* Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
* This file is part of Alfresco
* Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Alfresco. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* An abstract view for the Alfresco Share document list. It can be used in JSON page models if
* configured with a widgets definition. Otherwise it can be extended to define specific views
* @module alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView
* @extends external:dijit/_WidgetBase
* @mixes external:dojo/_TemplatedMixin
* @mixes external:dojo/_KeyNavContainer
* @mixes module:alfresco/lists/views/layouts/_MultiItemRendererMixin
* @mixes module:alfresco/core/Core
* @mixes module:alfresco/documentlibrary/_AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin
* @author Dave Draper
function(declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, template, _MultiItemRendererMixin, _AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin, ListRenderer,
RenderAppendixSentinel, AlfCore, JsNode, WidgetsCreator, lang, array, domConstruct, domClass, domStyle, query) {
return declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _MultiItemRendererMixin, AlfCore, _AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin], {
* An array of the i18n files to use with this widget.
* @instance
* @type {object[]}
* @default [{i18nFile: "./i18n/AlfListView.properties"}]
i18nRequirements: [{i18nFile: "./i18n/AlfListView.properties"}],
* An array of the CSS files to use with this widget.
* @instance cssRequirements {Array}
* @type {object[]}
* @default [{cssFile:"./css/AlfListView.css"}]
cssRequirements: [{cssFile:"./css/AlfListView.css"}],
* The HTML template to use for the widget.
* @instance
* @type {String}
templateString: template,
* This is the topic that will be subscribed to when [subscribeToDocRequests]
* {@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#subscribeToDocRequests} is
* configured to be true.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @default
* This is the property of each item in the list that uniquely identifies that item. This
* should be configured correctly in order for items to be
* [brought into view]{@link module alfresco/lists/views/ListRenderer#bringItemIntoView} as required.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @default
itemKey: "nodeRef",
* This is the property that is used to lookup documents in the subscribed topic.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @default
itemsProperty: "response.items",
* Minimum height for this view. Not used by default. Can be either a Number (treated as pixels) or
* a String (treated as CSS units).
* @instance
* @type {Number|String}
* @default
* @since 1.0.67
minHeight: null,
* This can be set to be a custom message that is displayed when there are no items to
* be displayed in the current view. This will not be used if
* [widgetsForNoDataDisplay]{@link module alfresco/lists/views/ListRenderer#widgetsForNoDataDisplay}
* is configured.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @default
noItemsMessage: null,
* This is the default CSS selector query to use to check whether any data has actually been rendered.
* It's used from within the [renderView]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#renderView}
* function to check that data is actually rendered (because even though renderable items might exist it's possible
* for them to be filtered out so that they're not displayed). This needs to be overriden by views that don't
* render a DOM that matches the query.
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @default
renderFilterSelectorQuery: "tr",
* Should the widget subscribe to events triggered by the documents request?
* This should be set to true in the widget config for standalone/isolated usage.
* @instance
* @type Boolean
* @default
subscribeToDocRequests: false,
* Overrides the
* [inherited default configuration]{@link module:alfresco/documentlibrary/_AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin#suppressDndUploading}
* to suppress the drag-and-drop upload highlighting.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
* @default
* @since 1.0.39
suppressDndUploading: true,
* This will be automatically set when the view is used in an [AlfHashList]{@link module:alfresco/lists/AlfHashList}.
* It indicates whether or not the list is being driven by data set on the browser URL hash and it can be useful
* for views to have access to this information.
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
* @default
* @since 1.0.56
useHash: null,
* Whether the list that's creating this view has infinite scroll turned on
* @instance
* @type {boolean}
* @default
* @since 1.0.32
useInfiniteScroll: false,
* The configuration for view selection menu items. This needs to be either configured or defined in an
* extending module. If this isn't specified then the view will not be selectable in the document list.
* @instance
* @type {Object}
* @default {}
viewSelectionConfig: {
label: "Abstract",
value: "Abstract"
* The widgets to be processed to generate each item in the rendered view.
