Source: search/SearchThumbnailMixin.js

 * Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
 * This file is part of Alfresco
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>.

 * This module was created to support both the [thumbnail]{@link module:alfresco/search/SearchThumbnail} and 
 * [gallery thumbnail]{@link module:alfresco/search/SearchGalleryThumbnail} modules that are used to
 * render thumbnails in search results. Because search results can contain any node types (e.g. blogs, wikis,
 * links, etc) rather than just documents and folders it provides the extra code for rendering the correct
 * thumbnail image for the additional types that can be displayed.
 * @module alfresco/search/SearchThumbnailMixin
 * @extends module:alfresco/renderers/_SearchResultLinkMixin
 * @mixes module:alfresco/navigation/_HtmlAnchorMixin
 * @author Dave Draper
        function(declare, _SearchResultLinkMixin, _HtmlAnchorMixin) {

   return declare([_SearchResultLinkMixin, _HtmlAnchorMixin], {

       * An array of the i18n files to use with this widget.
       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
       * @default [{i18nFile: "./i18n/"}]
      i18nRequirements: [{i18nFile: "./i18n/"}],

       * The prefix string that indicates the start of text to highlight.
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
       * @since 1.0.95
      highlightPrefix: "\u0000",

       * This is the property within the [currentItem]{@link module:alfresco/core/CoreWidgetProcessing#highlightProperty}
       * that should be used to identify the content with in the 
       * [renderedValue]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/Property#renderedValue} to highlight.
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default 
       * @since 1.0.95
      highlightPostfix: "\u0003",

       * Overrides the [inherited default configuration]{@link module:alfresco/node/DraggableNodeMixin#isDraggable}
       * to prevent search result thumbnails from being draggable.
       * @instance
       * @type {boolean}
       * @default
       * @since 1.0.39
      isDraggable: false,

       * Generates the publication payload by calling the mixed in 
       * [generatePayload]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/_SearchResultLinkMixin#generatePayload}
       * function and then wraps the property in an anchor element by calling the mixed in 
       * [makeAnchor]{@link module:alfresco/navigation/_HtmlAnchorMixin#makeAnchor} function
       * @instance
      postCreate: function alfresco_renderers_SearchThumbnailMixin__postCreate() {
         if (!this.publishTopic || this.publishTopic === "ALF_NAVIGATE_TO_PAGE")
            // If no specific publishTopic has been set then we can assume that the intention is to
            // provide the standard link result that this mixin provides, however we do want to
            // allow topic and payload overrides. This if clause has been added in particular for
            // enabling the SearchGalleryThumbnail (into which this model has been mixed) to be
            // used within the SearchFilmStripView and allow the click topic/payload to not be
            // a standard search link
            if (!this.publishPayload)
               this.publishPayload = {};
            this.publishPayload = this.generateSearchLinkPayload(this.publishPayload, this.currentItem, null, this.publishPayloadType, this.publishPayloadItemMixin, this.publishPayloadModifiers);
            this.makeAnchor(this.publishPayload.url, this.publishPayload.type);

       * Overrides the standard fallback to address specific site item types.
       * @instance
       * @returns {string} The URL for the thumbnail.
      generateFallbackThumbnailUrl: function alfresco_renderers_SearchThumbnailMixin__generateFallbackThumbnailUrl() {
         var url;
         switch (this.currentItem.type)
            case "blogpost":
               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/blog-post.png");

            case "forumpost":
               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/topic-post.png");

            case "calendarevent":
               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/calendar-event.png");

            case "wikipage":
               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/wiki-page.png");

            case "link":
               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/link.png");

            case "datalist":
               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/datalist.png");

            case "datalistitem":
               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/datalistitem.png");

               url = require.toUrl("alfresco/search/css/images/generic-result.png");
         return url;

       * Returns an array containing the selector that identifies the span to wrap in an anchor.
       * This overrides the [mixed in function]{@link module:alfresco/navigation/_HtmlAnchorMixin}
       * that just returns an empty array.
       * @instance
      getAnchorTargetSelectors: function alfresco_renderers_SearchThumbnailMixin__getAnchorTargetSelectors() {
         return ["span.inner"];

       * Override to ensure that search result link payloads aren't re-generated.
       * @instance
       * @since 1.0.32
      onNonPreviewAction: function alfresco_renderers_SearchThumbnailMixin__onNonPreviewAction() {
         var publishGlobal = this.publishGlobal || false;
         var publishToParent = this.publishToParent || false;
         if (!this.publishTopic || this.publishTopic === "ALF_NAVIGATE_TO_PAGE")
            // If no specific publishTopic has been configured then we can assume that the standard search
            // result linking publication is required. The publishPayload should have already been provided
            // by the postCreate function...
            this.alfPublish("ALF_NAVIGATE_TO_PAGE", this.publishPayload, publishGlobal, publishToParent);
            // If a publishTopic HAS been provided then we can assume this is a custom publication replacing
            // the standard search result linking behaviour...
            this.publishPayload = this.getGeneratedPayload(false, null);
            this.alfPublish(this.publishTopic, this.publishPayload, publishGlobal, publishToParent);

       * Extends the [inherited function]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/Thumbnail#setImageTitle}
       * to ensure that image titles have search term highlighting delineation removed.
       * @instance
       * @since 1.0.95
      setImageTitle: function alfresco_search_SearchThumbnail__setImageTitle() {
         if (this.imgTitle)
            this.imgTitle = this.imgTitle.replace(new RegExp(this.highlightPrefix, "g"), "").replace(new RegExp(this.highlightPostfix, "g"), "");