All Classes Summary |
AbstractContentReader |
Implements all the convenience methods of the interface. |
AbstractContentTransformer2 |
Provides basic services for ContentTransformer implementations. |
AbstractContentTransformerLimits |
Provides transformation limits for ContentTransformer implementations. |
AbstractContentWriter |
Implements all the convenience methods of the interface. |
AbstractDataExtractor |
Abstract implementation to provide support. |
AbstractDataGenerator |
Abstract implementation to provide support. |
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter |
Support class for metadata extracters that support dynamic and config-driven mapping between extracted values and model properties. |
AbstractStoreException |
Store-related exception that keeps a handle to the store reference |
AbstractTriggerBean |
A utility bean to wrap sceduling a job with a scheduler. |
AccessPermission |
The interface used to support reporting back if permissions are allowed or denied. |
AccessStatus |
Enumeration used to indicate access status. |
Action |
The rule action interface |
ActionCondition |
Rule condition interface |
ActionConditionDefinition |
Rule condition interface |
ActionDefinition |
Rule action interface. |
ActionList<A extends Action> |
ActionService |
Action service interface |
ActionStatus |
The various states an Action can be in. |
AlfrescoRuntimeException |
I18n'ed runtime exception thrown by Alfresco code. |
AspectDefinition |
Read-only definition of an Aspect. |
AspectMissingException |
Used to indicate that an aspect is missing from a node. |
AssociationDefinition |
Read-only definition of an Association. |
AssociationExistsException |
Thrown when an operation could not be performed because a named association already exists between two nodes |
AssociationPolicy |
Marker interface for representing an Association-level Policy. |
AssociationPolicyDelegate<P extends AssociationPolicy> |
Delegate for a Class Feature-level (Property and Association) Policies. |
AssociationRef |
This class represents a regular, named node relationship between two nodes. |
AttributeService |
This provides services for reading, writing, and querying global attributes. |
Auditable |
Annotation to defined key and parameter names for the auditing API. |
AuthenticationException |
Alfresco Authentication Exception and wrapper |
AuthenticationService |
The authentication service defines the API for managing authentication information against a user id. |
AuthenticationUtil |
Utility helper methods to change the authenticated context for threads. |
AuthenticationUtil.RunAsWork<Result> |
AuthorityInfo |
Authority Info - used by GetAuthorities CQ |
AuthorityService |
The service that encapsulates authorities granted to users. |
AuthorityType |
The types of authority that are available. |
BaseBehaviour |
Base behaviour implementation |
BaseEvaluator |
Base class for all UI evaluators. |
BaseProcessorExtension |
Abstract base class for a processor extension |
BaseScopableProcessorExtension |
Abstract base class for a script implementation that requires a script execution scope. |
Behaviour |
A Behaviour represents an encapsulated piece of logic (system or business) that may be bound to a Policy. |
Behaviour.NotificationFrequency |
When should behaviour be notified? |
BehaviourDefinition<B extends BehaviourBinding> |
Description of a bound Behaviour. |
BehaviourFilter |
Contract disabling and enabling policy behaviours. |
BooleanBean |
Interface that may be implemented to return a boolean value in Spring bean configuration. |
CategoryService |
Category Service The service for querying and creating categories. |
CheckOutCheckInService |
Version operations service interface |
ChildAssociationDefinition |
Read-only definition of a Child Association. |
ChildAssociationRef |
This class represents a child relationship between two nodes. |
ClassAttributeDefinition |
ClassBehaviourBinding |
Behaviour binding to a Class (Type or Aspect) in the Content Model. |
ClassDefinition |
Read-only definition of a Class. |
ClassPolicy |
Marker interface for representing an Class-level Policy. |
ClassPolicyDelegate<P extends ClassPolicy> |
Delegate for a Class-level Policy. |
ComplexContentTransformer |
Transformer that passes a document through several nested transformations in order to accomplish its goal. |
CompositeAction |
Composite action |
CompositeActionCondition |
Composite action condition |
Constraint |
The interface for classes that implement constraints on property values. |
ConstraintDefinition |
Property constraint definition |
ContentAccessor |
Interface for instances that provide read and write access to content. |
ContentData |
The compound property representing content |
ContentIOException |
Wraps a general Exceptions that occurred while reading or writing content. |
ContentModel |
Content Model Constants |
ContentReader |
Represents a handle to read specific content. |
ContentService |
Provides methods for accessing and transforming content. |
ContentServicePolicies.OnContentUpdatePolicy |
Policy that is raised once per node when any of the content properties on the node are changed; the specific properties are irrelevant. |
ContentServiceTransientException |
This exception should be thrown when a content operation could not be performed due to a transient condition and where it is possible that a subsequent request to execute the same action might succeed, all other things not having changed. |
ContentStreamListener |
Listens for notifications w.r.t. |
ContentTransformer |
Interface for class that allow content transformation from one mimetype to another. |
ContentTransformerHelper |