* @instance
* @type {object[]}
* @default
widgets: null,
* An optional widget model to be rendered as an appendix to the actual data. If this is
* defined then it will never be possible for the
* [widgetsForNoDataDisplay]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#widgetsForNoDataDisplay}
* model to be rendered because it results in a special
* [marker]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/RenderAppendixSentinel}
* being added to the data set to be rendered.
* @instance
* @type {object[]}
* @default
* @since 1.0.44
widgetsForAppendix: null,
* An optional JSON model defining the widgets to display when no data is available to display.
* @instance
* @type {array}
* @default
widgetsForNoDataDisplay: null,
* This can be called to focus on a specific item in the view. The itemKey provided must match
* the value of the [itemKey property]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#itemKey}
* of an item in the rendered data.
* @instance
* @param {string} itemKey The key of the item to focus on.
* @since 1.0.77
focusOnItem: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__focusOnItem(itemKey) {
if (this.docListRenderer && this.docListRenderer._renderedItemWidgets)
array.some(this.docListRenderer._renderedItemWidgets, function(widgets) {
return array.some(widgets, function(widget) {
var found = false;
if (widget &&
widget.currentItem &&
(widget.currentItem[this.itemKey] || widget.currentItem[this.itemKey] === 0) &&
widget.currentItem[this.itemKey].toString() === itemKey)
if (widget.domNode)
found = true;
return found;
}, this);
}, this);
* Implements the widget life-cycle method to add drag-and-drop upload capabilities to the root DOM node.
* This allows files to be dragged and dropped from the operating system directly into the browser
* and uploaded to the location represented by the document list.
* @instance
postCreate: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__postCreate() {
// Set up a subscription to handle requests for the view name.
// This supports other widgets displaying the name (rather than value) of views and
// also acts as a "role call" of views to check that an expected view is available
this.alfSubscribe("ALF_VIEW_NAME_REQUEST", lang.hitch(this, this.onViewNameRequest));
// Add in any additional CSS classes...
domClass.add(this.domNode, (this.additionalCssClasses ? this.additionalCssClasses : ""));
// Allow custom messages to be displayed when no items are available for display...
if (!this.noItemsMessage)
this.noItemsMessage = this.message("doclistview.no.data.message");
this.noItemsMessage = this.message(this.noItemsMessage);
// Call DND upload mixin functions to add support for uploading behaviour...
if (this.subscribeToDocRequests)
this.alfSubscribe(this.documentSubscriptionTopic, lang.hitch(this, this.onDocumentsLoaded));
if (this.currentData)
// Render the initial data - make sure any previous data is cleared (not that there should be any!)
// Apply any min-height value
if (typeof this.minHeight === "number") {
this.minHeight += "px";
this.minHeight && domStyle.set(this.domNode, "min-height", this.minHeight);
* If the supplied payload contains a view value that matches this view then this will resolve
* the promise that should be included.
* @instance
* @param {object} payload A payload containing a view value and a promise to resolve.
onViewNameRequest: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__onViewNameRequest(payload) {
if (payload &&
payload.value === this.getViewName() &&
payload.promise &&
typeof payload.promise.resolve === "function")
value: this.getViewName(),
label: this.viewSelectionConfig.label
* @instance
* @param {object} payload The details of the documents that have been provided.
onDocumentsLoaded: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__onDocumentsLoaded(payload) {
var items = lang.getObject(this.itemsProperty, false, payload);
if (items)
array.forEach(items, lang.hitch(this, this.processItem));
items: items
this.alfLog("warn", "Payload contained no 'response.items' attribute", payload, this);
* Attempts to process an item provided to the
* [onDocumentsLoaded]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#onDocumentsLoaded}
* function. By default this attempts to process node data as the default behaviour is to assume this
* is an Alfresco node.
