* Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Alfresco Software Limited.
* This file is part of Alfresco
* Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Alfresco. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* <p>This renderer will take an item from an activity feed and render details of that activity.
* This is a first attempt to create this renderer within Aikau, and as such there are
* certain elements that have yet to be completed:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>The title of the site related to the activity needs to be retrieved via XHR,
* which is out of scope for this first iteration, and so the short-name of the site
* is displayed instead.</li>
* <li>Because of problems rendering links within a Property, from which class this
* widget inherits, there are currently no links for items/users/sites/etc.</li>
* <li>The decoration of links that currently occurs on Share (e.g. globes next
* to site links) needs further code/images porting across from Share, which is again
* out of scope for this first iteration</li>
* <li>User avatars are not being rendered yet</li>
* </ul>
* @module alfresco/renderers/ActivitySummary
* @extends module:alfresco/renderers/Property
* @author Martin Doyle
function(Property, urlTypes, urlUtils, declare, lang) {
return declare([Property], {
* Define the i18n files
* @instance
* @override
* @type {object[]}
i18nRequirements: [{
i18nFile: "./i18n/ActivitySummary.properties"
* This can be set to apply a CSS class to the rendered property value
* @instance
* @override
* @type {string}
renderedValueClass: "alfresco-renderers-ActivitySummary",
* The standard landing page for a site
* @instance
* @type {string}
* @default
* @since 1.0.38
siteLandingPage: "/dashboard",
* The constructed activity item
* @instance
* @type {object}
_item: null,
* The initially-supplied activity item
* @instance
* @type {object}
_activity: null,
* The summary object within the supplied activity item
* @instance
* @type {object}
_summary: null,
* Run immediately after instance variables are mixed in
* @instance
* @override
postMixInProperties: function alfresco_renderers_ActivitySummary__postMixInProperties() {
// Ensure we have a valid item
if (this.currentItem && this.currentItem.activityType) {
// Put the activity and its summary into instance variables
this._activity = this.currentItem;
var activitySummary = this.currentItem.activitySummary || "{}";
this._summary = JSON.parse(activitySummary);
// Analyse the available info
// Create and assign the rendered value
this.renderedValue = this.generateRenderedValue();
} else {
// Surface errors
this.alfLog("error", "Invalid current item: ", this.currentItem);
* Generate the rendered value to be output for this widget
* @instance
* @returns {string} The value to be rendered
generateRenderedValue: function alfresco_renderers_ActivitySummary__generateRenderedValue() {
// Generate links/text
var item = this._item.title,
user = this._item.fullName,
site = this._item.siteTitle;
// var item = "<a href=\"" + this._item.itemPage + "\">" + this._item.title + "</a>",
// user = "<a href=\"" + this._item.userProfile + "\">" + this._item.fullName + "</a>",
// site = "<a href=\"" + this._item.sitePage + "\">" + this._item.siteTitle + "</a>";
// Create the final HTML
// NOTE: 0 = Item title / page link, 1 = User profile link, 2 = custom0, 3 = custom1, 4 = Site link, 5 = second user profile link
var activityHtml = this.message(this._activity.activityType, {
"0": item,
"1": user,
"2": this.message(this._item.custom0),
"3": this.message(this._item.custom1),
"4": site
// Add the site
if (!this._item.suppressSite) {
activityHtml += " in " + this._item.siteId;
// Pass back the HTML
return activityHtml;
* Get the URL for the item associated with this activity
* @instance
* @returns {string} The item URL
getItemUrl: function alfresco_renderers_ActivitySummary__getItemUrl() {
// Set default landing page
var localPage = this.siteLandingPage.replace(/^\/*/, "/");
// Is there a specified page?
