Source: core/Page.js

 * Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
 * This file is part of Alfresco
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>.

 * This is used as the default root object when instantiating a page. There should be no need
 * to ever instantiate this widget directly.
 * @module alfresco/core/Page
 * @extends module:alfresco/core/ProcessWidgets
 * @mixes module:alfresco/core/ResizeMixin
 * @author Dave Draper
 * @author Martin Doyle
        "jquery", // NOTE: Need to include JQuery at root page to prevent XHR require request for first module that uses it
        "jqueryui", // NOTE: Need to include JQuery UI at root page to prevent XHR require request for first module that uses it
        function(ProcessWidgets, ResizeMixin, topics, urlTypes, urlUtils, AlfConstants, string, declare, domConstruct, array,
                 lang, domClass, win, PubQueue, $, jqueryui, shims) {

   return declare([ProcessWidgets, ResizeMixin], {

       * This is the base class for the page
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      baseClass: "alfresco-core-Page",

       * This is the callback handler for any require based errors that may occur during page load.
       * @instance
       * @param  {object} error Details of the error that has occurred
      onError: function alfresco_core_Page__onError(error) {
         /* global console */
         console.error("The following AMD module loading error occurred", error);

       * Overrides the superclass implementation to call [processServices]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#processServices}
       * and [processWidgets]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#processWidgets} as applicable.
       * @instance
      postCreate: function alfresco_core_Page__postCreate() {
         if (( && ||
             (this.widgets && this.widgets.length))
            // See AKU-956 / AKU-998- register a new page with with the PubQueue...

         /*jshint devel:true*/
            if (AlfConstants.DEBUG)
               require.on("error", lang.hitch(this, this.onError));

            // If we're in debug mode, then we should add some DOM elements for the Developer View. This will
            // allow developers to see which WebScript has generated the page and to click a link to generate
            // a sample JAR to customize the page.
            if (AlfConstants.DEBUG && this.domNode && this.webScriptId)
               this.webScriptLabel = "WebScript ID:";
               this.extensionDownloadUrl = urlUtils.convertUrl("generator/extension?webscriptId=" + this.webScriptId, urlTypes.PAGE_RELATIVE);
               this.extensionDownloadLabel = "(Click to generate extension JAR)";
               var pageInfoTemplate = "<div class=\"alfresco-debug-PageInfo\">" +
                  "<span class=\"label\">${webScriptLabel}</span>" +
                  "<span class=\"value\">${webScriptId}</span>" +
                  "<a href=\"${extensionDownloadUrl}\">${extensionDownloadLabel}</a>" +
               var pageInfo = string.substitute(pageInfoTemplate, this);
               var pageInfoDom = domConstruct.toDom(pageInfo);
     , this.domNode, "first");

            // See AKU-891 - Prevent all standard drag and drop events from working if they bubble as
            // far as the html element. This decision has been taken to prevent users from inadvertently
            // dropping files onto areas of any page that can't handle them (and subsequently having those
            // files rendered by the browser). JQuery used here as Dojo approach proved problematic and we
            // have JQuery loaded anyway. All drag events need to be subscribed to to prevent the drop
            // being fired, see:
            $("html").on("dragenter dragstart dragend dragleave dragover drag drop", function (e) {

            if ( &&
            else if (this.widgets && this.widgets.length)
               // Make sure to process widgets if there are no services...
               // Otherwise they will be processed once all the services are instantiated...
               this.processWidgets(this.widgets, this.containerNode);
         catch (e)
            this.alfLog("error", "The following error occurred building the page", e);

       * @instance
      onReadyPublish: function alfresco_core_Page__onReadyPublish(publicationDetails) {
         if (publicationDetails && publicationDetails.publishTopic)
            this.alfLog("log", "Onload publication", publicationDetails);
            this.alfPublish(publicationDetails.publishTopic, publicationDetails.publishPayload);
            this.alfLog("warn", "The page was configured with an onload publication but no 'publishTopic' was provided", publicationDetails, this);

       * Handles the dependency management and instantiation of services required.
       * @instance
       * @param {Array} services An array of the services to be instantiated.
       * @param {function} callback A function to call once the service has been instantiated
       * @param {object} callbackScope The scope with which to call the callback
       * @param {number} index The index of the service to create
      processServices: function alfresco_core_Page__processServices(services, callback, callbackScope, index) {
         if (services)
            if (!this.servicesToDestroy)
               this.servicesToDestroy = [];

            // Reset the processing complete flag (this is to support multiple invocations of widget processing)...
            this.serviceProcessingComplete = false;

            // TODO: Using these attributes will not support multiple calls to processWidgets from within the same object instance
            this._processedServiceCountdown = services.length;
            this._processedServices = [];

            // Iterate over all the services in the configuration object and add them...
            array.forEach(services, function(serviceConfig) {
               this.createService(serviceConfig, this._registerProcessedService, this, index);
            }, this);

