Source: forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin.js

 * Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
 * This file is part of Alfresco
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>.

 * <p>This module handles form control validation and was written with the intention of being mixed into the
 * [BaseFormControl module]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/BaseFormControl}. It provides the ability
 * handle more complex validation, including asynchronous validation. This means that it is possible for
 * a form to request remote data (e.g. to check whether or not a suggested identifier has already been used).</p>
 * <p>The validators that are currently provided include checking that the length of a form field value is
 * neither too long or too short, that it matches a specific Regular Expression pattern and whether or not the
 * value is unique. Each validator should be configured with an explicit error message (if no error message is
 * provided then the invalid indicator will be displayed with no message).</p>
 * <p>Multiple validators can be chained together and if more than one validator reports that they are in error
 * then their respective error messages will be displayed in sequence.</p>
 * @example <caption>Example using all validators:</caption>
 * validationConfig: [
 *   {
 *     validation: "minLength",
 *     length: 3,
 *     errorMessage: "Too short"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     validation: "maxLength",
 *     length: 5,
 *     errorMessage: "Too long"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     validation: "numericalRange",
 *     min: 500,
 *     max: 10000,
 *     errorMessage: "Must be between 500 and 10000"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     validation: "regex",
 *     regex: "^[0-9]+$",
 *     errorMessage: "Numbers only"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     validation: "validateUnique",
 *     errorMessage: "Already used",
 *     itemsProperty: "items",
 *     publishTopic: "GET_VALUES"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     validation: "validationTopic",
 *     validationTopic: "ALF_VALIDATE_WHITESPACE_TOPIC",
 *     errorMessage: "No initial or trailing whitespace"
 *   }
 * ]
 * @module alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin
 * @extends module:alfresco/core/Core
 * @author Dave Draper
        function(declare, AlfCore, lang, array, domClass, ObjectTypeUtils) {

   return declare([AlfCore], {

       * An array of the i18n files to use with this widget.
       * @instance
       * @type {Array}
      i18nRequirements: [{i18nFile: "./i18n/"}],

       * The time in milliseconds to wait before displaying the validation progress indicator.
       * @instance
       * @type {number}
       * @default
       * @since 1.0.89
      validationProgressDisplayTimeout: 1000,

       * Indicates whether or not validation is currently in-progress or not
       * @instance
       * @type {boolean}
       * @default
      _validationInProgress: false,

       * Keeps track of all the validators that are currently processing. This array is added to
       * by [processValidationArrayElement]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#processValidationArrayElement}
       * and removed from during [validationComplete]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#validationComplete}
       * @instance
       * @type {object}
       * @default
      _validatorsInProgress: null,

       * Keeps track of the current validation state. Is updated by each call back to
       * [validationComplete]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#validationComplete}
       * @instance
       * @type {boolean}
       * @default
      _validationInProgressState: true,

       * A timeout for showing in-progress validation indicators. Used to debounce the display of the indicator
       * to prevent "jumping".
       * @instance
       * @type {object}
       * @defaul
       * @since 1.0.89 
      _validationInProgressTimeout: null,

       * This is used to build up the overall validation message.
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      _validationErrorMessage: null,

       * This is used to build up the overall validation message for warnings.
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
       * @since 1.0.91
      _validationWarningMessage: null,

       * Called to start processing validators. If validation is already in progress then a flag will be set
       * to queue another validation run once the current processing has completed.
       * @instance
      startValidation: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__startValidation() {
         if (this._validationInProgress === true)
            this._queuedValidationRequest = true;
            // Reset the _validatorsInProgress attribute...
            this._validationWarnings = false;
            this._validationInProgressState = true;
            this._validatorsInProgress = {};
            this._validationErrorMessage = "";
            this._validationMessage.textContent = this._validationErrorMessage;
            this._validationWarningMessage = "";
            this._warningMessage.textContent = this._validationWarningMessage;

            this._validationInProgress = true;
            this._queuedValidationRequest = false;