* @instance
* @param {object} item The item to process
* @param {number} index The index of the item
processItem: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__processItem(item, /*jshint unused:false*/ index) {
if (item.node)
item.jsNode = new JsNode(item.node);
catch (e)
this.alfLog("warn", "Could not process item as Alfresco node", item, e);
* This should be overridden to give each view a name. If it's not overridden then the view will just get given
* a name of the index that it was registered with. It will still be possible to select the view but it will cause
* issues with preferences.
* @instance
* @returns {string} "Abstract"
getViewName: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__getViewName() {
return this.viewSelectionConfig.value;
* This should be overridden to provide configuration for view selection. As a minimum, a localised label MUST be provided
* as the "label" attribute. Other attributes that could be provided would be "iconClass". This configuration will typically
* be used to construct a menu item. By default this just returns the
* [viewSelectionConfig]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#viewSelectionConfig}
* @instance
* @returns {Object} The configuration for selecting the view.
getViewSelectionConfig: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__getViewSelectionConfig() {
return this.viewSelectionConfig;
* This function should be overridden to publish the details of any additional controls that are needed to control
* view of the data that it provides. An example of a control would be the thumbnail size slider for the gallery
* control.
* @instance getAdditionalControls
* @returns {Object[]}
getAdditionalControls: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__getAdditionalControls() {
// For the abstract view there are no additional controls.
return [];
* Extends the inherited function to also update the docListRenderer if it exists with the data.
* @instance
* @param {object} newData The additional data to add.
augmentData: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__augmentData(/*jshint unused:false*/ newData) {
if (this.docListRenderer)
this.docListRenderer.currentData = this.currentData;
* Calls the [renderData]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/layouts/_MultiItemRendererMixin#renderData}
* function if the [currentData]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/layouts/_MultiItemRendererMixin#currentData}
* attribute has been set to an object with an "items" attribute that is an array of objects.
* @instance
* @param {boolean} preserveCurrentData This should be set to true when you don't want to clear the old data, the
* most common example of this is when infinite scroll is being used.
renderView: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__renderView(preserveCurrentData) {
var promisedView = new Promise(lang.hitch(this, function(resolve, /*jshint unused:false*/ reject) {
// jshint maxcomplexity:false
if (this.currentData && this.currentData.items)
if (this.widgetsForAppendix && this.currentData.items)
var containsSentinel = this.currentData.items.some(function(item) {
return item === RenderAppendixSentinel;
!containsSentinel && this.currentData.items.push(RenderAppendixSentinel);
if (this.currentData.items.length > 0)
if (this.messageNode)
// If we don't want to preserve the current data (e.g. if infinite scroll isn't being used)
// then we should destroy the previous renderer...
if ((preserveCurrentData === false || preserveCurrentData === undefined) && this.docListRenderer)
// If the renderer is null we need to create one (this typically wouldn't be expected to happen)
// when rendering additional infinite scroll data...
if (!this.docListRenderer)
this.docListRenderer = this.createListRenderer();
this.docListRenderer.placeAt(this.tableNode, "last");
// Ensure that the renderer has has the same itemKey value as configured on the view. This is
// so that comparisons can be made for selection and items can be brought into view as necessary
this.docListRenderer.itemKey = this.itemKey;
// Finally, render the current data (when using infinite scroll the data should have been augmented)
var promisedData = this.docListRenderer.renderData();
if (promisedData)
lang.hitch(this, function(renderedItems) {
if (renderedItems.length)
lang.hitch(this, function(reason) {
this.alfLog("error", "The following error occurred rendering the data:", reason, this);
else if (query(this.renderFilterSelectorQuery, this.tableNode).length === 0)
// TODO: Better error handling when the renderer doesn't return a promise
this.alfLog("warn", "The view renderer does not return a promise when rendering data", this);
// TODO: This should return a promise itself...
this.alfLog("error", "The following error occurred rendering the data", e, this);
// TODO: This should return a promise itself...
