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Uses of Class
Packages that use org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef
org.alfresco.service.cmr.model FileFolderService These services give much simpler APIs for manipulating nodes structures conforming to traditional file folder trees within the data dictionary.
Uses of ChildAssociationRef in org.alfresco.repo.node
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.node with parameters of type ChildAssociationRef
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeDeleteChildAssociationPolicy.beforeDeleteChildAssociation(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
          Called before a node child association is deleted.
NodeServicePolicies.BeforeMoveNodePolicy.beforeMoveNode(ChildAssociationRef oldChildAssocRef, NodeRef newParentRef)
          Called before a node is moved.
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateChildAssociationPolicy.onCreateChildAssociation(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef, boolean isNewNode)
          Called after a node child association has been created.
NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateNodePolicy.onCreateNode(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
          Called when a new node has been created.
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteChildAssociationPolicy.onDeleteChildAssociation(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
          Called after a node child association has been deleted.
NodeServicePolicies.OnDeleteNodePolicy.onDeleteNode(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef, boolean isNodeArchived)
          Called after a node is deleted.
NodeServicePolicies.OnMoveNodePolicy.onMoveNode(ChildAssociationRef oldChildAssocRef, ChildAssociationRef newChildAssocRef)
          Called when a node has been moved.
NodeServicePolicies.OnRestoreNodePolicy.onRestoreNode(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
          Called after an archived node is restored.
Uses of ChildAssociationRef in org.alfresco.repo.tenant
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.tenant that return ChildAssociationRef
TenantService.getBaseName(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
TenantService.getBaseName(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef, boolean forceIfNonTenant)
TenantService.getName(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.tenant with parameters of type ChildAssociationRef
TenantService.getBaseName(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
TenantService.getBaseName(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef, boolean forceIfNonTenant)
TenantService.getName(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
Uses of ChildAssociationRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model with parameters of type ChildAssociationRef
SubFolderFilter.isEnterSubfolder(ChildAssociationRef subfolderRef)
          Does deep listing enter this subfolder?
Uses of ChildAssociationRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition that return ChildAssociationRef
RenditionService.getRenditionByName(NodeRef node, QName renditionName)
          This method gets the rendition of the specified node identified by the provided rendition name.
RenditionService.getSourceNode(NodeRef renditionNode)
          This method gets the source node for the specified rendition node.
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, QName renditionDefinitionQName)
          This method synchronously renders content as specified by the given rendition name.
RenditionService.render(NodeRef sourceNode, RenditionDefinition renditionDefinition)
          This method synchronously renders content as specified by the given RenditionDefinition.
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.rendition that return types with arguments of type ChildAssociationRef
RenditionService.getRenditions(NodeRef node)
          This method gets all the renditions of the specified node.
RenditionService.getRenditions(NodeRef node, String mimeTypePrefix)
          This method gets all the renditions of the specified node filtered by MIME-type prefix.
Uses of ChildAssociationRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository that return ChildAssociationRef
NodeService.addChild(NodeRef parentRef, NodeRef childRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName qname)
          Makes a parent-child association between the given nodes.
NodeService.createNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName)
NodeService.createNode(NodeRef parentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName, QName nodeTypeQName, Map<QName,Serializable> properties)
          Creates a new, non-abstract, real node as a primary child of the given parent node.
NodeService.getPrimaryParent(NodeRef nodeRef)
          Fetches the primary parent-child relationship.
NodeService.moveNode(NodeRef nodeToMoveRef, NodeRef newParentRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName assocQName)
          Moves the primary location of the given node.
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository that return types with arguments of type ChildAssociationRef
NodeService.addChild(Collection<NodeRef> parentRefs, NodeRef childRef, QName assocTypeQName, QName qname)
          Associates a given child node with a given collection of parents.
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef)
          Get all child associations of the given node.
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern)
          Gets all child associations where the pattern of the association qualified name is a match.
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern, boolean preload)
          Gets all child associations where the pattern of the association qualified names match the patterns provided.
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern, int maxResults, boolean preload)
          Gets all child associations where the pattern of the association qualified name is an exact match.
NodeService.getChildAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, Set<QName> childNodeTypeQNames)
          Retrieve immediate children of a given node where the child nodes are in the given inclusive list.
NodeService.getChildAssocsByPropertyValue(NodeRef nodeRef, QName propertyQName, Serializable value)
          Retrieve the immediate children of a given node based on the value of a property of those children.
NodeService.getChildAssocsWithoutParentAssocsOfType(NodeRef parent, QName assocTypeQName)
          Gets the set of child associations of a certain parent node without parent associations of a certain type to other nodes with the same parent! In effect the 'orphans' with respect to a certain association type.
NodeService.getChildrenByName(NodeRef nodeRef, QName assocTypeQName, Collection<String> childNames)
          Get the nodes with the given names within the context of the parent node.
NodeService.getParentAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef)
NodeService.getParentAssocs(NodeRef nodeRef, QNamePattern typeQNamePattern, QNamePattern qnamePattern)
          Gets all parent associations where the pattern of the association qualified name is a match
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with parameters of type ChildAssociationRef
ChildAssociationRef.compareTo(ChildAssociationRef another)
NodeService.removeChildAssociation(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
          Remove a specific child association.
NodeService.removeSeconaryChildAssociation(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
NodeService.removeSecondaryChildAssociation(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
          Remove a specific secondary child association.
NodeService.setChildAssociationIndex(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef, int index)
          Set the ordering index of the child association.
Constructors in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository with parameters of type ChildAssociationRef
Path.ChildAssocElement(ChildAssociationRef ref)
Uses of ChildAssociationRef in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search that return ChildAssociationRef
CategoryService.getCategory(NodeRef parent, QName aspectName, String name)
          Looks up a category by name under its immediate parent.
ResultSetSPI.getChildAssocRef(int n)
          Get the child assoc ref for a particular row.
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search that return types with arguments of type ChildAssociationRef
CategoryService.getCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectQName, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.CategoryService.Depth depth)
          Get a list of all the categories appropriate for a given property.
          Get a list of all the child associations in the results set.
CategoryService.getChildren(NodeRef categoryRef, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.CategoryService.Mode mode, org.alfresco.service.cmr.search.CategoryService.Depth depth)
          Get the children of a given category node
CategoryService.getClassifications(StoreRef storeRef)
          Get all the classification entries
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName)
          Get the root categories for an aspect/classification
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, PagingRequest pagingRequest, boolean sortByName)
          Get a paged list of the root categories for an aspect/classification
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String filter)
          Get the root categories for an aspect/classification with names that start with filter
CategoryService.getRootCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, String name, boolean create)
          Gets root categories by name, optionally creating one if one does not exist.

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