            // Put the control into the invalid state (TODO: show a processing icon)
            this.alfPublish("ALF_INVALID_CONTROL", {
               fieldId: this.fieldId

            // Hide any previous errors and reveal the in-progress indicator...

            this._validationInProgressTimeout = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function() {
               domClass.remove(this._validationInProgressIndicator, "hidden");
            }), this.validationProgressDisplayTimeout);

            // Iterate over each validation configuration, start it and add it to a count...
            var validationErrors = [];
            array.forEach(this.validationConfig, lang.hitch(this, this.processValidationArrayElement, validationErrors));

            var count = this.countValidatorsInProgress();
            if (count === 0)
               // No validation validators were configured so just complete validation...
               // Call the relevant validation function for each validation configuration element,
               // this is done *after* processing the configuration to ensure that validation isn't
               // recorded as having completed *before* all the validators have started...
               for (var key in this._validatorsInProgress)
                  if (this._validatorsInProgress.hasOwnProperty(key))
                     var validationConfig = this._validatorsInProgress[key];

       * This function is called from the [processValidationRules]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/BaseFormControl#processValidationRules}
       * function for each element of the [validationConfig]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/BaseFormControl#validationConfig}
       * configuration attribute. It checks that the supplied 'validation' attribute maps to a function
       * a function (the core validation functions are defined in the [FormControlValidationMixin]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin}
       * module).
       * @instance
       * @param {array} validationErrors An array to populate with validation errors.
       * @param {object} validationConfig The current element to process
       * @param {number} index The index of the element in the array
       * @returns {boolean} True if validation is passed and false otherwise
      processValidationArrayElement: function alfresco_forms_controls_BaseFormControl__processValidationArrayElement(validationErrors, validationConfig, index) {
         var validationType = lang.getObject("validation", false, validationConfig);
         if (validationType)
            if (typeof this[validationType] === "function")
               // Add the current validator to the those currently in-flight and
               // using the index as a key. This index is also added to the
               this._validatorsInProgress[index] = validationConfig;
               validationConfig.index = index;
               this.alfLog("warn", "Validation configuration 'validation' attribute refers to non-existent function", validationType, this);
            this.alfLog("warn", "Validation configuration missing a 'validation' attribute", validationConfig, this);

       * Counts the validators that are currently in progress.
       * @instance
       * @returns {number} The number of validators still in progress
      countValidatorsInProgress: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__countValidatorsInProgress() {
         var count = 0;
         for (var key in this._validatorsInProgress)
            if (this._validatorsInProgress.hasOwnProperty(key))
         return count;

       * This function should be called by all validators when they have finished validating the
       * current entry.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig The configuration for the validator that has just completed
       * @param {boolean} result Whether or not the validation was successful or not
      reportValidationResult: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__reportValidationResult(validationConfig, result) {
         this.alfLog("log", "Validator complete, result: " + result, validationConfig);

         var index = lang.getObject("index", false, validationConfig);
         if (!(index || index === 0))
            this.alfLog("warn", "Validation completion call without index attribute", validationConfig, this);
            // Update the error message...
            if (result === false)
               if (validationConfig.errorMessage)
                  if (validationConfig.warnOnly === true)
                     if (this._validationWarningMessage.length !== 0)
                        this._validationWarningMessage += ", ";
                     this._validationWarningMessage += this.message(validationConfig.errorMessage);
                     if (this._validationErrorMessage.length !== 0)
                        this._validationErrorMessage += ", ";
                     this._validationErrorMessage += this.message(validationConfig.errorMessage);

               if (validationConfig.warnOnly === true)
                  // Show as a warning...
                  this._validationWarnings = true;
                  result = true;

                  // Update the validation message...
                  this._warningMessage.textContent = this._validationWarningMessage;
                  // Show as a failure...

