* WidgetBase provides a lot of the core widget functions
* @external dijit/_WidgetBase
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/_WidgetBase.html
* TemplatedMixin gives us many of the template methods, e.g. parsing the HTML template and making the data-dojo-attach-point attribute work.
* @external dijit/_TemplatedMixin
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/_TemplatedMixin.html
* Used by {@link module:AlfBreadcrumb} & others
* @external dojo/_OnDijitClickMixin
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin.html
* Used by {@link module:AlfBreadcrumb}
* @external dojo/_CssStateMixin
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/_CssStateMixin.html
* Used by {@link module:AlfGalleryViewSlider}
* @external dijit/form/HorizontalSlider
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/form/HorizontalSlider
* Used by {@link module:AlfListView} and {@link module:ListRenderer}
* @external dojo/_KeyNavContainer
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/_KeyNavContainer
* Used by {@link module:BaseFormControl}
* @external dojo/_FocusMixin
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/_FocusMixin
* Used by {@link module:AlfCascadingMenu}
* @external dijit/PopupMenuItem
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/PopupMenuItem
* Used by {@link module:AlfContextMenu}
* @external dijit/Menu
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/Menu
* Used by {@link module:AlfDropDownMenu}
* @external dijit/DropDownMenu
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/DropDownMenu
* This forms the basis for {@link module:AlfMenuBarItem}
* @external dijit/MenuBarItem
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/MenuBarItem
* This forms the basis for {@link module:AlfMenuBarPopup}
* @external dijit/PopupMenuBarItem
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/PopupMenuBarItem
* This forms the basis for {@link module:AlfMenuItem}
* @external dijit/MenuItem
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/MenuItem
* Referenced in {@link module:AlfMenuItemWrapper}
* @external dijit/_Contained
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dijit/_Contained
* @todo is this used anymore?
* jQuery is used for some of the core util methods and dom manipulation bits, e.g. fadeIn/Out in {@link module:Dashlets}
* @external jquery
* @see http://api.jquery.com/
* @external dojo/store/JsonRest
* @see http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/store/JsonRest.html
* @todo do we use this anymore?