Source: preview/AlfDocumentPreview.js

 * Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
 * This file is part of Alfresco
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>.

 * <p>This module can be used to easily preview content from an Alfresco Repository. Typically this will
 * be a child widget of an [AlfDocument]{@link module:alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfDocument} that can 
 * be used to retrieve all of the data required to generate the preview. In order to retrieve the data
 * it will also be necesssary to include a [DocumentService]{@link module:alfresco/services/DocumentService}
 * on the page.</p>
 * <p>By default there are a number of "plugins" that handle specific previews (e.g. HTML5 video and audio, images,
 * PDF.js renderings, etc) and it is possible to either override, remove, add or re-configure plugins using the 
 * [widgetsForPluginsOverrides]{@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#widgetsForPluginsOverrides}
 * attribute.</p>
 * <p>The dimensions of the previewer can generally be controlled using the [heightMode]
 * {@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#heightMode} attribute. However, it is entirely dependant upon
 * each plugin as to whether they honour this setting. For example the [Audio plugin]{@link module:alfresco/preview/Audio}
 * will ignore it as the dimensions are not important.</p>
 * @module alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview
 * @extends external:dijit/_WidgetBase
 * @mixes external:dojo/_TemplatedMixin
 * @mixes module:alfresco/core/Core
 * @author Dave Draper
        function(declare, _Widget, _Templated, template, Core, AlfConstants, registry, lang, array, domClass, on, sniff, $) {
   return declare([_Widget, _Templated, Core], {
       * An array of the i18n files to use with this widget.
       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
       * @default [{i18nFile: "./i18n/"}]
      i18nRequirements: [{i18nFile: "./i18n/"}],

       * An array of the CSS files to use with this widget.
       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
       * @default [{cssFile:"./css/AlfDocumentPreview.css"}]
      cssRequirements: [{cssFile:"./css/AlfDocumentPreview.css"}],

       * The HTML template to use for the widget.
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
      templateString: template,
       * <p>This function attempts to set an appropriate height for the previewer. There are 3 different modes
       * of controlling the height:
       * <ul><li>"AUTO" will attempt to ensure that the previewer takes up the complete vertical space in the 
       * client from where it starts. This makes sense to use if you have a single previewer on a page.</li>
       * <li>Any positive number (note: not as a string) will set an explicit height that won't change as the 
       * browser resizes</li>
       * <li>Any negative number will result in that amount being deducted from the browser window height and this
       * will change as the browser is resized. This can be useful for setting the previewer in a dialog.</li></ul>
       * </p>
       * @instance
       * @default
      heightMode: "AUTO",

       * @instance
       * @type {object}
       * @default
      plugin: null,

       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
       * @default
      thumbnailModification: null,
       * Noderef to the content to display
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      nodeRef: "",

       * The size of the content
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      size: "0",

       * The file name representing root container
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      name: "",

       * The mimeType of the node to display, needed to decide what plugin that should be used.
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      mimeType: "",

       * A list of previews available for this node, needed to decide which plugin that should be used.
       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
       * @default
      thumbnails: null,

       * The base to the rest api call for the node's content or thumbnails, used when using an
       * [apiVersion]{@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#apiVersion} of 0.
       * @isntance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      api: "api",

       * The Alfresco repository features multiple rendition REST APIs. Up to and including version 5.1 of Alfresco
       * supports the "version zero" REST API (also known as Share Services API) for Renditions. In addition post 5.1
       * there is a "version one" Public Rendition API also. Set this value to 1 to use the new version one API, else
       * the classic v0 API will be used and Share Services AMP must be applied to the repository.
       * @instance
       * @type {number}
       * @default
       * @since 1.0.60
      apiVersion: 0,

       * The proxy to use for the rest api call for the node's content or thumbnails.
       * I.e. "alfresco" (or "alfresco-noauth" for public content & pages). Can be set as null or empty
       * value for URLs that do not require a specific proxy id endpoint.
       * @instance
       * @type {string}
       * @default
      proxy: "alfresco",

       * MNT-9235: This flag identifies whether content of current node modified.
       * That means that the cached thumbnail is no more valid and it should be updated
       * @instance
       * @type {boolean}
       * @default
      avoidCachedThumbnail: false,

       * @instance
      postCreate: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__postCreate() {

         // TODO: Set a common resize policy for plugins such that the plugin viewer can only
         //       ever take up the available space in the view port *UNLESS* a specific height
         //       has been defined. If a height has been defined then the width should respond
         //       to that height accordingly. Set max-height as the current viewport height.