       * This method will instantiate a new service having requested that its JavaScript resource and
       * dependent resources be downloaded. In principle all of the required resources should be available
       * if the service is being processed in the context of the Surf framework and dependency analysis of
       * the page has been completed. However, if this is being performed as an asynchronous event it may
       * be necessary for Dojo to request additional modules. This is why the callback function is required
       * to ensure that successfully instantiated modules can be kept track of.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} config The configuration for the service
       * @param {element} domNode The DOM node to attach the service to
       * @param {function} callback A function to call once the service has been instantiated
       * @param {object} callbackScope The scope with which to call the callback
       * @param {number} index The index of the service to create (this will effect it's location in the
       * [_processedServices]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#_processedServices} array)
      createService: function alfresco_core_Page__createService(config, callback, callbackScope, index) {

         var dep = null,
             serviceConfig = {};
         if (typeof config === "string")
            dep = config;
         else if (typeof config === "object" &&
            dep =;
            if (typeof config.config === "object")
               serviceConfig = config.config;
         if (serviceConfig.pubSubScope === undefined)
            // ...otherwise inherit the callers pubSubScope if one hasn't been explicitly configured...
            serviceConfig.pubSubScope = this.pubSubScope;

         var _this = this;
         var requires = [dep];
         require(requires, function(ServiceType) {
            if (typeof ServiceType === "function")
                  // We need to add the dependency name of the service into the constructor arguments
                  // in order for the BaseService (if extended, which really it should be) to be able
                  // to use that dependency name to register the service instance (see AKU-531)...
                  serviceConfig.alfServiceName = dep;
                  var service = new ServiceType(serviceConfig);
               catch (e) 
                  _this.alfLog("error", "The following error occurred creating a service", e);
               _this.alfLog("error", "The following service could not be found, so is not included on the page '" +  dep + "'. Please correct the use of this service in your page definition");
            if (callback)
               // If there is a callback then call it with any provided scope (but default to the
               // "this" as the scope if one isn't provided).
      || _this), service, index);

       * Used to keep track of all the services created as a result of a call to the [processWidgets]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#processWidgets} function
       * @instance
       * @type {Array}
       * @default
      _processedServices: null,

       * This is used to countdown the services that are still waiting to be created. It is initialised to the size
       * of the services array supplied to the [processServices]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#processServices} function.
       * @instance
       * @type {number}
       * @default
      _processedServiceCountdown: null,

       * This function registers the creation of a service. It decrements the
       * [_processedServiceCountdown]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#_processedServiceCountdown} attribute
       * and calls the [allServicesProcessed]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#allServicesProcessed} function when it reaches zero.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} service The service that has just been processed.
       * @param {number} index The target index of the service
      _registerProcessedService: function alfresco_core_Core___registerProcessedService(service, index) {
         if (index !== 0 && (!index || isNaN(index)))
            this._processedServices[index] = service;

         if (this._processedServiceCountdown === 0)
            this.serviceProcessingComplete = true;

       * This is set from false to true after the [allServicesProcessed]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#allServicesProcessed}
       * extension point function is called. It can be used to check whether or not service processing is complete.
       * This is to allow for checks that service processing has been completed BEFORE attaching a listener to the
       * [allServicesProcessed]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#allServicesProcessed} function.
       * @instance
       * @type {boolean}
       * @default
      serviceProcessingComplete: false,

       * This is an extension point for handling the completion of calls to [processWidgets]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#processWidgets}
       * @instance
       * @param {Array} services An array of all the services that have been processed
      allServicesProcessed: function alfresco_core_Page__allServicesProcessed(services) {
         /*jshint unused:false*/
         this.alfLog("log", "All services processed");
         if (this.widgets && this.widgets.length)
            // Make sure to process widgets if there are no services...
            // Otherwise they will be processed once all the services are instantiated...
            this.processWidgets(this.widgets, this.containerNode);

       * @instance
      allWidgetsProcessed: function alfresco_core_Page__allWidgetsProcessed(widgets) {
         /*jshint unused:false*/
         this.alfLog("log", "All page widgets processed");
         // TODO: Need to be able to notify widgets that they can start publications in the knowledge that other widgets are available
         // to respond...

         if (this.publishOnReady)
            array.forEach(this.publishOnReady, lang.hitch(this, this.onReadyPublish));

         // Release all publications that have been queued awaiting all the widgets to have finished being
         // created...
         this.alfPublish(topics.PAGE_WIDGETS_READY, {});

         // Once everything has completed loading we want to publish a resize event to give all of the widgets
         // a chance to set their dimensions correctly. This is somewhat using a sledgehammer to crack a nut but
         // is a simple and effective means of ensuring the correct layout on page load. In particular this was
         // prompted by issues with the AlfTabContainer in Chrome not handling client height correctly (see AKU-506)

         // Add a class to indicate that the page is ready. This is primarily for testing purposes.
         domClass.add(this.domNode, "allWidgetsProcessed");

       * Un-hide the body of the page
       * @instance
       * @since 1.0.59
      _showPage: function alfresco_core_Page___showPage() {
         domClass.add(document.body, "aikau-reveal");