A class providing basic functionality shared by both ContentTransformers and ContentTransformerWorkers. |
ContentTransformerRegistry |
Holds and provides the most appropriate content transformer for a particular source and target mimetype transformation request. |
ContentTransformerWorker |
An interface that allows separation between the content transformer registry and the various third party subsystems performing the transformation. |
ContentWorker |
An interface instances that operate on content. |
ContentWriter |
Represents a handle to write specific content. |
CopyService |
Copy operations service interface. |
CopyServicePolicies.BeforeCopyPolicy |
The intermediate copy callback, which occurs once it has been decided which properties and aspects will be copied, but before the copy occurs. |
CopyServicePolicies.OnCopyCompletePolicy |
Final callback after the copy (including any cascading) has been completed. |
CronTriggerBean |
A utility bean to wrap scheduling a cron job with a given scheduler. |
DataExtractor |
Interface for Audit data value extractors. |
DataGenerator |
Interface for Audit data value generators.These are used to produce auditable data values extract auditable values from nothing; typically these values are derived from the system state or from the thread context. |
DataTypeDefinition |
Read-only definition of a Data Type |
DefaultTypeConverter |
Support for generic conversion between types. |
DictionaryException |
Base Exception of Data Dictionary Exceptions. |
DictionaryService |
This interface represents the Repository Data Dictionary. |
DoNotRetryException |
Marker interface for the exceptions that should not trigger retries, regardless of the contained causal exceptions. |
Duration |
This data type represents duration/interval/period as defined by the XMLSchema type duration. |
EntityRef |
A marker interface for entity reference classes. |
EqualsHelper |
Utility class providing helper methods for various types of equals functionality |
Evaluator |
Contract supported by all classes that provide dynamic evaluation for a UI element. |
FailoverContentTransformer |
This class is a transformer which contains a fixed sequence of delegate transformers. |
FileContentReader |
Provides direct access to a local file. |
FileContentWriter |
Provides direct access to a local file. |
FileExistsException |
Common exception thrown when an operation fails because of a name clash. |
FileFolderService |
Provides methods specific to manipulating files and folders. |
FileFolderServiceType |
The type for a file folder |
FileInfo |
Common file information. |
FileNameValidator |
Static checker for valid file names. |
FileNotFoundException |
Common, checked exception thrown when a file or folder could not be found |
FileTypeImageUtils |
Contains utility methods |
ForumModel |
Forums Model Constants |
A wrapper class to serve up GUIDs |
HiddenAspect |
Functionality relating to hidden files and folders. |
ImageResizeOptions |
Image resize options |
ImageTransformationOptions |
Image transformation options |
ImapModel |
IMAP Model Constants |
InvalidAspectException |
Thrown when a reference to an aspect is incorrect. |
InvalidNodeRefException |
Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the node reference no longer exists. |
InvalidQNameException |
InvalidStoreRefException |
Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the store reference no longer exists. |
InvalidTypeException |
Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because a type is not recognised by the data dictionary |
ISO8601DateFormat |
Formatting support for ISO 8601 dates |
ISO9075 |
Support for the ISO 9075 encoding of XML element names. |
JavaBehaviour |
Java based Behaviour. |
JobLockService |
Service interface for managing job locks. |
JobLockService.JobLockRefreshCallback |
Interface for implementations that need a timed callback in order to refresh the lock. |
LimitBy |
Enum to describe how the maximum size of the returned result set should be determined. |
LockAcquisitionException |
Exception generated when a lock cannot be acquired. |
LockService |
Interface for public and internal lock operations. |
LockStatus |
Used to indicate lock status. |
LockType |
The type of lock to be used by the lock service |
LogAdapter |
Utility class to adapt a org.apache.commons.logging.Log class. |
MalformedNodeRefException |
Thrown when a nodeRef representation is invalid. |
MessageLookup |
An object providing basic message lookup facilities. |
MessageService |
Utility class providing methods to access the Locale of the current thread and to get Localised strings. |
MetadataEmbedder |
Interface for writing metadata properties back into the content file. |
MetadataExtracter |
Interface for document property extracters. |
MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy |
A enumeration of functional property overwrite policies. |
MetadataExtracterLimits |
Represents maximum values (that result in exceptions if exceeded) or limits on values (that result in EOF (End Of File) being returned early). |
MetadataExtracterRegistry |
Holds and provides the most appropriate metadate extracter for a particular mimetype. |
MimetypeService |
This service interface provides support for Mimetypes. |
ModelDefinition |
Read-only definition of a Model. |
ModuleComponent |
Interface for classes that control the startup and shutdown behaviour of modules. |
ModuleDependency |
An ensapsulated module dependency. |
ModuleDetails |
Module details, contains the details of an installed alfresco module. |
ModuleInstallState |
Enum used to indicate the install state of a module. |
ModuleService |
A service to control and provide information about the currently-installed modules. |