         // TODO: Currently nothing will be publishing on this topic...
         this.alfSubscribe("ALF_DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_UPDATE", lang.hitch(this, "onPreviewChanged"));
         this.alfSubscribe("ALF_METADATA_REFRESH", lang.hitch(this, "doRefresh"));

         if (this.currentItem)
            this.nodeRef = this.currentItem.node.nodeRef;
   =["cm:name"] ||["cm:title"];
            this.mimeType = this.currentItem.node.mimetype;
            this.size = this.currentItem.node.size;
            this.thumbnails = this.currentItem.thumbnailDefinitions;
            this.thumbnailModification =["cm:lastThumbnailModification"];

         // Initialise empty arrays as required...
         if (!this.thumbnails)
            this.thumbnails = [];
         if (!this.thumbnailModification)
            this.thumbnailModification = [];
         this.plugins = {};

       * This is the default set of plugins for the previewer. These can be overridden in their entirety
       * or changes to a subset can be made through configuration of the 
       * [widgetsForPluginsOverrides]{@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#widgetsForPluginsOverrides} 
       * attribute.
       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
      widgetsForPlugins: [
            id: "PdfJs",
            name: "alfresco/preview/PdfJs/PdfJs"
            id: "Image",
            name: "alfresco/preview/Image"
            id: "Video",
            name: "alfresco/preview/Video"
            id: "Audio",
            name: "alfresco/preview/Audio"

       * This configuration attribute can be set to specifically override individual plugins
       * rather than replacing the entire default set. Each element in the array should contain an
       * "id" attribute for the plugin and a name that maps to a plugin module. If the element contains
       * the attribute "remove" set to true then any existing plugin with a matching ID will be removed,
       * if the element contains an attribute "replace" set to true then the entire configuration of the
       * existing plugin will be replaced. Otherwise the new configuration will be merged into the existing.
       * @instance
       * @type {array}
       * @default []
      widgetsForPluginsOverrides: [],

       * This function is used to add, update or remove individual plugins in the main list.
       * @instance
      updatePluginConfiguration: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__updatePluginConfiguration(pluginConfig) {

         // Check to see if the plugin already exists...
         var existingPlugin = null,
             existingPluginIndex = null;
         array.forEach(this.widgetsForPlugins, function(currentPlugin, index) {
            if ( ===
               existingPlugin = currentPlugin;
               existingPluginIndex = index;

         // Update, remove or add as appropriate
         if (existingPlugin)
            if (pluginConfig.remove === true)
               // Remove the plugin
               this.widgetsForPlugins.splice(existingPluginIndex, 1);
               // Update the name (if provided)...
               if (
               if (pluginConfig.replace === true || !existingPlugin.config)
                  // Completely replace the plugin configuration...
                  existingPlugin.config = pluginConfig.config;
                  // Merge the plugin...
                  $.extend(true, existingPlugin.config, pluginConfig.config);
            // A plugin with the supplied "id" does not already exist so we can just add it into the array 
            // for processing...

       * This function is used to update the [pluginConditions]{@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#pluginConditions}
       * with additional condition data from an entry defined in 
       * [pluginConditionsOverrides]{@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#pluginConditionsOverrides}. This function 
       * is called from [setupPlugins]{@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#setupPlugins} for each entry
       * in the [pluginConditionsOverrides]{@link module:alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview#pluginConditionsOverrides} array.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} condition The plugin condition to update
       * @since 1.0.56
      updatePluginConditions: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__updatePluginConditions(condition) {
         // Check to see if the plugin already exists...
         var existingCondition = null,
             existingConditionIndex = null;

         // Get the MIME type and/or thumbnail of the condition to be updated (or added/removed)...
         var mimeType = lang.getObject("attributes.mimeType", false, condition);
         var thumbnail = lang.getObject("attributes.thumbnail", false, condition);

