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Package org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository
Interface Summary
ContentAccessor Interface for instances that provide read and write access to content.
ContentReader Represents a handle to read specific content.
ContentService Provides methods for accessing and transforming content.
ContentStreamListener Listens for notifications w.r.t.
ContentWriter Represents a handle to write specific content.
CopyService Copy operations service interface.
EntityRef A marker interface for entity reference classes.
MimetypeService This service interface provides support for Mimetypes.
NodeService Interface for public and internal node and store operations.
SerializedTransformationOptionsAccessor Defines methods for retrieving parameter values for use in building transformation options.
TemplateImageResolver Interface contract for the conversion of file name to a fully qualified icon image path for use by templating and scripting engines executing within the repository context.
TemplateService Template Service.
TransformationSourceOptions Defines options and demarcations needed to describe the details of how the source should be transformed, independent of the target requirements.
TransformationSourceOptions.TransformationSourceOptionsSerializer Defines methods for serializing the source options into a parameter map and deserializing from a serialized options accessor.
Class Summary
AssociationRef This class represents a regular, named node relationship between two nodes.
ChildAssociationRef This class represents a child relationship between two nodes.
ContentData The compound property representing content
NodeRef Reference to a node
Path Representation of a simple path e.g.
Path.ChildAssocElement Represents a qualified path between a parent and a child node, including the sibling to retrieve e.g.
StoreRef Reference to a node store
TransformationOptionLimits Represents maximum source values (that result in exceptions if exceeded) or limits on source values (that result in EOF (End Of File) being returned early).
TransformationOptionPair A pair of transformation options that specify A) a max value over which the source is not read (throws an Exception) or B) a limit over which no more of the source is read (returns EOF) Each pair represents a values such as an elapse time, KBytes read or number of pages read.
TransformationOptions Class containing values of options that are passed to content transformers.
Enum Summary
TransformationOptionPair.Action Action to take place for a given pair of values.
Exception Summary
AbstractStoreException Store-related exception that keeps a handle to the store reference
AspectMissingException Used to indicate that an aspect is missing from a node.
AssociationExistsException Thrown when an operation could not be performed because a named association already exists between two nodes
ContentIOException Wraps a general Exceptions that occurred while reading or writing content.
ContentServiceTransientException This exception should be thrown when a content operation could not be performed due to a transient condition and where it is possible that a subsequent request to execute the same action might succeed, all other things not having changed.
InvalidNodeRefException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the node reference no longer exists.
InvalidStoreRefException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the store reference no longer exists.
MalformedNodeRefException Thrown when a nodeRef representation is invalid.
NoTransformerException Thrown when a transformation request cannot be honoured due to no transformers being present for the requested transformation.
StoreExistsException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because the store reference no longer exists.

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