* Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
* This file is part of Alfresco
* Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Alfresco. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This widget can be used to provide a summary of filters applied to a [filtered list]{@link module:alfresco/lists/AlfFilteredList}.
* Although this widget can be used independently it is typically rendered by configuring the
* [showFilterSummary]{@link module:alfresco/lists/AlfFilteredList#showFilterSummary} attribute on a
* [filtered list]{@link module:alfresco/lists/AlfFilteredList}.
* @module alfresco/lists/utilities/FilterSummary
* @extends external:dijit/_WidgetBase
* @mixes external:dijit/_TemplatedMixin
* @mixes module:alfresco/core/Core
* @mixes module:alfresco/forms/controls/utilities/ChoiceMixin
* @author Dave Draper
* @since 1.0.54
function(declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, AlfCore, CoreWidgetProcessing, ChoiceMixin, template, topics,
array, lang, domConstruct, when) {
return declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, CoreWidgetProcessing, AlfCore, ChoiceMixin], {
* An array of the i18n files to use with this widget.
* @instance
* @type {object[]}
* @default [{i18nFile: "./i18n/FilterSummary.properties"}]
i18nRequirements: [{i18nFile: "./i18n/FilterSummary.properties"}],
* An array of the CSS files to use with this widget.
* @instance cssRequirements {Array}
* @type {object[]}
* @default [{cssFile:"./css/FilterSummary.css"}]
cssRequirements: [{cssFile:"./css/FilterSummary.css"}],
* The HTML template to use for the widget.
* @instance
* @type {string}
templateString: template,
* A label to prefix the summary with.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @default
label: "filter-summary.label",
* This is an optional map of filter values to labels. The map should have filter name attributes that are
* mapped to a sub-map of values to labels, e.g.
* @example
* labelMapping: {
* name: {
* ted: "Edward",
* bob: "Robert"
* },
* age: {
* 10: "Ten",
* 20: "Twenty"
* }
* }
* @instance
* @type {object}
* @default
* @since 1.0.84
labelMapping: null,
* Processes the [label]{@link module:alfresco/lists/utilities/Label} to ensure that it is localized.
* @instance
postMixInProperties: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__postMixInProperties() {
this.label = this.message(this.label);
* Sets up the subcription for handling filter changes.
* @instance
* @listens module:alfresco/core/topics#FILTERS_APPLIED
* @listens module:alfresco/core/topics#FILTERS_CLEARED
postCreate: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__postCreate() {
this.alfSubscribe(topics.FILTERS_APPLIED, lang.hitch(this, this.onFiltersApplied));
this.alfSubscribe(topics.FILTERS_CLEARED, lang.hitch(this, this.onClearAllFilters));
* If one or more filter has been applied then the
* [widgetsForActions]{@link module:alfresco/lists/utilities/FilterSummary#widgetsForActions} will
* be created to provide a "Clear All" action.
* @instance
* @param {object[]} filters An array of the filters that have been applied.
addActions: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__addActions(filters) {
if (filters && filters.length)
var actionsModel = lang.clone(this.widgetsForActions);
this.processObject(["processInstanceTokens"], actionsModel);
this.processWidgets(actionsModel, this.choicesNode);
* Overrides the [inherited function]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/utilities/ChoiceMixin#getNewChoiceTargetNode}
* to return the appropriate node to add choices to.
* @instance
* @return {object} The DOM element to add choices relative to
* @overridable
getNewChoiceTargetNode: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__getNewChoiceTargetNode() {
return this.choicesNode;
* Overrides the [inherited function]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/utilities/ChoiceMixin#getNewChoiceTargetNode}
* to return the appropriate node to set the root class on.
* @instance
* @return {object} The target DOM element
* @overridable
getRootClassTargetNode: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__getRootClassTargetNode() {
return this.choicesNode;
* Called on requests to clear all the filters.
* @instance
* @param {object} payload
onClearAllFilters: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__onClearAllFilters(/*jshint unused:false*/ payload) {
array.forEach(this._choices, lang.hitch(this, this._removeChoice));
* Called when the current filter data changes.
* @instance
* @param {object} payload A payload containing the applied filters.
onFiltersApplied: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__onFiltersApplied(payload) {
// Clear the previous filters before adding the current ones...
// Add each applied filter...
array.forEach(payload, function(filter) {
}, this);
// Add any actions, by default this will add a "Clear All" action if one or more filter has been provided.
* Resets the widget to its original state. Each choice is
* [individually removed]{@link module:alfresco/lists/utilities/FilterSummary#_removeChoice} before all the
* [actions widgets]{@link module:alfresco/lists/utilities/FilterSummary#widgetsForActions} are destroyed.
* @instance
reset: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__reset() {
this._choices = [];
this._storeItems = {};
// Destroy any action widgets...
when(this.getProcessedWidgets(), lang.hitch(this, function(widgets) {
array.forEach(widgets, function(widget) {
// Empty the choices...
* Overrides the [inherited function]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/utilities/ChoiceMixin#_getLabel} to
* retrieve the name from the filter to return as the label.
* @instance
* @param {item} item The filter whose "name" attribute should be returned as the label
* @returns {object} An object representing the filter name.
_getLabel: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__getLabel(item) {
var labels, label;
if (this.labelMap)
labels = lang.getObject(item.name, false, this.labelMap);
if (labels)
label = lang.getObject(item.value, false, labels);
var choice = (label || item.value);
return {
choice: choice,
full: choice
* This extends the [inherited function]{@link module:alfresco/forms/controls/utilities/ChoiceMixin#_removeChoice}
* to publish information about the filter removal.
* @instance
* @param {object} choiceToRemove The choice removed.
* @fires module:alfresco/core/topics#FILTER_REMOVED
* @fires module:alfresco/core/topics#FILTER_VALUE_CHANGE
_removeChoice: function alfresco_lists_utilities_FilterSummary__removeChoice(choiceToRemove) {
// Publish information indicating that the filter has been removed and that the value of the filter has changed...
this.alfPublish(topics.FILTER_REMOVED, choiceToRemove.item);
this.alfPublish(topics.FILTER_VALUE_CHANGE, {
value: "",
name: choiceToRemove.item.name
* A widget model of widgets for performing actions. By default a single [link]{@link module:alfresco/renderers/Link}
* is defined for clearing all choices.
* @instance
* @type {object[]}
widgetsForActions: [
id: "{id}_CLEAR_ALL",
name: "alfresco/renderers/Link",
config: {
linkLabel: "filter-summary.clear-all.action",
publishTopic: topics.FILTERS_CLEARED