         // Check to see if the condition already exists...
         array.some(this.pluginConditions, function(currentCondition, index) {
            var currMimeType = lang.getObject("attributes.mimeType", false, currentCondition);
            var currThumbnail = lang.getObject("attributes.thumbnail", false, currentCondition);
            if ((currMimeType && currMimeType === mimeType) || (currThumbnail && currThumbnail === thumbnail))
               existingCondition = currentCondition;
               existingConditionIndex = index;
               return true;
            return false;

         if (existingCondition)
            if (condition.remove)
               // Remmove the existing condition...
               this.pluginConditions.splice(existingConditionIndex, 1);
            else if (condition.plugins)
               if (condition.replace || !existingCondition.plugins)
                  // Completely replace the plugins for the condition...
                  existingCondition.plugins = condition.plugins;
                  // Add the plugins... 
                  existingCondition.plugins = existingCondition.plugins.concat(condition.plugins);
            // The condition provided does not already exist so add it now...

       * @instance
      setupPlugins: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__setupPlugins() {
         this.plugins = {};

         if (this.widgetsForPluginsOverrides)
            array.forEach(this.widgetsForPluginsOverrides, lang.hitch(this, this.updatePluginConfiguration));

         if (this.pluginConditionsOverrides)
            array.forEach(this.pluginConditionsOverrides, lang.hitch(this, this.updatePluginConditions));

         array.forEach(this.widgetsForPlugins, function(plugin) {
            if ( &&
               this.alfLog("log", "Creating plugin: ",;
                  var pluginModule = [];
                  require(pluginModule, lang.hitch(this, "createPlugin",, plugin.config));
               catch (e)
                  this.alfLog("error", "An error occurred creating a preview plugin", e);
               this.alfLog("warn", "A preview plugin was incorrectly defined - it was either missing an 'id' or 'name' attribute", plugin, this);
         }, this);

       * @instance
      createPlugin: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__createPlugin(pluginName, pluginConfig, PluginType) {
         // Defensively coded around the possibility that two document previewers might be included
         // on the same page, make sure that the ID is unique. This ID is actually mostly required for
         // automated testing purposes but it is important to ensure it's available...
         var i = 0;
         var tmpName = pluginName;
         while (registry.byId(tmpName))
            tmpName = pluginName + "_" + i;
         var config = {
            id: tmpName,
            pubSubScope: this.pubSubScope,
            parentPubSubScope: this.parentPubSubScope,
            currentItem: this.currentItem,
            currentMetadata: this.currentMetadata,
            groupMemberships: this.groupMemberships,
            dataScope: this.dataScope

         // Merge in any additional configuration...
         $.extend(true, config, pluginConfig);
         config.previewManager = this;

         // TODO: Merge configuration...
         var plugin = new PluginType(config);
         this.plugins[pluginName] = plugin;
         if (!this.widgetsToDestroy)
            this.widgetsToDestroy = [];
         this.alfLog("log", "Created plugin: ", pluginName, plugin);
         return plugin;

       * Space for preview "plugins" to register themselves in.
       * To provide a 3rd party plugin:
       * 1. Create a javascript file and make it define a javascript class that defines a "plugin class" in this namespace.
       * 2. Override this component's .get.head.ftl file and make sure your javascript file (and its resources) are included.
       * 3. Override this component's .get.config.xml and define for which mimeTypes or thumbnails it shall be used.
       * 4. To make sure your plugin works in the browser, define a report() method that
       *    returns nothing if the browser is supported and otherwise a string with a message saying the reason the
       *    plugin can't be used in the browser.
       * 5. Define a display() method that will display the browser plugin or simply return a string of markup that shall be inserted.
       * @instance
       * @type {object}
       * @default
      plugins: null,
       * Will find a previewer and set it up if one existed
       * @instance
      setupPreview: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__setupPreview() {
         // jshint maxcomplexity:false,maxstatements:false

         // Display the preparing previewer message
         this.messageNode.innerHTML = this.message("label.preparingPreviewer");

         // Parameter nodeRef is mandatory
         if (this.nodeRef === undefined)
            throw new Error("A nodeRef must be provided");

         if (this.size === "0")
            // Shrink the web previewers real estate and tell user that node has no content
            this.previewerNode.innerHTML = "<div class=\"message\">" + this.message("label.noContent") + "</div>";
            var condition, pluginDescriptor, plugin, messages = [];
            for (var i = 0, il = this.pluginConditions.length; i <il ; i++)
               // Test that all conditions are valid
               condition = this.pluginConditions[i];
               if (!this.conditionsMatch(condition))
                  this.alfLog("log", "Plugin condition does not match", condition);