MutableAuthenticationService |
An extended AuthenticationService that allows mutation of some or all of its user accounts. |
NamedObjectRegistry<T> |
An generic registry of objects held by name. |
NamedQueryParameterDefinition |
NamespaceDefinition |
Read-only definition of a Namespace. |
NamespaceException |
NamespacePrefixResolver |
The NamespacePrefixResolver provides a mapping between namespace prefixes and namespace URIs. |
NamespaceService |
Namespace Service. |
NodeLocatorService |
This service is responsible for locating NodeRefs in the repository using org.alfresco.repo.nodelocator.NodeLocator strategies. |
NodeRef |
Reference to a node |
NodeService |
Interface for public and internal node and store operations. |
NodeServicePolicies |
Node service policies |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeAddAspectPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeArchiveNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeCreateNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeCreateStorePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteAssociationPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteChildAssociationPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeMoveNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeRemoveAspectPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeSetNodeTypePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeUpdateNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateAssociationPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateChildAssociationPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateStorePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteAssociationPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteChildAssociationPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnMoveNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnRemoveAspectPolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnRestoreNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnSetNodeTypePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdateNodePolicy |
NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy |
NoSuchPersonException |
Thrown when a person doesn't exist and can't be created. |
NotAuditable |
Specifically indicate that a method is not to be audited. |
NoTransformerException |
Thrown when a transformation request cannot be honoured due to no transformers being present for the requested transformation. |
PagingRequest |
Simple wrapper for single page request (with optional request for total count up to a given max) |
PagingResults<R> |
Marker interface for single page of results |
Pair<F,S> |
Utility class for containing two things that aren't like each other |
ParameterConstraint |
Parameter constraint. |
ParameterDefinition |
Parameter definition interface. |
ParameterizedItem |
Rule item interface |
ParameterizedItemDefinition |
Path |
Representation of a simple path e.g. |
Path.ChildAssocElement |
Represents a qualified path between a parent and a child node, including the sibling to retrieve e.g. |
PermissionContext |
PermissionEvaluationMode |
Enum to control how permissions are evaluated. |
PermissionService |
The public API for a permission service The implementation may be changed in the application configuration |
PersonService |
This service encapsulates the management of people and groups. |
PersonService.PersonInfo |
Data pojo to carry common person information |
Policy |
Marker interface for representing a Policy. |
PolicyComponent |
Policy Component for managing Policies and Behaviours. |
PolicyDefinition<P extends Policy> |
Definition of a Policy |
PolicyException |
Base Policy Exception. |
PolicyType |
Type of Policy. |
PreferenceService |
PropertyDefinition |
Read-only definition of a Property. |
PropertyPolicy |
Marker interface for representing a Property-level Policy. |
PropertyPolicyDelegate<P extends PropertyPolicy> |
Delegate for a Class Feature-level (Property and Association) Policies. |
ProxyContentTransformer |
Makes use of a ContentTransformerWorker to perform conversions. |
QName |
QName represents the qualified name of a Repository item. |
QNamePattern |
Provides pattern matching against qnames. |
QueryParameter |
Encapsulates a query parameter |
QueryParameterDefinition |
RegexQNamePattern |
Provides matching between qnames using regular expression matching. |
RenditionDefinition |
This class is used to fully specify a type of rendition. |
RenditionModel |
Rendition Model Constants |
RenditionService |
The Rendition service. |
ReservedVersionNameException |
ResultSet |
This is the common interface for both row (Alfresco node) and column (CMIS style property or function) based results. |
ResultSetMetaData |
Meta Data associated with a result set. |
ResultSetRow |
A row in a result set TODO: Support for other non attribute features such as parents and path |
ResultSetSPI<ROW extends ResultSetRow,MD extends ResultSetMetaData> |
This is the common interface for both row (Alfresco node) and column (CMIS style property or function) based results. |
RetryingTransactionHelper |
A helper that runs a unit of work inside a UserTransaction, transparently retrying the unit of work if the cause of failure is an optimistic locking or deadlock condition. |
RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback<Result> |
Callback interface |
RuntimeExecutableContentTransformerWorker |
This configurable wrapper is able to execute any command line transformation that accepts an input and an output file on the command line. |
SearchParameters |
This class provides parameters to define a search. |
SearchService |
This encapsulates the execution of search against different indexing mechanisms. |
