Source: preview/PdfJs/DocumentView.js

 * Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
 * This file is part of Alfresco
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>.

 * <p>This module was extracted from the PdfJs previewer plugin that was originally a Share Extras
 * ( project and later integrated into Alfresco Share 5.0. It was 
 * created exclusively to support the [Aikau PdfJs module]{@link module:alfresco/preview/PdfJs/PdfJs}.</p>
 * <p>This module is responsible for rendering the overall view of a PDF document where each individual
 * page is an instance of a [DocumentPage]{@link module:alfresco/preview/PdfJs/DocumentPage}. It is used
 * to render both the main view and the thumbnail view in the PDF previewer plugin.</p>
 * @module alfresco/preview/PdfJs/DocumentView
 * @extends dijit/_WidgetBase
 * @mixes module:alfresco/core/Core
 * @author Dave Draper
 * @author Will Abson
 * @auther Peter Löfgren
 * @author Kevin Roast
        function(declare, _WidgetBase, AlfCore, DocumentPage, PdfJsConstants, lang, on, domGeom, domClass, domStyle, $) {
   return declare([_WidgetBase, AlfCore], {

       * Currently active page
       * @instance
       * @default
      activePage : null,
       * Name of last scale to be auto-selected or selected by the user. This is the value which will be persisted when the
       * document is unloaded and used to set up the same view the next time it is loaded.
       * @instance
       * @default
      lastScale : null,

       * Counter for viewer scroll events - incremented on event, decremented some time later. Rendering will occur only when counter reaches zero.
       * @instance
       * @type {int}
       * @default
      renderOnScrollZero : 0,

       * @instance
      postCreate: function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__postCreate() {
         this.viewer = this.domNode;
         var computedStyle = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.viewer);
         this.viewerRegion = domGeom.getContentBox(this.viewer, computedStyle);
         this.currentScale = this.currentScale || PdfJsConstants.K_UNKNOWN_SCALE; = || "";

         // Used for setupRenderLayoutTimer in TextLayerbuilder
         this.lastScroll = 0;
         var self = this;
         // TODO: Replace with Dojo equivilant...
         this.viewer.addEventListener("scroll", function()
            self.lastScroll =;
         }, false);

         this.pages = [];
         if (this.pagesToAdd)

       * Add a single page from a PDF document to this view
       * @instance
      addPage: function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__addPage(id, content) {
         var page = new DocumentPage(id, content, this, {}, this.pdfJsPlugin);

       * Add pages from a PDF document to this view
       * @instance
      addPages: function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__addPages(pages) {
         for ( var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++)
            var page = pages[i];
            this.addPage(i + 1, page);

       * Render page containers and set their sizes. This does not render the page content itself, neither canvas or text layers.
       * @instance
      render : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__render() {
         // Render each page (not canvas or text layers)
         for ( var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
            this.alfLog("log", "Rendering " + + " page container " + (i+1));

         // Set scale, if not already set
         if (this.currentScale === PdfJsConstants.K_UNKNOWN_SCALE)
            // Scale was not initialized: invalid bookmark or scale was not specified.
            // Setting the default one.

       * Remove all existing canvas content
       * @instance
      reset : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__reset() {
         // Remove all the existing canvas elements
         for ( var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)

         // Now redefine the row margins

       * Centre the rows of pages horizontally  within their parent viewer element by adding the correct amount of left padding
       * @instance
      alignRows : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__alignRows() {
         var rowPos = -1, rowWidth = 0, largestRow = 0, scrollY = $(document).scrollTop();
         if (this.pageLayout === "multi")
            domStyle.set(this.viewer, "padding-left", "0px");
            for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
               var page = this.pages[i],
                   container = page.container,
                   containerBounds = container.getBoundingClientRect(),
                   vpos = + scrollY - page.parent.viewerRegion.t,
                   marginLeft = parseInt(domStyle.get(container, "margin-left"), 10);
               // If multi-page mode is on, we need to add custom extra margin to the LHS of the 1st item in the row to make it centred
               if (vpos !== rowPos)
                  rowWidth = marginLeft; // Rather than start from zero assume equal right padding on last row item
               rowWidth += containerBounds.width + marginLeft;
               largestRow = Math.max(largestRow, rowWidth);
               rowPos = vpos;
            domStyle.set(this.viewer, "padding-left", Math.floor((this.viewer.clientWidth - largestRow) / 2) + "px");

