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All Classes Summary
AbstractContentReader Implements all the convenience methods of the interface.
AbstractContentTransformer2 Provides basic services for ContentTransformer implementations.
AbstractContentTransformerLimits Provides transformation limits for ContentTransformer implementations.
AbstractContentWriter Implements all the convenience methods of the interface.
AbstractDataExtractor Abstract implementation to provide support.
AbstractDataGenerator Abstract implementation to provide support.
AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter Support class for metadata extracters that support dynamic and config-driven mapping between extracted values and model properties.
AbstractStoreException Store-related exception that keeps a handle to the store reference
AbstractTriggerBean A utility bean to wrap sceduling a job with a scheduler.
AccessPermission The interface used to support reporting back if permissions are allowed or denied.
AccessStatus Enumeration used to indicate access status.
Action The rule action interface
ActionCondition Rule condition interface
ActionConditionDefinition Rule condition interface
ActionDefinition Rule action interface.
ActionList<A extends Action>
ActionService Action service interface
ActionStatus The various states an Action can be in.
AlfrescoRuntimeException I18n'ed runtime exception thrown by Alfresco code.
AspectDefinition Read-only definition of an Aspect.
AspectMissingException Used to indicate that an aspect is missing from a node.
AssociationDefinition Read-only definition of an Association.
AssociationExistsException Thrown when an operation could not be performed because a named association already exists between two nodes
AssociationPolicy Marker interface for representing an Association-level Policy.
AssociationPolicyDelegate<P extends AssociationPolicy> Delegate for a Class Feature-level (Property and Association) Policies.
AssociationRef This class represents a regular, named node relationship between two nodes.
AttributeService This provides services for reading, writing, and querying global attributes.
Auditable Annotation to defined key and parameter names for the auditing API.
AuthenticationException Alfresco Authentication Exception and wrapper
AuthenticationService The authentication service defines the API for managing authentication information against a user id.
AuthenticationUtil Utility helper methods to change the authenticated context for threads.
AuthorityInfo Authority Info - used by GetAuthorities CQ
AuthorityService The service that encapsulates authorities granted to users.
AuthorityType The types of authority that are available.
BaseBehaviour Base behaviour implementation
BaseEvaluator Base class for all UI evaluators.
BaseProcessorExtension Abstract base class for a processor extension
BaseScopableProcessorExtension Abstract base class for a script implementation that requires a script execution scope.
Behaviour A Behaviour represents an encapsulated piece of logic (system or business) that may be bound to a Policy.
Behaviour.NotificationFrequency When should behaviour be notified?
BehaviourDefinition<B extends BehaviourBinding> Description of a bound Behaviour.
BehaviourFilter Contract disabling and enabling policy behaviours.
BooleanBean Interface that may be implemented to return a boolean value in Spring bean configuration.
CategoryService Category Service The service for querying and creating categories.
CheckOutCheckInService Version operations service interface
ChildAssociationDefinition Read-only definition of a Child Association.
ChildAssociationRef This class represents a child relationship between two nodes.
ClassBehaviourBinding Behaviour binding to a Class (Type or Aspect) in the Content Model.
ClassDefinition Read-only definition of a Class.
ClassPolicy Marker interface for representing an Class-level Policy.
ClassPolicyDelegate<P extends ClassPolicy> Delegate for a Class-level Policy.
ComplexContentTransformer Transformer that passes a document through several nested transformations in order to accomplish its goal.
CompositeAction Composite action
CompositeActionCondition Composite action condition
Constraint The interface for classes that implement constraints on property values.
ConstraintDefinition Property constraint definition
ContentAccessor Interface for instances that provide read and write access to content.
ContentData The compound property representing content
ContentIOException Wraps a general Exceptions that occurred while reading or writing content.
ContentModel Content Model Constants
ContentReader Represents a handle to read specific content.
ContentService Provides methods for accessing and transforming content.
ContentServicePolicies.OnContentUpdatePolicy Policy that is raised once per node when any of the content properties on the node are changed; the specific properties are irrelevant.
ContentServiceTransientException This exception should be thrown when a content operation could not be performed due to a transient condition and where it is possible that a subsequent request to execute the same action might succeed, all other things not having changed.
