Uses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.error |
Methods in org.alfresco.error that return AlfrescoRuntimeException | |
static AlfrescoRuntimeException |
AlfrescoRuntimeException.create(String msgId, Object... objects) Helper factory method making use of variable argument numbers |
static AlfrescoRuntimeException |
AlfrescoRuntimeException.create(Throwable cause, String msgId, Object... objects) Helper factory method making use of variable argument numbers |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.repo.content.transform | |
class |
UnsupportedTransformationException Exception indicates that a transformer is unable to transform a requested transformation. |
Uses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.repo.lock |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.repo.lock | |
class |
LockAcquisitionException Exception generated when a lock cannot be acquired. |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication | |
class |
AuthenticationException Alfresco Authentication Exception and wrapper |
class |
TicketExpiredException |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.repo.transaction | |
class |
TooBusyException An exception thrown by RetryingTransactionHelper when its maxExecutionMs property is set and there isn't enough capacity to execute / retry the transaction. |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary | |
class |
DictionaryException Base Exception of Data Dictionary Exceptions. |
static class |
DictionaryException.DuplicateDefinitionException Exception generated by attempting to create a duplicate definition of the data dictionary, such as type, aspect, constraint and etc. |
class |
InvalidAspectException Thrown when a reference to an aspect is incorrect. |
class |
InvalidTypeException Thrown when an operation cannot be performed because a type is not recognised by the data dictionary |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model | |
class |
FileExistsException Common exception thrown when an operation fails because of a name clash. |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository | |
class |
ContentIOException Wraps a general Exceptions that occurred while reading or writing content. |
class |
ContentServiceTransientException This exception should be thrown when a content operation could not be performed due to a transient condition and where it is possible that a subsequent request to execute the same action might succeed, all other things not having changed. |
class |
MalformedNodeRefException Thrown when a nodeRef representation is invalid. |
class |
NoTransformerException Thrown when a transformation request cannot be honoured due to no transformers being present for the requested transformation. |
Subclasses of AlfrescoRuntimeException in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security | |
class |
NoSuchPersonException Thrown when a person doesn't exist and can't be created. |