       * Render pages in the visible area of the viewer (or near it) given the current scroll position
       * @instance
      renderVisiblePages : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__renderVisiblePages() {
         // region may not be populated properly if the div was hidden
         var computedStyle = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.viewer);
         this.viewerRegion = domGeom.getContentBox(this.viewer, computedStyle);
         // this.viewerRegion = Dom.getRegion(this.viewer);

         var vheight = this.viewerRegion.h, vtop = this.viewerRegion.t;
         this.alfLog("log", "Render " + + " visible pages: viewer height " + this.viewerRegion.h + "px");

         // Render visible pages
         for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
            var page = this.pages[i];
            if (!page.canvas)
               var pregion = page.container.getBoundingClientRect(),
                   top = - vtop,
                   bottom = top + pregion.height,
                   vicinity = 1.5;

               // WA - improve algorithm for selecting which pages to render, based on the following criteria
               // Page top is above the viewer top edge, bottom below the bottom edge OR
               // Bottom is within half the viewer height of the top edge OR
               // Top is within half the viewer height of the bottom edge
               if (top < 0 && 0 < bottom ||
                   -vheight * vicinity < bottom && bottom < vheight ||
                   0 < top && top < vheight * (vicinity + 1))
                  this.alfLog("log", "Rendering " + + " page " + (i+1) + " content (page top:" + top + ", bottom:" + bottom + ")");

       * Scroll the viewer to the given page number
       * @instance
       * @param n {int} Number of the page to scroll to, 1 or greater.
      scrollTo : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__scrollTo(n, offsetY) {
         var newPos = this.pages[n - 1].getVPos(),
            firstPos = this.pages[0].getVPos();

         this.alfLog("log", "Scrolling " + + " to page " + n + 
               ". New page top is " + newPos + "px" + 
               ". First page top is " + firstPos + "px");

         var scrollTop = newPos - firstPos;
         if (offsetY)
            scrollTop += offsetY;

         this.alfLog("log", "Old scrollTop was " + this.viewer.scrollTop + "px");
         this.alfLog("log", "Set scrollTop to " + scrollTop + "px");
         this.alfLog("log", "scrollTop offsetY " + offsetY);

         this.viewer.scrollTop = scrollTop;
         this.pageNum = n;

         // Render visible pages

       * Set the scale of the view and remove all previously-rendered document content
       * @instance
       * @param value {float} numerical scale value
      setScale : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__setScale(value) {
         if (value === this.currentScale)
         this.alfLog("log", "Scale is now " + value);
         this.currentScale = value;

         // Remove all the existing canvas elements

         // Now redefine the row margins

       * Calculate page zoom level based on the supplied value. Recognises numerical values and special string constants, e.g. 'page-fit'.
       * Normally used in conjunction with setScale(), since this method does not set the current value.
       * @instance
       * @return {float} Numerical scale value
      parseScale : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__parseScale(value) {
         /*jshint maxcomplexity:false,maxstatements:false*/
         var scale = parseFloat(value);
         if (scale)
            this.lastScale = value;
            return scale;

         if (this.pages.length !== 0)
            var currentPage = this.pages[0],
                container = currentPage.container,
                hmargin = parseInt(domStyle.get(container, "margin-left"), 10) + parseInt(domStyle.get(container, "margin-right"), 10),
                vmargin = parseInt(domStyle.get(container, "margin-top"), 10),
                contentWidth = parseInt(currentPage.content.pageInfo.view[2], 10),
                contentHeight = parseInt(currentPage.content.pageInfo.view[3], 10),
                rotation = currentPage.content.pageInfo.rotate,
                clientWidth = this.fullscreen ? window.screen.width : this.viewer.clientWidth - 1, // allow an extra pixel in width otherwise 2-up view wraps
                clientHeight = this.fullscreen ? window.screen.height : this.viewer.clientHeight;
            this.alfLog("log", "Client height: " + this.viewer.clientHeight);
            if (rotation === 90 || rotation === 270)
               var temp = contentWidth;
               contentWidth = contentHeight;
               contentHeight = temp;