ContentStreamListener Listens for notifications w.r.t.
ContentTransformer Interface for class that allow content transformation from one mimetype to another.
ContentTransformerHelper A class providing basic functionality shared by both ContentTransformers and ContentTransformerWorkers.
ContentTransformerRegistry Holds and provides the most appropriate content transformer for a particular source and target mimetype transformation request.
ContentTransformerWorker An interface that allows separation between the content transformer registry and the various third party subsystems performing the transformation.
ContentWorker An interface instances that operate on content.
ContentWriter Represents a handle to write specific content.
CopyService Copy operations service interface.
CopyServicePolicies.BeforeCopyPolicy The intermediate copy callback, which occurs once it has been decided which properties and aspects will be copied, but before the copy occurs.
CopyServicePolicies.OnCopyCompletePolicy Final callback after the copy (including any cascading) has been completed.
CronTriggerBean A utility bean to wrap scheduling a cron job with a given scheduler.
DataExtractor Interface for Audit data value extractors.
DataGenerator Interface for Audit data value generators.These are used to produce auditable data values extract auditable values from nothing; typically these values are derived from the system state or from the thread context.
DataTypeDefinition Read-only definition of a Data Type
DefaultTypeConverter Support for generic conversion between types.
DictionaryException Base Exception of Data Dictionary Exceptions.
DictionaryService This interface represents the Repository Data Dictionary.
DoNotRetryException Marker interface for the exceptions that should not trigger retries, regardless of the contained causal exceptions.
Duration This data type represents duration/interval/period as defined by the XMLSchema type duration.
EntityRef A marker interface for entity reference classes.
EqualsHelper Utility class providing helper methods for various types of equals functionality
Evaluator Contract supported by all classes that provide dynamic evaluation for a UI element.
FailoverContentTransformer This class is a transformer which contains a fixed sequence of delegate transformers.
FileContentReader Provides direct access to a local file.
FileContentWriter Provides direct access to a local file.
FileExistsException Common exception thrown when an operation fails because of a name clash.
FileFolderService Provides methods specific to manipulating files and folders.
FileFolderServiceType The type for a file folder
FileInfo Common file information.
FileNameValidator Static checker for valid file names.
FileNotFoundException Common, checked exception thrown when a file or folder could not be found
FileTypeImageUtils Contains utility methods
ForumModel Forums Model Constants
GUID A wrapper class to serve up GUIDs
HiddenAspect Functionality relating to hidden files and folders.
ImageResizeOptions Image resize options
ImageTransformationOptions Image transformation options
ImapModel IMAP Model Constants
InvalidAspectException Thrown when a reference to an aspect is incorrect.
InvalidNodeRefException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the node reference no longer exists.
InvalidStoreRefException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the store reference no longer exists.
InvalidTypeException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because a type is not recognised by the data dictionary
ISO8601DateFormat Formatting support for ISO 8601 dates
ISO9075 Support for the ISO 9075 encoding of XML element names.
JavaBehaviour Java based Behaviour.
JobLockService Service interface for managing job locks.
JobLockService.JobLockRefreshCallback Interface for implementations that need a timed callback in order to refresh the lock.
LimitBy Enum to describe how the maximum size of the returned result set should be determined.
LockAcquisitionException Exception generated when a lock cannot be acquired.
LockService Interface for public and internal lock operations.
LockStatus Used to indicate lock status.
LockType The type of lock to be used by the lock service
LogAdapter Utility class to adapt a org.apache.commons.logging.Log class.
MalformedNodeRefException Thrown when a nodeRef representation is invalid.
MessageLookup An object providing basic message lookup facilities.
MessageService Utility class providing methods to access the Locale of the current thread and to get Localised strings.
MetadataEmbedder Interface for writing metadata properties back into the content file.
MetadataExtracter Interface for document property extracters.
MetadataExtracter.OverwritePolicy A enumeration of functional property overwrite policies.
MetadataExtracterLimits Represents maximum values (that result in exceptions if exceeded) or limits on values (that result in EOF (End Of File) being returned early).
MetadataExtracterRegistry Holds and provides the most appropriate metadate extracter for a particular mimetype.