                  // Update the validation message...
                  this._validationMessage.textContent = this._validationErrorMessage;

            // Update the overall result...
            this._validationInProgressState = this._validationInProgressState && result;

            // Remove the completed validator using the configured index...
            delete this._validatorsInProgress[index];

            // Count the remaining validators...
            var count = this.countValidatorsInProgress();

            // If all are complete then update validation status
            if (count === 0)
               this.alfLog("log", "Waiting on " + count + " more validators to complete");

       * This function is called when all validators have reported their finished state.
       * @instance
      validationComplete: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__validationComplete() {
         // Hide the in-progress indicator...
         domClass.add(this._validationInProgressIndicator, "hidden");

         // Check requirement validation...
         var value = this.getValue();

         var valueIsEmptyArray = ObjectTypeUtils.isArray(value) && value.length === 0;
         var requirementTest = !(this._required && ((!value && value !== 0 && value !== false) || valueIsEmptyArray));

         // Publish the results...
         if (this._validationInProgressState && requirementTest)
            this.alfPublish("ALF_VALID_CONTROL", {
               fieldId: this.fieldId

            if (this._validationWarnings)
            this.alfPublish("ALF_INVALID_CONTROL", {
               fieldId: this.fieldId
         this._validationInProgress = false;

         if (this._queuedValidationRequest === true)

       * This validator checks the current form field value against the configured regex pattern.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig The configuration for this validator
      regex: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__regex(validationConfig) {
         var isValid = true;
         var regexPattern = lang.getObject("regex", false, validationConfig);
         if (typeof regexPattern === "string")
            var value = this.getValue();
            var regExObj = new RegExp(regexPattern);
            isValid = regExObj.test(value);
            if (validationConfig.invertRule === true)
               isValid = !isValid;
            this.alfLog("warn", "A regex validation was configured with an invalid 'regex' attribute", validationConfig, this);
         this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, isValid);

       * This validator ensures that the form value is a number that falls within a range. It is acceptable to
       * only provide the min or max of the range.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig The configuration for this validator
      numericalRange: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__numericalRange(validationConfig) {
         // PLEASE NOTE: isNaN returns false for null
         var isValid = true;
         var value = parseFloat(this.getValue());
         var minValue = lang.getObject("min", false, validationConfig);
         var permitEmpty = lang.getObject("permitEmpty", false, validationConfig);
         if (permitEmpty && this.getValue() === null)
            // If permitEmpty is true, and there is no value then there is no need to check min/max
            if (minValue !== null && !isNaN(minValue))
               isValid = (!isNaN(value) && value >= minValue);
               this.alfLog("warn", "A numericalRange validation was configured with an invalid 'min' attribute", validationConfig, this);
            var maxValue = lang.getObject("max", false, validationConfig);
            if (maxValue !== null && !isNaN(maxValue))
               isValid = isValid && (!isNaN(value) && value <= maxValue);
               this.alfLog("warn", "A numericalRange validation was configured with an invalid 'max' attribute", validationConfig, this);
         this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, isValid);

       * This validator checks that the current form field value is longer than the configured value.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig The configuration for this validator
      maxLength: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__maxLength(validationConfig) {
         var isValid = true;
         var targetLength = lang.getObject("length", false, validationConfig);
         if (!isNaN(targetLength))
            var value = this.getValue();
            isValid = value.length <= targetLength;
            this.alfLog("warn", "A maxLength validation was configured with an invalid 'length' attribute", validationConfig, this);
         this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, isValid);

       * This validator checks that the current form field value is shorter than the configured value.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig The configuration for this validator
      minLength: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__minLength(validationConfig) {
         var isValid = true;
         var targetLength = lang.getObject("length", false, validationConfig);
         if (!isNaN(targetLength))
            var value = this.getValue();
            isValid = value.length >= targetLength;
            this.alfLog("warn", "A minLength validation was configured with an invalid 'length' attribute", validationConfig, this);
         this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, isValid);