               // Conditions are valid, now create plugins and make sure they can run in this environment
               if (condition.plugins)
                  for (var pi = 0, pil = condition.plugins.length; pi < pil; pi++)
                     pluginDescriptor = condition.plugins[pi];
                     this.alfLog("log", "Checking plugin:", pluginDescriptor);

                     // Check the plugin constructor actually exists, in case client-side dependencies
                     // have not been loaded (ALF-12798)
                     if (this.plugins[])
                        // Get plugin
                        plugin = this.plugins[];

                        // Make sure it may run in this browser...
                        var report =;
                        if (report)
                           // ...the plugin can't be used in this browser, save report and try another plugin
                           // ...yes, the plugin can be used in this browser, lets store a reference to it.
                           this.plugin = plugin;

                           // Ask the plugin to display the node
                           var markup;
                              domClass.add(this.domNode, "alfresco-preview-AlfDocumentPreview--displayed");
                              markup = plugin.display();
                              if (markup)
                                 // Insert markup if plugin provided it
                                 this.previewerNode.innerHTML = markup;

                              // Finally! We found a plugin that works and didn't crash
                              // TODO: Do we need to fire anything here? What's listening for it?
                              this.alfLog("log", "Found a suitable plugin: ",;
                              // Oops a plugin failure, log it and try the next one instead...
                              this.alfLog("error","Error:" + + " failed to display: " + e);
                              messages.push(this.message("label.error",, e.message));
                        // Plugin could not be instantiated, log it and try the next one instead...
                        this.alfLog("error","Error, Alfresco.WebPreview.Plugins." + + " does not exist");

            // Tell user that the content can't be displayed
            var noPreviewLabel = "label.noPreview";
            if (sniff("ios"))
               noPreviewLabel = "label.noPreview.ios";
            var message = this.message(noPreviewLabel, this.getContentUrl(true));
            for (i = 0, il = messages.length; i < il; i++)
               message += "<br/>" + messages[i];
            this.previewerNode.innerHTML = "<div class=\"message\">" + message + "</div>";

       * MNT-9235: Handles all the 'onPreviewChangedEvent' events
       * @instance
       * @param {object} payload
      onPreviewChanged: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__onPreviewChanged(/*jshint unused:false*/ payload) {
         this.avoidCachedThumbnail = true;

         // No event to stop, so commented out pending deletion...
         // YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(event);
         // YAHOO.util.Event.stopPropagation(event)

       * Checks if the conditions are fulfilled.
       * @instance
       * @param {object} condition The condition to match gainst this components options
       * @return {boolean} true if conditions are fulfilled for plugins to be used.
      conditionsMatch: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__conditionsMatch(condition) {
         if (!condition.attributes.mimeType && !condition.attributes.thumbnail)
            // Only continue with the test if either a thumbnail or mimeType condition has been provided.
            return false;
         if (condition.attributes.mimeType && condition.attributes.mimeType !== this.mimeType)
            return false;
         if (condition.attributes.thumbnail && (array.indexOf(this.thumbnails, condition.attributes.thumbnail) === -1))
            return false;
         return true;

       * Helper method for plugins to create url tp the node's content.
       * @instance
       * @param {Bbolean} download(Optional) Default false. Set to true if the url shall be constructed so it forces the
       *        browser to download the document, rather than displaying it inside the browser. 
       * @return {string} The "main" element holding the actual previewer.
      getContentUrl: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__getContentUrl(download) {
         var proxy = window.location.protocol + "//" + + AlfConstants.URL_CONTEXT + "proxy/" + (this.proxy ? this.proxy + "/" : ""),
         switch (this.apiVersion)
            case 0:
               var nodeRefAsLink = this.nodeRef.replace(":/", ""),
                  noCache = "noCache=" + new Date().getTime();
               attach = download ? "a=true" : "a=false";
               return proxy + this.api + "/node/" + nodeRefAsLink + "/content/" + encodeURIComponent( + "?c=force&" + noCache + "&" + attach;
            case 1:
               var nodeRefAsId = this.nodeRef.replace(/.*:\/\/.*\//, "");
               attach = download ? "attachment=true" : "attachment=false";
               return proxy + "public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/" + nodeRefAsId + "/content/" + encodeURIComponent( + "?" + attach;
               this.alfLog("error", "Unknown Rendition API version specified: " + this.apiVersion);