MimetypeService This service interface provides support for Mimetypes.
ModelDefinition Read-only definition of a Model.
ModuleComponent Interface for classes that control the startup and shutdown behaviour of modules.
ModuleDependency An ensapsulated module dependency.
ModuleDetails Module details, contains the details of an installed alfresco module.
ModuleInstallState Enum used to indicate the install state of a module.
ModuleService A service to control and provide information about the currently-installed modules.
MutableAuthenticationService An extended AuthenticationService that allows mutation of some or all of its user accounts.
NamedObjectRegistry<T> An generic registry of objects held by name.
NamespaceDefinition Read-only definition of a Namespace.
NamespacePrefixResolver The NamespacePrefixResolver provides a mapping between namespace prefixes and namespace URIs.
NamespaceService Namespace Service.
NodeLocatorService This service is responsible for locating NodeRefs in the repository using org.alfresco.repo.nodelocator.NodeLocator strategies.
NodeRef Reference to a node
NodeService Interface for public and internal node and store operations.
NodeServicePolicies Node service policies
NoSuchPersonException Thrown when a person doesn't exist and can't be created.
NotAuditable Specifically indicate that a method is not to be audited.
NoTransformerException Thrown when a transformation request cannot be honoured due to no transformers being present for the requested transformation.
PagingRequest Simple wrapper for single page request (with optional request for total count up to a given max)
PagingResults<R> Marker interface for single page of results
Pair<F,S> Utility class for containing two things that aren't like each other
ParameterConstraint Parameter constraint.
ParameterDefinition Parameter definition interface.
ParameterizedItem Rule item interface
Path Representation of a simple path e.g.
Path.ChildAssocElement Represents a qualified path between a parent and a child node, including the sibling to retrieve e.g.
PermissionEvaluationMode Enum to control how permissions are evaluated.
PermissionService The public API for a permission service The implementation may be changed in the application configuration
PersonService This service encapsulates the management of people and groups.
PersonService.PersonInfo Data pojo to carry common person information
Policy Marker interface for representing a Policy.
PolicyComponent Policy Component for managing Policies and Behaviours.
PolicyDefinition<P extends Policy> Definition of a Policy
PolicyException Base Policy Exception.
PolicyType Type of Policy.
PropertyDefinition Read-only definition of a Property.
PropertyPolicy Marker interface for representing a Property-level Policy.
PropertyPolicyDelegate<P extends PropertyPolicy> Delegate for a Class Feature-level (Property and Association) Policies.
ProxyContentTransformer Makes use of a ContentTransformerWorker to perform conversions.
QName QName represents the qualified name of a Repository item.
QNamePattern Provides pattern matching against qnames.
QueryParameter Encapsulates a query parameter
RegexQNamePattern Provides matching between qnames using regular expression matching.
RenditionDefinition This class is used to fully specify a type of rendition.
RenditionModel Rendition Model Constants
RenditionService The Rendition service.
ResultSet This is the common interface for both row (Alfresco node) and column (CMIS style property or function) based results.
ResultSetMetaData Meta Data associated with a result set.
ResultSetRow A row in a result set TODO: Support for other non attribute features such as parents and path
ResultSetSPI<ROW extends ResultSetRow,MD extends ResultSetMetaData> This is the common interface for both row (Alfresco node) and column (CMIS style property or function) based results.
RetryingTransactionHelper A helper that runs a unit of work inside a UserTransaction, transparently retrying the unit of work if the cause of failure is an optimistic locking or deadlock condition.
RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback<Result> Callback interface
RuntimeExecutableContentTransformerWorker This configurable wrapper is able to execute any command line transformation that accepts an input and an output file on the command line.
SearchParameters This class provides parameters to define a search.
SearchService This encapsulates the execution of search against different indexing mechanisms.
SerializedTransformationOptionsAccessor Defines methods for retrieving parameter values for use in building transformation options.
ServiceBehaviourBinding Behaviour binding to a Service.
ServiceRegistry This interface represents the registry of public Repository Services.
SimpleCache<K extends Serializable,V> Basic caching interface.
SiteMemberInfo Site member's information.
SiteModel Site models constants
SiteService Site service fundamental API.