       * This validator checks that the value of the form control with a "fieldId" attribute matching the
       * configured "targetId" attribute in the validation configuration matches the current value of this
       * form control.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig The configuration for this validator
      validateMatch: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__validateMatch(validationConfig) {
         var targetId = lang.getObject("targetId", false, validationConfig);
         if (targetId)
            // Only subscribe to changes once...
            if (!this._validateMatchSubscriptionHandle)
               this._validateMatchSubscriptionHandle = this.alfSubscribe("_valueChangeOf_" + targetId, lang.hitch(this, this._validateMatchTargetValueChanged, validationConfig));
            this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, (this.getValue() === this._validateMatchTargetValue));
            this.alfLog("warn", "A validateMatch validation was configured without a 'targetId' attribute", validationConfig, this);

       * Holds the subscription for publication of changes in value of the target form control configured for the
       * [validateMatch]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#validateMatch}
       * validator.
       * @instance
       * @type {object}
       * @default
      _validateMatchSubscriptionHandle: null,

       * Used to keep track of changes to the value of the target form control configured for the
       * [validateMatch]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#validateMatch}
       * validator.
       * @instance
       * @type {object}
       * @default
      _validateMatchTargetValue: "",

       * When the match target value changes, update a local copy to compare against.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig The configuration for this validator
       * @param {object} payload A payload containing the latest match target value
      _validateMatchTargetValueChanged: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin___validateMatchTargetValueChanged(validationConfig, payload) {
         this._validateMatchTargetValue = payload.value;

       * Stores the validator configuration for validating uniqueness so that it doesn't need to be included
       * in the payload from the called service. It is set in [validateUnique]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#validateUnique}
       * and reset to null in [onValidationUniqueResponse]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#onValidationUniqueResponse}.
       * @instance
       * @type {object}
       * @default
      _validateUniqueConfig: null,

       * This validator checks that the current form field value has not already been used on another item.
       * It should be configured with a 'publishTopic' attribute to request a list of existing items and
       * a 'publishPayload' attribute to go with it. Optionally an 'itemsProperty' attribute can be configured
       * that will identify the attribute in the returned payload that will contain the array of items to
       * iterate through looking for a value that matches the currently entered value.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} config The configuration for this validation
      validateUnique: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__validateUnique(validationConfig) {
         var responseTopic = this.generateUuid();
         var payload = (validationConfig.publishPayload) ? lang.clone(validationConfig.publishPayload) : {};
         payload.alfResponseTopic = responseTopic;
         this._validateUniqueConfig = validationConfig;
         this._validateUniqueHandle = this.alfSubscribe(responseTopic + "_SUCCESS", lang.hitch(this, this.onValidationUniqueResponse), true);
         this.alfPublish(validationConfig.publishTopic, payload, true);
         return true;

       * This is the callback function that is called as a result of using the
       * [validateUnique]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/FormControlValidationMixin#validateUnique} validator.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} payload The payload containing the items to iterate through looking for an existing use of the form field value
      onValidationUniqueResponse: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__onValidationUniqueResponse(payload) {
         var notUnique = false;

         // Grab the previously saved configuration from the instance and then remove it...
         var validationConfig = this._validateUniqueConfig;
         this._validateUniqueConfig = null;

         if (payload)
            // Get the configured items property (this identifies the attribute in the payload containing
            // the array to iterate over)...
            var itemsProperty = lang.getObject("itemsProperty", false, validationConfig);
            if (!itemsProperty)
               itemsProperty = "items";
            // Get the current form field value to compare with each item...
            var value = this.getValue();

            // Get the array of items and check if the form field 'name' attribute for each item matches the
            // currently entered form field value...
            var items = lang.getObject(itemsProperty, false, payload);
            if (!items)
               this.alfLog("warn", "Attempting to validate uniqueness but 'itemsProperty' attribute doesn't map to an an array", validationConfig, this);
               notUnique = array.some(items, function(item) {
                  var itemValue = lang.getObject(, false, item);
                  return itemValue === value;
               }, this);