// TODO: This should return a promise itself...
return promisedView;
* Creates a new [ListRenderer]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/ListRenderer}
* which is used to render the actual items in the view. This function can be overridden by extending views
* (such as the [Film Strip View]{@link module:alfresco/documentlibrary/views/AlfFilmStripView}) to create
* alternative widgets applicable to that view.
* @instance
* @returns {object} A new [ListRenderer]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/ListRenderer}
createListRenderer: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__createListRenderer() {
var dlr = new ListRenderer({
id: this.id + "_ITEMS",
widgets: this.widgets,
currentData: this.currentData,
pubSubScope: this.pubSubScope,
parentPubSubScope: this.parentPubSubScope,
widgetsForAppendix: this.widgetsForAppendix
return dlr;
* Removes the previously rendered view.
* @instance
clearOldView: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__clearOldView() {
if (this.messageNode)
// Remove all table body elements. (preserves headers)
query("tbody", this.tableNode).forEach(domConstruct.destroy);
* This should be called when the renderers need to be removed.
* @instance
* @extendable
* @since 1.0.32
destroyRenderer: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__destroyRenderer() {
if (this.docListRenderer)
// TODO: Concerned about this - it needs further investigation as to why anything is being left behind!
this.docListRenderer = null;
* Called from [renderView]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#renderView} for
* every widget created for the last view. It is important that widgets are properly destroyed to ensure that
* they do not respond to topics that they have subscribed to (e.g. selection events such as selecting all
* documents).
* @instance
* @param {object} widget The widget to destroy
* @param {number} index The index of the widget
destroyWidget: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__destroyWidget(widget) {
if (typeof widget.destroyRecursive === "function")
* Called after the view has been shown (note that [renderView]{@link module:alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView#renderView}
* does not mean that the view has been displayed, just that it has been rendered.
* @instance
onViewShown: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__onViewShown() {
this.alfPublish("ALF_WIDGET_PROCESSING_COMPLETE", {}, true);
* This method is called when there is no data to be shown. By default this just shows a standard localized
* message to say that there is no data.
* @instance
renderNoDataDisplay: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__renderNoDataDisplay() {
// Only generate message node if there's a label or widgets to go in it.
if (this.noItemsMessage || this.widgetsForNoDataDisplay)
this.messageNode = domConstruct.create("div", {
className: "alfresco-lists-views-AlfListView__no-data",
innerHTML: this.noItemsMessage
}, this.domNode);
// If specific widgets have been defined to display when there are no results then replace
// the default message with them...
if (this.widgetsForNoDataDisplay)
this.processWidgets(this.widgetsForNoDataDisplay, this.messageNode, "WIDGETS_FOR_NO_DATA_DISPLAY");
* This method is called when there is an error occurred rendering the view
* @instance
renderErrorDisplay: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView__renderErrorDisplay() {
this.messageNode = domConstruct.create("div", {
className: "alfresco-lists-views-AlfListView__render-error",
innerHTML: this.message("doclistview.rendering.error.message")
}, this.domNode);
* Runs _renderHeader() and _renderCaption() in the correct order to construct the elements appropriately
* @instance
_renderOptionalElements: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView___renderOptionalElements() {
* Optionally builds the header contents from a nested set of widgets in attribute widgetsForHeader
* @instance
_renderHeader: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView___renderHeader() {
this.currentItem = {};
if (this.widgetsForHeader)
var thead = domConstruct.create("thead", null, this.tableNode, "first");
var clonedWidgets = lang.clone(this.widgetsForHeader);
this.processObject(["processInstanceTokens"], clonedWidgets);
this.processWidgets(clonedWidgets, thead);
this.currentItem = null;
* Optionally add a caption to the generated table
* @instance
_renderCaption: function alfresco_lists_views_AlfListView___renderCaption() {
if(this.a11yCaption && this.tableNode)
// Create a caption node
var caption = domConstruct.create("caption", {
innerHTML: this.a11yCaption
}, this.tableNode, "first");
// Apply a class to the caption
domClass.add(caption, this.a11yCaptionClass);