if (this._summary.page) {
// Use the specified one
localPage = "/" + this._summary.page;
// Check for a path
var pathParam = "?path=",
parts = localPage.split(pathParam, 2);
// Make the path safe for inclusion in the url
if (parts.length === 2) {
var page = parts[0],
urlEncoded = encodeURIComponent(parts[1]),
percentEscaped = urlEncoded.replace(/%25/g, "%2525");
localPage = page + pathParam + percentEscaped;
// Return the final URL
return urlUtils.convertUrl("page/site/" + encodeURI(this._activity.siteNetwork) + localPage, urlTypes.CONTEXT_RELATIVE);
* Get the title of this site.<br />
* <strong>NOTE: This will temporarily only return the short-name of the site</strong>
* @instance
* @returns {string} The title of the site
getSiteTitle: function alfresco_renderers_Property__getSiteTitle() {
return this._activity.siteNetwork;
* Get the URL to the landing page for this activity's site
* @instance
* @returns {string} The site URL
getSiteUrl: function alfresco_renderers_Property__getSiteUrl() {
return urlUtils.convertUrl("page/site/" + encodeURI(this._activity.siteNetwork) + this.siteLandingPage.replace(/^\/*/, "/"), urlTypes.CONTEXT_RELATIVE);
* URL to user profile page
getUserProfileUrl: function alfresco_renderers_Property__getUserProfileUrl(userId) {
return urlUtils.convertUrl("page/user/" + encodeURI(userId) + "/profile", urlTypes.CONTEXT_RELATIVE);
* Refine the item, given the information available for this activity
* @instance
refineItem: function alfresco_renderers_Property__refineItem() {
/*jshint maxcomplexity:false*/
// Create shortcut pointers
var activityType = this._activity.activityType,
item = this._item,
summary = this._summary;
// Refinement depends on activity type
switch (activityType) {
// Groups
case "org.alfresco.site.group-added":
case "org.alfresco.site.group-removed":
item.suppressSite = true;
/* falls through */
case "org.alfresco.site.group-role-changed":
item.fullName = summary.groupName.replace("GROUP_", "");
item.userProfile = null;
item.custom0 = this.message("role." + summary.role);
// Site members
case "org.alfresco.site.user-joined":
case "org.alfresco.site.user-left":
item.suppressSite = true;
/* falls through */
case "org.alfresco.site.user-role-changed":
item.userName = summary.memberUserName;
item.fullName = lang.trim(summary.memberFirstName + " " + summary.memberLastName);
item.userProfile = this.getUserProfileUrl(summary.memberUserName);
item.custom0 = this.message("role." + summary.role);
// Other
case "org.alfresco.site.liked":
item.suppressSite = true;
case "org.alfresco.subscriptions.followed":
item.fullName = lang.trim(summary.followerFirstName + " " + summary.followerLastName);
item.userProfile = this.getUserProfileUrl(summary.followerUserName);
item.secondFullName = lang.trim(summary.userFirstName + " " + summary.userLastName);
item.secondUserProfile = this.getUserProfileUrl(summary.userUserName);
item.itemPage = item.userProfile;
item.suppressSite = true;
case "org.alfresco.subscriptions.subscribed":
item.fullName = lang.trim(summary.subscriberFirstName + " " + summary.subscriberLastName);
item.userProfile = this.getUserProfileUrl(summary.subscriberUserName);
item.custom0 = summary.node;
item.suppressSite = true;
case "org.alfresco.profile.status-changed":
item.custom0 = summary.status;
item.itemPage = item.userProfile;
item.suppressSite = true;
* Sets up the defaults for the item
* @instance
setupDefaults: function alfresco_renderers_ActivitySummary__setupDefaults() {
this._item = {
id: this._activity.id,
type: this._activity.activityType,
siteId: this._activity.siteNetwork,
date: {
isoDate: this._activity.postDate
title: this._summary.title || this.message("title.generic"),
userName: this._activity.postUserId,
userAvatar: this._activity.postUserAvatar || "avatar",
fullName: lang.trim(this._summary.firstName + " " + this._summary.lastName),
itemPage: this.getItemUrl(),
sitePage: this.getSiteUrl(),
siteTitle: this.getSiteTitle(),
userProfile: this.getUserProfileUrl(this._activity.postUserId),
custom0: this._summary.custom0 || "",
custom1: this._summary.custom1 || "",
suppressSite: false,
grouped: false