         // Report back with the validation result...
         this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, !notUnique);

       * Call a topic to validate the value of a form control.
       * That topic will receive the value in payload.value & should publish a response on payload.alfResponseTopic
       * The response payload should contain an "isValid" boolean property.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} validationConfig
      validationTopic: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__validationTopic(validationConfig) {
         if (!validationConfig || !validationConfig.validationTopic)
            this.alfLog("warn", "ValidationTopic missing required fields: " + validationConfig);
            // Default to return true
            this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, true);

         // Save a reference so we can get the config later
         this._validationTopicConfig = validationConfig;

         if (validationConfig.validateInitialValue === false && this.getValue() === this.initialValue)
            this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, true);
            var payload;
            if (validationConfig.validationPayload)
               // Use the configured payload if provided (but add in the necessary attributes to ensure
               // that the publication/subscription works)...
               payload = lang.clone(validationConfig.validationPayload);
               payload.alfResponseTopic = validationConfig.alfResponseTopic || this.generateUuid();
               payload.validationConfig = validationConfig;
               // Create a default payload if none is provided...
               payload = {
                  validationConfig: validationConfig,
                  value: this.getValue(),
                  field: this,
                  alfResponseTopic: validationConfig.alfResponseTopic || this.generateUuid()

            // Duplicate the alfResponseTopic...
            payload.alfSuccessTopic = payload.alfResponseTopic;
            payload.alfFailureTopic = this.generateUuid();

            payload.alfResponseScope = ""; // This effectively defaults to global scope...
            if (validationConfig.scopeValidation)
               // See AKU-1099 - it is better to scope responses to ensure that validation of
               // one field does not impact another, however - for backwards compability support
               // for RM 2.5 it is necessary to depend on the opt-in "scopeValidation" attribute
               // which should be a boolean.
               payload.alfResponseScope = this.generateUuid();
            // Set the validation value as required...
            if (validationConfig.validationValueProperty)
               lang.setObject(validationConfig.validationValueProperty, this.getValue(), payload);

            var publishGlobal = true;
            var publishScope = null;

            if (validationConfig.validationTopicScope)
               publishGlobal = false;
               publishScope = validationConfig.validationTopicScope;

            this._validationTopicHandles = [];
            this._validationTopicHandles.push(this.alfSubscribe(payload.alfResponseTopic, lang.hitch(this, this.onValidationTopicResponse), false, false, payload.alfResponseScope));
            this._validationTopicHandles.push(this.alfSubscribe(payload.alfFailureTopic, lang.hitch(this, this.onValidationTopicFailure), false, false, payload.alfResponseScope));
            this.alfPublish(validationConfig.validationTopic, payload, publishGlobal, false, publishScope);

       * The response called by the topic specified in validationTopic. Receives the isValid state and updates the form.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} payload
      onValidationTopicResponse: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__onValidationTopicResponse(payload) {

         if (!payload) 
            this.alfLog("warn", "ValidationTopic missing payload");

         var validationConfig = this._validationTopicConfig;
         this._validationTopicConfig = null;

         var resultProperty = validationConfig.validationResultProperty || "isValid";
         var isValid = lang.getObject(resultProperty, false, payload);

         if (validationConfig.negate)
            isValid = !isValid;

         // Report back with the validation result...
         this.reportValidationResult(validationConfig, isValid);

       * Handles failed requests to peform validation by publishing a topic. Assumes valid data on failure.
       * @instance
       * @param  {object} payload The details of the validation failure
       * @since 1.0.89
      onValidationTopicFailure: function alfresco_forms_controls_FormControlValidationMixin__onValidationTopicFailure(payload) {
         this.alfLog("warn", "It was not possible to validate the field", payload, this);
         this.reportValidationResult(this._validationTopicConfig, true);