QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef parentRef, QName childQName, NodeRef childRef) Constructs a non-primary, -1th sibling parent-child association reference. |
ChildAssociationRef(QName assocTypeQName, NodeRef parentRef, QName childQName, NodeRef childRef, boolean isPrimary, int nthSibling) Construct a representation of a parent --- name ----> child relationship. |
TransformationOptions(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, QName sourceContentProperty, NodeRef targetNodeRef, QName targetContentProperty) Constructor |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search that return QName | |
ResultSetRow.getQName() | |
QueryParameter.getQName() | |
NamedQueryParameterDefinition.getQName() Get the name of this parameter. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search that return types with arguments of type QName | |
CategoryService.getClassificationAspects() Get all the types that represent categories |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search with parameters of type QName | |
boolean |
SearchService.contains(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, String googleLikePattern) Search for string pattern in both the node text (if present) and node properties |
boolean |
SearchService.contains(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, String googleLikePattern, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.SearchParameters.Operator defaultOperator) Search for string pattern in both the node text (if present) and node properties |
CategoryService.createClassification(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String attributeName) Create a new category. |
CategoryService.createRootCategory(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String name) Create a new root category in the given classification |
void |
CategoryService.deleteClassification(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName) Delete a classification |
CategoryService.getCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectQName, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.CategoryService.Depth depth) Get a list of all the categories appropriate for a given property. |
CategoryService.getCategory(NodeRef parent, QName aspectName, String name) Looks up a category by name under its immediate parent. |
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName) Get the root categories for an aspect/classification |
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, PagingRequest pagingRequest, boolean sortByName) Get a paged list of the root categories for an aspect/classification |
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String filter) Get the root categories for an aspect/classification with names that start with filter |
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String name, boolean create) Gets root categories by name, optionally creating one if one does not exist. |
CategoryService.getTopCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, int count) Get the most polular categories |
ResultSetRow.getValue(QName qname) Get a node property value by name |
boolean |
SearchService.like(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, String sqlLikePattern, boolean includeFTS) Search for string pattern in both the node text (if present) and node properties |
SearchService.query(StoreRef store, QName queryId, QueryParameter[] queryParameters) Execute a canned query |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search with parameters of type QName |
QueryParameter(QName qName, Serializable value) |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security that return QName | |
PermissionContext.getType() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security that return types with arguments of type QName | |
PermissionContext.getAspects() | |
PersonService.getMutableProperties() Get the list of properties that are mutable. |
PermissionContext.getProperties() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security with parameters of type QName | |
PersonService.getPeopleFilteredByProperty(QName propertyKey, Serializable propertyValue, int count) Get people filtered by the given property name/value pair. |
PermissionService.getSettablePermissions(QName type) Get the permissions that can be set for a given type |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security with type arguments of type QName | |
PersonService.createPerson(Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Create a new person with the given properties. |
PersonService.createPerson(Map<QName,Serializable> properties, Set<String> zones) Create a new person with the given properties, recording them against the given zone name (usually identifying an external user registry from which the details were obtained). |
PersonService.getPeople(List<Pair<QName,String>> stringPropFilters, boolean filterIgnoreCase, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Deprecated. see getPeople(String pattern, List |
PersonService.getPeople(String pattern, List<QName> filterProps, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Get paged list of people optionally filtered and/or sorted Note: the pattern is applied to filter props (0 to 3) as startsWithIgnoreCase, which are OR'ed together, for example: cm:userName or cm:firstName or cm:lastName |
PersonService.getPeople(String pattern, List<QName> filterStringProps, Set<QName> inclusiveAspects, Set<QName> exclusiveAspects, boolean includeAdministraotrs, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) Get paged list of people optionally filtered and/or sorted |
void |
PersonService.setPersonProperties(String userName, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) Set the properties on a person - some of these may be persisted in different locations - the home folder is created if it doesn't exist |
void |
PersonService.setPersonProperties(String userName, Map<QName,Serializable> properties, boolean autoCreateHomeFolder) Set the properties on a person - some of these may be persisted in different locations. |
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security with parameters of type QName |
PermissionContext(QName type) |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site that return types with arguments of type QName | |
SiteInfo.getCustomProperties() Get the custom property values |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site with parameters of type QName | |
SiteService.createContainer(String shortName, String componentId, QName containerType, Map<QName,Serializable> containerProperties) Creates a container for a component is a site of the given container type (must be a sub-type of st:siteContainer) |
SiteService.createSite(String sitePreset, String shortName, String title, String description, SiteVisibility visibility, QName siteType) Create a new site. |
SiteInfo.getCustomProperty(QName name) Get the value of a custom property |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site with type arguments of type QName | |
SiteService.createContainer(String shortName, String componentId, QName containerType, Map<QName,Serializable> containerProperties) Creates a container for a component is a site of the given container type (must be a sub-type of st:siteContainer) |
SiteService.listSites(List<org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterProp> filterProps, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest) This method returns paged result sets of SiteInfo objects, which should be more efficient than the unpaged methods also available on this interface. |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.version |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.version with parameters of type QName | |
void |
VersionService.registerVersionLabelPolicy(QName typeQName, org.alfresco.repo.version.VersionServicePolicies.CalculateVersionLabelPolicy policy) Register a version label policy |
VersionService.restore(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef parentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName) By default a deep restore is performed. |
VersionService.restore(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef parentNodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, boolean deep) Restores a node not currently present in the store, but that has a version history. |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.version with type arguments of type QName | |
void |
VersionService.ensureVersioningEnabled(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<QName,Serializable> versionProperties) Ensures that a node has the versionable aspect applied to it, and has at least an initial entry in the version store. |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow |
Fields in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow with type parameters of type QName | |
WorkflowTask.properties Deprecated. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow that return QName | |
WorkflowTaskQuery.getProcessName() | |
WorkflowTaskQuery.getTaskName() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow that return types with arguments of type QName | |
WorkflowInstanceQuery.getCustomProps() | |
WorkflowService.getPathProperties(String pathId) Gets the properties associated with the specified path (and parent paths) |
WorkflowTaskQuery.getProcessCustomProps() | |
WorkflowTask.getProperties() | |
WorkflowTaskQuery.getTaskCustomProps() |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow with parameters of type QName | |
void |
WorkflowTaskQuery.setProcessName(QName processName) Deprecated. |
void |
WorkflowTaskQuery.setTaskName(QName taskName) |
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow with type arguments of type QName | |
void |
WorkflowInstanceQuery.setCustomProps(Map<QName,Object> customProps) |
void |
WorkflowTaskQuery.setProcessCustomProps(Map<QName,Object> processCustomProps) |
void |
WorkflowTaskQuery.setTaskCustomProps(Map<QName,Object> taskCustomProps) |
WorkflowService.startWorkflow(String workflowDefinitionId, Map<QName,Serializable> parameters) Start a Workflow Instance |
WorkflowService.updateTask(String taskId, Map<QName,Serializable> properties, Map<QName,List<NodeRef>> add, Map<QName,List<NodeRef>> remove) Update the Properties and Associations of a Task |
Constructor parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow with type arguments of type QName |
WorkflowTask(String id, WorkflowTaskDefinition definition, String name, String title, String description, WorkflowTaskState state, WorkflowPath path, Map<QName,Serializable> properties) |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.service.namespace |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.namespace that return QName | |
static QName |
QName.createQName(String qname) Create a QName from its internal string representation of the following format: {namespaceURI}localName |
static QName |
QName.createQName(String qname, NamespacePrefixResolver prefixResolver) Create a QName (from prefix format) prefix:localName |
static QName |
QName.createQName(String namespaceURI, String localName) Create a QName (With no prefix) |
static QName |
QName.createQName(String prefix, String localName, NamespacePrefixResolver prefixResolver) Create a QName |
static QName |
QName.createQNameWithValidLocalName(String namespaceURI, String localName) Create a QName, optionally truncating the localname to QName.MAX_LENGTH. |
QName.getPrefixedQName(NamespacePrefixResolver resolver) Gets a prefix resolved version of this QName |
static QName |
QName.resolveToQName(NamespacePrefixResolver prefixResolver, String str) Creates a QName representation for the given String. |
Methods in org.alfresco.service.namespace with parameters of type QName | |
int |
QName.compareTo(QName qname) Uses the namespace URI and then the localname to do the comparison i.e. |
boolean |
RegexQNamePattern.isMatch(QName qname) Checks if the given qualified name matches the pattern represented by this instance |
boolean |
QNamePattern.isMatch(QName qname) Checks if the given qualified name matches the pattern represented by this instance |
boolean |
QName.isMatch(QName qname) Performs a direct comparison between qnames. |
Uses of QName in org.alfresco.util |
Methods in org.alfresco.util that return QName | |
static QName |
ISO9075.parseXPathName(String str) |
Methods in org.alfresco.util with parameters of type QName | |
static String |
ISO9075.getXPathName(QName qName) |
static String |
ISO9075.getXPathName(QName qName, NamespacePrefixResolver nspr) |