This renders an image that represents the type of file that the assigned node represents.
- Copyright:
- Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Alfresco Software Limited
- License:
- GNU Lesser General Public License, see: Open Source Licensing
- Source:
Mixes In
- module:alfresco/renderers/_JsNodeMixin
altText :string
The alt text for the file type image.
- string
- Source:
customExtnMappings :object
- object
- Default Value:
- null
- Source:
customTypeMappings :object
- object
- Default Value:
- null
- Source:
defaultExtnMappings :object
The default mappings.
- object
- Default Value:
{"aep": "aep", "ai": "ai", "aiff": "aiff", "asf": "video", "asnd": "asnd", "asx": "video", "au": "audio", "avi": "video", "avx": "video", "bmp": "img", "css": "text", "divx": "video", "doc": "doc", "docx": "doc", "docm": "doc", "dotx": "doc", "dotm": "doc", "eml": "eml", "eps": "eps", "fla": "fla", "flv": "video", "fxp": "fxp", "gif": "img", "htm": "html", "html": "html", "indd": "indd", "jpeg": "img", "jpg": "img", "key": "key", "mkv": "video", "mov": "video", "movie": "video", "mp3": "mp3", "mp4": "video", "mpeg": "video", "mpeg2": "video", "mpv2": "video", "msg": "eml", "numbers": "numbers", "odg": "odg", "odp": "odp", "ods": "ods", "odt": "odt", "ogg": "video", "ogv": "video", "pages": "pages", "pdf": "pdf", "png": "img", "ppj": "ppj", "ppt": "ppt", "pptx": "ppt", "pptm": "ppt", "pps": "ppt", "ppsx": "ppt", "ppsm": "ppt", "pot": "ppt", "potx": "ppt", "potm": "ppt", "ppam": "ppt", "sldx": "ppt", "sldm": "ppt", "psd": "psd", "qt": "video", "rtf": "rtf", "snd": "audio", "spx": "audio", "svg": "img", "swf": "swf", "tif": "img", "tiff": "img", "txt": "text", "wav": "audio", "webm": "video", "wmv": "video", "xls": "xls", "xlsx": "xls", "xltx": "xls", "xlsm": "xls", "xltm": "xls", "xlam": "xls", "xlsb": "xls", "xml": "xml", "xvid": "video", "zip": "zip"}
- Source:
defaultTypeMappings :object
Default mappings from objects to types.
- object
- Source:
imageUrl :string
The URL to the image. Available parameters to replace are {prefix} {type} and {size}
- string
- Default Value:
- require.toUrl("alfresco/renderers/css/images/filetypes/{prefix}-{type}-{size}.png")
- Source:
size :string
The size of the image. By default this will be "large" but can be set to "small" or "medium". The default widget has 3 image sizes: 16px, 32px and 48px and changing the size will change the size of image that is used.
- string
- Default Value:
- "large"
- Source:
Overrides the inherited function to construct the DOM for the widget using native browser capabilities.
- Since:
- 1.0.101
- Source:
getExtension() → {string}
Gets the extension for the current item. It does this by looking for the last "." in the fileName.
- Source:
The extension for the current item- Type
- string
getImagePrefix() → {string}
This returns a String that represents the prefix for the
element src based on the file name of the current item. For example if a filename ends in ".jpg " then this is likely to return a prefix of "image".
- Source:
A string representation of the image prefix.- Type
- string
getImageSize() → {string}
Returns a String that represents the size of the image. This string will be including in the "src" attribute of the
element used to display the file type. By default "large" maps to "48", "medium" to "32" and "small" to "16".
- Source:
The string that represents the correct image size to use in the "src" attribute for the image.- Type
- string
getImageType() → {string}
This returns a String that represents the type of file that an image should be generated for.
- Source:
The string representing the type.- Type
- string
- Source:
Set up the attributes to be used when rendering the template.
- Source: