* Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
* This file is part of Alfresco
* Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Alfresco. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This module should be mixed into any widget or service that needs to make XHR calls to REST APIs on
* either the client or the Alfresco Repository.
* @module alfresco/core/CoreXhr
* @mixinSafe
* @author Dave Draper
function(declare, Core, topics, AlfConstants, webScriptDefaults, registry, pubSub, array,
lang, domConstruct, uuid, xhr, JSON, stamp, dojoCookie) {
return declare([Core], {
* Indicates whether or not to call the JavaScript encodeURI function on URLs before they
* are passed to [serviceXhr]{@link module:alfresc/core/CoreXhr#serviceXhr}. This defaults
* to true but can be overridden if required.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
* @default
encodeURIs: false,
* Should a cache busting parameter be added to the URL?
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
* @default
preventCache: false,
* Ensures that the csrfProperties are retrieved from the Alfresco constants provided by Surf.
* @instance
* @param {object} args The constructor arguments.
* @listens module:alfresco/core/topics#STOP_XHR_REQUEST
constructor: function(args){
lang.mixin(this, args);
this.csrfProperties = AlfConstants.CSRF_POLICY.properties || {};
this.serviceRequests = {};
this.alfSubscribe(topics.STOP_XHR_REQUEST, lang.hitch(this, this.onStopRequest));
* This function can be used to clean up JSON responses to remove any superfluous whitespace characters and
* remove any trailing commas in arrays/objects. This function is particularly handy since Dojo can be very
* fussy about JSON.
* @instance
* @param {string} input
* @returns {string} A cleaned up JSON response.
cleanupJSONResponse: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__cleanupJSONResponse(input) {
var r = input;
if (typeof input === "string")
r = input.replace(/,}/g, "}");
return r;
* This method handles XHR requests. As well as providing default callback handlers for the success, failure and
* progress responses it also performs some additional JSON cleanup of responses (where required) which is useful
* when REST APIs return invalid code (this is especially useful as Dojo can be quite particular about parsing
* JSON).
* The function takes a single object as an argument that will allow updates to be made to include additional
* data and provide defaults when it is not provided.
* By default this function will issue a POST method
* @typedef {Object} serviceXhrConfig
* @property {String} url - Where should we send the request to.
* @property {Object} [headers] headers - Request headers to send (replaces [the default headers]{@link module:alfresco/core/CoreXhr#getDefaultHeaders} if specified)
* @property {Object} [data=null] - data for the request body
* @property {boolean} [doNotCleanData=false] Pass true to SUPPRESS cleaning of the "data" object to [remove framework attributes]{@link module:alfresco/core/Core#alfCleanFrameworkAttributes} from it.
* @property {String} [query=null] - data for the query string
* @property {String} [handleAs=text] - TODO - document this feature.
* @property {String} [method=POST] - HTTP method to use for XHR
* @property {Object} [requestId] - TODO - document this feature
* @property {function} [successCallback] - overrides the default success callback
* @property {function} [failureCallback] - overrides the default failure callback
* @property {function} [progressCallback] - overrides the default progress callback
* @property {function} [authenticationFailureCallback] - overrides the default authentication failure behaviour
* @property {function} [callbackScope=_this] - the scope to pass to the overridden callback function
* @property {string} [alfTopic] - The topic to by published by the default request callbacks.
* @property {string} [alfResponseScope=""] - The scope to use when publishing in the default request callbacks.
* Appended with "_PROGRESS", "_FAILURE" or "_SUCCESS" depending on response status code.
* @instance
* @callable
* @param {serviceXhrConfig} config The configuration for the request
serviceXhr: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__serviceXhr(config) {
/*jshint maxcomplexity:false*/
var _this = this;
if (config)
if (!config.url)
this.alfLog("error", "An XHR request was made but no URL was provided", config);
var headers = (config.headers) ? config.headers : this.getDefaultHeaders();
if (this.isCsrfFilterEnabled())
headers[this.getCsrfHeader()] = this.getCsrfToken();
// Attempt to parse the data, but reset to null if not possible...
var data = config.data;
// Clean the data prior to sending, unless specifically told not to
if (data && !config.doNotCleanData) {
data = this.alfCleanFrameworkAttributes(data);
if (headers["Content-Type"] === "application/json")
data = (data && JSON.stringify(data)) || null;
catch (e)
this.alfLog("warn", "Could not stringify XHR JSON data", data);
data = null;
var options = {
handleAs: (config.handleAs) ? config.handleAs : "text",
method: (config.method) ? config.method : "POST",
data: data,
query: (config.query) ? config.query : null,
headers: headers
// Add in cache busting?
if (config.method === "GET" && (config.preventCache || this.preventCache))
// Add it from either the config (if supplied) or the default if not.
options.preventCache = (config.preventCache !== null)? config.preventCache : this.preventCache;
var url = this.encodeURIs ? encodeURI(config.url) : config.url;
var request = xhr(url, options).then(function(response) {
var id = lang.getObject("requestId", false, config);
if (id)
delete _this.serviceRequests[id];
if (typeof response === "string" && lang.trim(response))
response = JSON.parse(_this.cleanupJSONResponse(response));
catch (e)
_this.alfLog("error", "An error occurred parsing an XHR JSON success response", response, this);
if (typeof config.successCallback === "function")
var callbackScope = config.successCallbackScope || config.callbackScope || _this;
config.successCallback.call(callbackScope, response, config);
_this.defaultSuccessCallback(response, config);
}, function(response) {
// Handle authentication failure (401) or Session timeout
var callbackScope;
if (response.response && response.response.status === 401)
if (typeof config.authenticationFailureCallback === "function")
callbackScope = config.failureCallbackScope || config.callbackScope || _this;
config.authenticationFailureCallback.call(callbackScope, response, config);
var redirect = response.response.getHeader("Location");
if (redirect)
if (redirect.indexOf("http://") === 0 || redirect.indexOf("https://") === 0 )
window.location.href = redirect;
window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + redirect;
var id = lang.getObject("requestId", false, config);
if (id)
delete _this.serviceRequests[id];
if (typeof response === "string" && lang.trim(response))
response = JSON.parse(_this.cleanupJSONResponse(response));
catch (e)
_this.alfLog("error", "An error occurred parsing an XHR JSON failure response", response, this);
if (typeof config.failureCallback === "function")
callbackScope = config.failureCallbackScope || config.callbackScope || _this;
config.failureCallback.call(callbackScope, response, config);
_this.defaultFailureCallback(response, config);
}, function(response) {
if (typeof response === "string" && lang.trim(response))
response = JSON.parse(_this.cleanupJSONResponse(response));
catch (e)
_this.alfLog("error", "An error occurred parsing an XHR JSON progress response", response, this);
if (typeof config.progressCallback === "function")
var callbackScope = config.progressCallbackScope || config.callbackScope || _this;
config.progressCallback.call(callbackScope, response, config);
_this.defaultProgressCallback(response, config);
// If a request ID has been provided then store it in a map so that we can kill the
// request when asked. This entry should be cleaned up on success or failure request
// responses to prevent memory leakage...
if (config.requestId)
this.serviceRequests[config.requestId] = request;
return request;
this.alfLog("error", "A request was made to perform an XHR request, but no configuration for the request was provided");
* This is the default success callback for XHR requests that will be used if no other is provided.
* @instance
* @param {object} response The object returned from the successful XHR request
* @param {object} requestConfig The original configuration passed when the request was made
defaultSuccessCallback: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__defaultSuccessCallback(response, requestConfig) {
this.alfLog("log", "[DEFAULT CALLBACK] The following successful response was received", response, requestConfig);
if (requestConfig.alfTopic)
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.alfTopic + "_SUCCESS", {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.alfResponseScope);
else if (requestConfig.data && requestConfig.data.alfResponseTopic) {
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.data.alfResponseTopic, {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.data.alfResponseScope);
else if (requestConfig.alfSuccessTopic) {
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.alfSuccessTopic, {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.alfResponseScope);
this.alfLog("warn", "[DEFAULT CALLBACK] Default success callback has been called but no requestConfig.alfTopic has been set.");
* This is the default failure callback for XHR requests that will be used if no other is provided.
* @instance
* @param {object} response The object returned from the failed XHR request
* @param {object} requestConfig The original configuration passed when the request was made
defaultFailureCallback: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__defaultFailureCallback(response, requestConfig) {
this.alfLog("log", "[DEFAULT CALLBACK] The following failure response was received", response, requestConfig);
if (requestConfig.alfTopic)
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.alfTopic + "_FAILURE", {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.alfResponseScope);
else if (requestConfig.data && requestConfig.data.alfResponseTopic) {
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.data.alfResponseTopic, {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.data.alfResponseScope);
else if (requestConfig.alfFailureTopic) {
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.alfFailureTopic, {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.alfResponseScope);
if (typeof this.displayMessage === "function" && response.response.text)
var responseObj = JSON.parse(response.response.text);
if (responseObj.message)
var msg = responseObj.message;
// generic exception message (from standard error template for REST APIs)
// attempt to strip out message text if in standard format:
// "org.alfresco.package.SpecificException: 12345678 Rest Of Message"
// - give up and display all if not
var eIndex = msg.indexOf("Exception: ");
if (eIndex !== -1 && msg.length > eIndex + 20)
msg = msg.substring(eIndex + 20);
catch (e)
// Ignore failures here. The parsing was a best effort to get a message.
* This is the default progress callback for XHR requests that will be used if no other is provided.
* @instance
* @param {object} response The object returned from the progress update of the XHR request
* @param {object} requestConfig The original configuration passed when the request was made
defaultProgressCallback: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__defaultProgressCallback(response, requestConfig) {
this.alfLog("log", "[DEFAULT CALLBACK] The following progress response was received", response, requestConfig);
if (requestConfig.alfTopic)
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.alfTopic + "_PROGRESS", {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.alfResponseScope);
else if (requestConfig.data && requestConfig.data.alfResponseTopic) {
this.alfPublish(requestConfig.data.alfResponseTopic, {
requestConfig: requestConfig,
response: response
}, false, false, requestConfig.data.alfResponseScope);
* <p>Get the default headers. Currently these are:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>Content-Type: application/json</li>
* <li>Accept-Language: [uses browser provided languages]</li>
* </ul>
* @instance
* @returns {object} The default headers
getDefaultHeaders: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr___getDefaultHeaders() {
// Build up the Accept-Language header value
var languages = navigator.languages;
if (languages)
languages = array.map(languages, function(nextLang) {
return nextLang;
}).join(", ");
languages = webScriptDefaults.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE;
// Last resort... if for any reason the webscriptDefaults hasn't worked.
if (!languages)
languages = (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage);
// Construct and return the headers
var defaultHeaders = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept-Language": languages
return defaultHeaders;
* Handles requests to stop a previous XHR request.
* @instance
* @param {object} payload An object that should contain a 'requestId' attribute
onStopRequest: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__onStopRequest(payload) {
var id = lang.getObject("requestId", false, payload);
if (id && this.serviceRequests[id])
this.alfLog("info", "Stopping XHR request: " + id);
delete this.serviceRequests[id];
* Use this method and check if the CSRF filter is enabled before trying to set the CSRF header or parameter.
* Will be disabled if the filter contains no rules.
* @instance
* @return {*}
isCsrfFilterEnabled: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__isCsrfFilterEnabled() {
return AlfConstants.CSRF_POLICY.enabled;
* Returns the name of the request header to put the token in when sending XMLHttpRequests.
* @instance
* @return {String} The name of the request header to put the token in.
getCsrfHeader: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__getCsrfHeader() {
return this.csrfResolve(AlfConstants.CSRF_POLICY.header);
* Returns the name of the request parameter to put the token in when sending multipart form uploads.
* @instance
* @return {String} The name of the request header to put the token in.
getCsrfParameter: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__getCsrfParameter() {
return this.csrfResolve(AlfConstants.CSRF_POLICY.parameter);
* Returns the name of the cookie that holds the value of the token.
* @instance
* @return {String} The name of the request header to put the token in.
getCsrfCookie: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__getCsrfCookie() {
return this.csrfResolve(AlfConstants.CSRF_POLICY.cookie);
* Returns the token.
* Note! Make sure to use this method just before a request is made against the server since it might have been
* updated in another browser tab or window.
* @instance
* @returns {String} The name of the request header to put the token in.
getCsrfToken: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__getCsrfToken() {
var token = null;
var cookieName = this.getCsrfCookie();
if (cookieName)
token = dojoCookie(cookieName);
if (token)
// remove quotes to support Jetty app-server - bug where it quotes a valid cookie value see ALF-18823
token = token.replace(/"/g, "");
return token;
* @instance
csrfResolve: function alfresco_core_CoreXhr__csrfResolve(str) {
return lang.replace(str, this.csrfProperties);