Module: alfresco/core/WidgetsOverrideMixin


This mixin module provides a function for overriding the default widget model to be generated. This function provides a consistent way in which new widgets can be added, removed, replaced and updated.
  • 1.0.97
  • Dave Draper


applyWidgetOverrides(widgets, overrides)

Applies the supplied overrides to the supplied widgets model. Each element in the overrides array should define how it should be applied to the widgets array. Given the starting widgets array:
Name Type Description
widgets object[] The default widgets
overrides object[] The overrides to apply

This is the default widgets model to be updated in the following examples

    id: "WIDGET_1",
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
    config: {
      fieldId: "NAME",
      label: "Name",
      description: "Enter your name",
      name: "name"
    id: "WIDGET_2",
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/NumberSpinner",
    config: {
      fieldId: "AGE",
      label: "Age",
      description: "How old are you?",
      name: "age"

Insert a widget at the start of the model using a targetPosition of "START"

    id: "ADDRESS",
    targetPosition: "START",
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
    config: {
      fieldId: "ADDRESS",
      label: "Address",
      description: "Where do you live?",
      name: "address"

Insert a widget at the end of the model using a targetPosition of "END"

    id: "ADDRESS",
    targetPosition: "END",
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
    config: {
      fieldId: "ADDRESS",
      label: "Address",
      description: "Where do you live?",
      name: "address"

Insert a widget before another widget using by using a targetPosition of "BEFORE" and providing a targetId

    id: "ADDRESS",
    targetId: "WIDGET_2"
    targetPosition: "BEFORE",
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
    config: {
      fieldId: "ADDRESS",
      label: "Address",
      description: "Where do you live?",
      name: "address"

Insert a widget after another widget using by using a targetPosition of "AFTER" and providing a targetId

    id: "ADDRESS",
    targetId: "WIDGET_1"
    targetPosition: "AFTER",
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox",
    config: {
      fieldId: "ADDRESS",
      label: "Address",
      description: "Where do you live?",
      name: "address"

Remove a widget using using the remove attribute with the id of the widget to remove.

    id: "WIDGET_2",
    remove: true

Replace a widget using the replace attribute with the id of the widget to replace.

    id: "WIDGET_2",
    replace: true,
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextArea",
    config: {
      fieldId: "ADDRESS",
      label: "Location",
      name: "address"

Merge new configuration into an existing widget id

    id: "WIDGET_1",
    name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TextArea",
    config: {
      name: "Who are you?"

findWidgetToOverride(widgets, targetId) → {number}

Iterates over the supplied array of widgets until one with the supplied target id is found. The index of the widget within the supplied array is then returned.
Name Type Description
widgets object[] An array of widgets to iterate over
targetId string The target ID to match
The index of the widget in the array or -1 if it could not be found.