SerializedTransformationOptionsAccessor |
Defines methods for retrieving parameter values for use in building transformation options. |
ServiceBehaviourBinding |
Behaviour binding to a Service. |
ServiceRegistry |
This interface represents the registry of public Repository Services. |
SimpleCache<K extends Serializable,V> |
Basic caching interface. |
SiteInfo |
SiteMemberInfo |
Site member's information. |
SiteModel |
Site models constants |
SiteRole |
SiteService |
Site service fundamental API. |
SiteVisibility |
Enumeration representing the different site visibilities. |
StoreExistsException |
Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the store reference no longer exists. |
StoreRef |
Reference to a node store |
SubFolderFilter |
Interface to determine which sub-folders to search during deep listing. |
TaggingService |
Tagging Service Interface |
TempFileProvider |
A helper class that provides temporary files, providing a common point to clean them up. |
TempFileProvider.TempFileCleanerJob |
Cleans up all Alfresco temporary files that are older than the given number of hours. |
TemplateImageResolver |
Interface contract for the conversion of file name to a fully qualified icon image path for use by templating and scripting engines executing within the repository context. |
TemplateProperties |
Contract for Template API objects that have properties, aspects and children. |
TemplateService |
Template Service. |
Tenant |
Tenant |
TenantService |
Tenant Service interface. |
TenantUserService |
Interface for Tenant User-Domain functionality. |
TicketComponent |
Manage authentication tickets |
TicketExpiredException |
TikaPoweredMetadataExtracter |
The parent of all Metadata Extractors which use Apache Tika under the hood. |
TikaSpringConfiguredMetadataExtracter |
A Metadata Extractor which makes use of Apache Tika, and allows the selection of the Tika parser to be sprung-in to extract the metadata from your document. |
TooBusyException |
An exception thrown by RetryingTransactionHelper when its maxExecutionMs property is set and there isn't enough capacity to execute / retry the transaction. |
TransformationOptionLimits |
Represents maximum source values (that result in exceptions if exceeded) or limits on source values (that result in EOF (End Of File) being returned early). |
TransformationOptionPair |
A pair of transformation options that specify A) a max value over which the source is not read (throws an Exception) or B) a limit over which no more of the source is read (returns EOF) Each pair represents a values such as an elapse time, KBytes read or number of pages read. |
TransformationOptionPair.Action |
Action to take place for a given pair of values. |
TransformationOptions |
Class containing values of options that are passed to content transformers. |
TransformationSourceOptions |
Defines options and demarcations needed to describe the details of how the source should be transformed, independent of the target requirements. |
TransformationSourceOptions.TransformationSourceOptionsSerializer |
Defines methods for serializing the source options into a parameter map and deserializing from a serialized options accessor. |
TransformerConfig |
Provides access to transformer configuration and current performance data. |
TransformerDebug |
Debugs transformers selection and activity. |
TransformerLog |
Implementation of a org.apache.commons.logging.Log that logs messages to a structure accessible via org.alfresco.repo.content.transform.TransformerConfigMBean.getTransformationLog(int). |
TransformerSelector |
Selects a transformer from a supplied list of transformers that appear able to handle a given transformation. |
TransformerStatistics |
Interface to obtain the configuration and performance data for every source, target and transformer combination. |
TypeConversionException |
Base Exception of Type Converter Exceptions. |
TypeConverter |
Support for generic conversion between types. |
TypeConverter.Converter<F,T> |
Conversion interface |
TypeConverter.TwoStageConverter<F,I,T> |
Support for chaining conversions |
TypeDefinition |
Read-only definition of a Type |
UnsupportedTransformationException |
Exception indicates that a transformer is unable to transform a requested transformation. |
Version |
Version interface. |
VersionHistory |
Version history interface. |
VersionNumber |
Immutable class to encapsulate a version number string. |
VersionService |
Interface for public and internal version operations. |
VersionServicePolicies.AfterCreateVersionPolicy |
After create version policy interface |
VersionServicePolicies.BeforeCreateVersionPolicy |
Before create version policy interface. |
VersionType |
Version type enum. |
WorkflowDefinition |
Workflow Definition Data Object |
WorkflowDeployment |
Workflow Definition Deployment |
WorkflowInstance |
Workflow Instance Data Object Represents an "in-flight" workflow. |
WorkflowInstanceQuery |
WorkflowModel |
Workflow Model Constants |
WorkflowNode |
Workflow Node Data Object Represents a Node within the Workflow Definition. |
WorkflowPath |
Workflow Path Data Object Represents a path within an "in-flight" workflow instance. |
WorkflowService |
Workflow Service. |
WorkflowTask |
Workflow Task Data Object Represents a human-oriented task within an "in-flight" workflow instance |
WorkflowTaskDefinition |
Workflow Task Definition Data Object. |
WorkflowTaskQuery |
Workflow Task Query Provides support for setting predicates and order by. |
WorkflowTaskState |
Workflow Task State Represents the high-level state of Workflow Task (in relation to "in-flight" workflow instance). |
WorkflowTimer |
WorkflowTransition |
Workflow Transition. |