       * Helper method for plugins to create a url to the thumbnail's content.
       * @instance
       * @param thumbnail {String} The thumbnail definition name
       * @param fileSuffix {String} (Optional) I.e. ".png" if shall be inserted in the url to make certain flash
       *        plugins understand the mimetype of the thumbnail.
       * @return {String} The url to the thumbnail content.
      getThumbnailUrl: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__getThumbnailUrl(thumbnail, fileSuffix) {
         var proxy = window.location.protocol + "//" + + AlfConstants.URL_CONTEXT + "proxy/" + (this.proxy ? this.proxy + "/" : ""),
            noCache = "noCache=" + new Date().getTime();
         // Check to see if last modification data is available for the thumbnail...
         for (var i = 0; i < this.thumbnailModification.length; i++)
            if (this.thumbnailModification[i].indexOf(thumbnail) !== -1)
               var timestampPostfix = noCache;

               noCache = "lastModified=" + encodeURIComponent(this.thumbnailModification[i]);

               // MNT-9235: Avoiding loading content of thumbnail from the cache
               // if current node is updated without reloading of the page
               if (this.avoidCachedThumbnail)
                  noCache += "&" + timestampPostfix;

                  // Resetting to 'false' since thumbnail will be eventually updated...
                  this.avoidCachedThumbnail = false;
         switch (this.apiVersion)
            case 0:
               var nodeRefAsLink = this.nodeRef.replace(":/", ""),
                  force = "c=force";
               return proxy + this.api + "/node/" + nodeRefAsLink + "/content/thumbnails/" + thumbnail + (fileSuffix ? "/suffix" + fileSuffix : "") + "?" + force + "&" + noCache;
            case 1:
               var nodeRefAsId = this.nodeRef.replace(/.*:\/\/.*\//, "");
               return proxy + "public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/" + nodeRefAsId + "/renditions/" + thumbnail + "/content?attachment=false" + "&" + noCache;
               this.alfLog("error", "Unknown Rendition API version specified: " + this.apiVersion);

       * Makes it possible for plugins to get hold of the "previewer wrapper" HTMLElement.
       * I.e. Useful for elements that use an "absolute" layout for their plugins (most likely flash), so they have
       * an element in the Dom to position their own elements after.
       * @instance
       * @return {element} The "main" element holding the actual previewer.
      getPreviewerElement: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__getPreviewerElement() {
         return this.previewerNode;

       * Refreshes component by metadataRefresh event
       * @instance
      doRefresh: function alfresco_preview_AlfDocumentPreview__doRefresh() {
         if (this.plugin)

       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
       * @default
       * @since 1.0.56
      pluginConditionsOverrides: null,

       * A json representation of the .get.config.xml file.
       * This is evaluated on the client side since we need the plugins to make sure it is supported
       * the user's browser and browser plugins.
       * @instance
       * @type {object[]}
      pluginConditions: [
               mimeType: "application/pdf"
            plugins: [
                  name: "PdfJs",
                  attributes: {
                     src: ""
            attributes: {
               thumbnail: "pdf"
            plugins: [
                  name: "PdfJs",
                  attributes: {
                     src: "pdf",
                     progressiveLoading: false
               mimeType: "video/mp4"
            plugins: [
                  name: "Video",
                  attributes: {}
            attributes: {
               mimeType: "audio/mpeg"
            plugins: [
                  name: "Audio",
                  attributes: {}
               mimeType: "audio/x-wav"
            plugins: [
                  name: "Audio",
                  attributes: {}
            attributes: {
               thumbnail: "imgpreview"
            plugins: [
                  name: "Image",
                  attributes: {
                     src: "imgpreview"
            attributes: {
               mimeType: "image/jpeg"
            plugins: [
                  name: "Image",
                  attributes: {
                     srcMaxSize: "2000000"
            attributes: {
               mimeType: "image/png"
            plugins: [
                  name: "Image",
                  attributes: {
                     srcMaxSize: "2000000"
            attributes: {
               mimeType: "image/gif"
            plugins: [
                  name: "Image",
                  attributes: {
                     srcMaxSize: "2000000"