SiteVisibility Enumeration representing the different site visibilities.
StoreExistsException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the store reference no longer exists.
StoreRef Reference to a node store
SubFolderFilter Interface to determine which sub-folders to search during deep listing.
TaggingService Tagging Service Interface
TempFileProvider A helper class that provides temporary files, providing a common point to clean them up.
TempFileProvider.TempFileCleanerJob Cleans up all Alfresco temporary files that are older than the given number of hours.
TemplateImageResolver Interface contract for the conversion of file name to a fully qualified icon image path for use by templating and scripting engines executing within the repository context.
TemplateProperties Contract for Template API objects that have properties, aspects and children.
TemplateService Template Service.
Tenant Tenant
TenantService Tenant Service interface.
TenantUserService Interface for Tenant User-Domain functionality.
TicketComponent Manage authentication tickets
TikaPoweredMetadataExtracter The parent of all Metadata Extractors which use Apache Tika under the hood.
TikaSpringConfiguredMetadataExtracter A Metadata Extractor which makes use of Apache Tika, and allows the selection of the Tika parser to be sprung-in to extract the metadata from your document.
TooBusyException An exception thrown by RetryingTransactionHelper when its maxExecutionMs property is set and there isn't enough capacity to execute / retry the transaction.
TransformationOptionLimits Represents maximum source values (that result in exceptions if exceeded) or limits on source values (that result in EOF (End Of File) being returned early).
TransformationOptionPair A pair of transformation options that specify A) a max value over which the source is not read (throws an Exception) or B) a limit over which no more of the source is read (returns EOF) Each pair represents a values such as an elapse time, KBytes read or number of pages read.
TransformationOptionPair.Action Action to take place for a given pair of values.
TransformationOptions Class containing values of options that are passed to content transformers.
TransformationSourceOptions Defines options and demarcations needed to describe the details of how the source should be transformed, independent of the target requirements.
TransformationSourceOptions.TransformationSourceOptionsSerializer Defines methods for serializing the source options into a parameter map and deserializing from a serialized options accessor.
TransformerConfig Provides access to transformer configuration and current performance data.
TransformerDebug Debugs transformers selection and activity.
TransformerLog Implementation of a org.apache.commons.logging.Log that logs messages to a structure accessible via org.alfresco.repo.content.transform.TransformerConfigMBean.getTransformationLog(int).
TransformerSelector Selects a transformer from a supplied list of transformers that appear able to handle a given transformation.
TransformerStatistics Interface to obtain the configuration and performance data for every source, target and transformer combination.
TypeConversionException Base Exception of Type Converter Exceptions.
TypeConverter Support for generic conversion between types.
TypeConverter.Converter<F,T> Conversion interface
TypeConverter.TwoStageConverter<F,I,T> Support for chaining conversions
TypeDefinition Read-only definition of a Type
UnsupportedTransformationException Exception indicates that a transformer is unable to transform a requested transformation.
Version Version interface.
VersionHistory Version history interface.
VersionNumber Immutable class to encapsulate a version number string.
VersionService Interface for public and internal version operations.
VersionServicePolicies.AfterCreateVersionPolicy After create version policy interface
VersionServicePolicies.BeforeCreateVersionPolicy Before create version policy interface.
VersionType Version type enum.
WorkflowDefinition Workflow Definition Data Object
WorkflowDeployment Workflow Definition Deployment
WorkflowInstance Workflow Instance Data Object Represents an "in-flight" workflow.
WorkflowModel Workflow Model Constants
WorkflowNode Workflow Node Data Object Represents a Node within the Workflow Definition.
WorkflowPath Workflow Path Data Object Represents a path within an "in-flight" workflow instance.
WorkflowService Workflow Service.
WorkflowTask Workflow Task Data Object Represents a human-oriented task within an "in-flight" workflow instance
WorkflowTaskDefinition Workflow Task Definition Data Object.
WorkflowTaskQuery Workflow Task Query Provides support for setting predicates and order by.
WorkflowTaskState Workflow Task State Represents the high-level state of Workflow Task (in relation to "in-flight" workflow instance).
WorkflowTransition Workflow Transition.

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