            var pageWidthScale, pageHeightScale;
            switch (value)
               case PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_PAGE_WIDTH:
                  pageWidthScale = (clientWidth - hmargin * 2) / contentWidth;
                  scale = pageWidthScale;
               case PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_TWO_PAGE_WIDTH:
                  pageWidthScale = (clientWidth - hmargin * 3) / contentWidth;
                  scale = pageWidthScale / 2;
               case PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_PAGE_HEIGHT:
                  pageHeightScale = (clientHeight - vmargin * 2) / contentHeight;
                  scale = pageHeightScale;
               case PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_PAGE_FIT:
                  pageWidthScale = (clientWidth - hmargin*2) / contentWidth;
                  pageHeightScale = (clientHeight - vmargin*2) / contentHeight;
                  scale = Math.min(pageWidthScale, pageHeightScale);
               case PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_TWO_PAGE_FIT:
                  pageWidthScale = (clientWidth - hmargin*3) / contentWidth;
                  pageHeightScale = (clientHeight - vmargin*2) / contentHeight;
                  scale = Math.min(pageWidthScale / 2, pageHeightScale);
               case PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_AUTO:
                  var tpf = this.parseScale(PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_TWO_PAGE_FIT),
                      opf = this.parseScale(PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_PAGE_FIT),
                      opw = this.parseScale(PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_PAGE_WIDTH),
                      tpw = this.parseScale(PdfJsConstants.ZOOM_LEVEL_TWO_PAGE_WIDTH),
                      minScale = this.autoMinScale,
                      maxScale = this.autoMaxScale;
                  if (tpf > minScale && this.numPages > 1)
                     scale = tpf;
                  else if (opf > minScale)
                     scale = opf;
                  else if (tpw > minScale && this.numPages > 1)
                     scale = tpw;
                  else if (opw > minScale)
                     scale = opw;
                     scale = minScale;
                  // Make sure that the page is not zoomed in *too* far. 
                  // A limit of 125% max zoom is the default for the main view.
                  if (maxScale)
                     scale = Math.min(scale, maxScale);
                  throw "Unrecognised zoom level '" + value + "'";
            throw "Unrecognised zoom level - no pages";
         this.lastScale = value;
         return Math.abs(scale); // Make sure of positive value!

       * Return the number of the page (1 or greater) that should be considered the 'current' page given the scroll position.
       * @instance
       * @returns {int} Number of the current page, 1 or greater
      getScrolledPageNumber : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__getScrolledPageNumber() {
         // Calculate new page number
         for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++)
            var page = this.pages[i],
                vpos = page.getVPos();
            if (vpos + parseInt(, 10) / 2 > 0)
               return i + 1;
         return this.pages.length;

       * Set the currently-active page number
       * @instance
      setActivePage : function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__setActivePage(n) {
         if (this.activePage)
            domClass.remove(this.activePage.container, "activePage");
         domClass.add(this.pages[n - 1].container, "activePage");
         this.activePage = this.pages[n - 1];
       * @instance
      onResize: function onResize() {
         // TODO viewerRegion should be populated by an event?
         var computedStyle = domStyle.getComputedStyle(this.viewer);
         this.viewerRegion = domGeom.getContentBox(this.viewer, computedStyle);

       * Sets up a scroll event listener on the main viewer window. This allows rendering and publication
       * of state to be performed as the user scrolls through the PDF.
       * @instance
      addScrollListener: function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__addScrollListener() {
         this.viewerScrollEventListener = on(this.viewer, "scroll", lang.hitch(this, this.onScrollEvent));

       * Removes the scroll event listener created by the [addScrollListener]
       * {@link module:alfresco/preview/PdfJs/DocumentView#addScrollListener} function.
       * @instance
      removeScrollListener: function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__addScrollListener() {
         if (this.viewerScrollEventListener)

       * This function handles scroll events and calls the [onScroll]
       * {@link module:alfresco/preview/PdfJs/DocumentView#onScroll} if a short timeout is reached
       * before another scroll event occurs. This is done to prevent to many scroll publications
       * being generated unnecessarily.
       * @instance
       * @param {event} evt The scroll event object.
      onScrollEvent: function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__onScrollEvent(/*jshint unused:false*/ evt) {
         // this.renderOnScrollZero++;
         if (this.scrollEventTimeout)
         // Set timeout to call onScroll if another scroll event isn't detected very soon...
         this.scrollEventTimeout = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, this.onScroll), 50);

       * Event handler for scroll event within the view area this will publish on a topic that
       * the [PdfJs plugin]{@link module:alfresco/preview/PdfJs/PdfJs} should subscribe to so that
       * it can update the active page and set the current page number.
       * @instance
      onScroll: function alfresco_preview_PdfJs_DocumentView__onScroll(/*jshint unused:false*/ evt) {
         // Render visible pages
         this.alfPublish(PdfJsConstants.VIEWER_SCROLL_TOPIC, {});