* Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
* This file is part of Alfresco
* Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Alfresco. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* <p>This mixin extends the standard [actions mixin]{@link alfresco/renderers/_ActionsMixin}
* to allow Alfresco folder or document actions to be asynchronously retrieved when only the
* NodeRef is known.</p>
* @module alfresco/renderers/_XhrActionsMixin
* @extends module:alfresco/renderers/_ActionsMixin
* @mixes module:alfresco/documentlibrary/_AlfDocumentListTopicMixin
* @author Dave Draper
function(declare, _ActionsMixin, topics, aspect, array, lang) {
return declare([_ActionsMixin], {
* The array of file(s) containing internationalised strings.
* @instance
* @type {object}
* @default [{i18nFile: "./i18n/_XhrActionsMixin.properties"}]
* @since 1.0.46
i18nRequirements: [{i18nFile: "./i18n/_XhrActionsMixin.properties"}],
* The lookup key into current item to retrieve the short name of the site in which the current item is
* located. This may be relevant to correctly obtain all item actions if evaluation of these actions is
* dependant on the site scope.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @since 1.0.79
currentItemSiteShortNameKey : null,
* The name of the view for which to load actions. Depending on the backend loading actions this may
* allow a differentiation between various scopes that actions have been associated with.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @since 1.0.79
actionView : null,
* Overrides the [inherited function]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/_ActionsMixin#createDropDownMenu}
* to call [loadActions]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/_XhrActionsMixin#loadActions} to ensure that
* the actions are loaded before the drop-down menu is displayed.
* @instance
* @param {function} callback The function to call to display the drop-down
* @since 1.0.62
createDropDownMenu: function alfresco_renderers__XhrActionsMixin__createDropDownMenu(callback) {
* Called whenever the user opens up the actions pop-up menu. If an XHR request has not yet been made to
* retrieve the full Node data for the current item then the
* [getXhrData]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/_XhrActionsMixin#getXhrData} function will be called, otherwise
* the previously rendered actions will be shown.
* @instance
* @param {function} callback The function to call to display the drop-down
loadActions: function alfresco_renderers__XhrActionsMixin__loadActions(callback) {
if (this._actionsLoaded)
this.alfLog("log", "Actions already loaded");
this.alfLog("log", "Loading actions");
if (this._button)
this._button.set("label", this.message("loading.label"));
this._button.set("disabled", true);
* Publishes a request to retrieve the full Node data for the current item.
* @instance
* @param {function} callback The function to call to display the drop-down
* @fires module:alfresco/core/topics#GET_DOCUMENT
getXhrData: function alfresco_renderers__XhrActionsMixin__getXhrData(callback) {
var nodeRef = lang.getObject("nodeRef", false, this.currentItem);
if (nodeRef)
// depending on how item was loaded site can be coded in different ways
var site;
if (this.currentItemSiteShortNameKey)
site = lang.getObject(this.currentItemSiteShortNameKey, false, this.currentItem);
// default fallbacks for search and doclib data web scripts (JsNode vs. bare)
site = site || lang.getObject("site.shortName", false, this.currentItem);
site = site || lang.getObject("node.location.site.name", false, this.currentItem);
site = site || lang.getObject("location.site.name", false, this.currentItem);
// Generate a UUID for the response to the publication to ensure that only this widget
// handles to the XHR data...
var responseTopic = this.generateUuid();
this._xhrDataRequestHandle = this.alfSubscribe(responseTopic + "_SUCCESS", lang.hitch(this, this.onXhrData, callback), true);
this.alfPublish(topics.GET_DOCUMENT, {
alfResponseTopic: responseTopic,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
site : site,
view : this.actionView
}, true);
this.alfLog("warn", "No nodeRef attribute available to use to retrieve all data.", this);
* Handles the processing of the asynchronously requested data. It calls
* [addXhrItems]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/_XhrActionsMixin#addXhrItems} to render the actions.
* @instance
* @param {function} callback The function to call to display the drop-down
* @param {object} payload
onXhrData: function alfresco_renderers__XhrActionsMixin__onXhrData(callback, payload) {
if (lang.exists("response.item", payload))
this.currentItem = payload.response.item;
if (typeof callback === "function")
this.alfLog("warn", "Node data was provided but the 'response.item' attribute was not found", payload, this);
* Adds the menu items for the asynchronously retrieved data. Called from
* [onXhrData]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/_XhrActionsMixin#onXhrData}.
* @instance
addXhrItems: function alfresco_renderers__XhrActionsMixin__addXhrItems() {
if (this._button)
this._button.set("label", this.message("alf.renderers.Actions.menuLabel"));
this._button.set("disabled", false);