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Uses of Interface
Packages that use org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo
org.alfresco.service.cmr.model FileFolderService These services give much simpler APIs for manipulating nodes structures conforming to traditional file folder trees within the data dictionary.
org.alfresco.service.cmr.site Provides the public interface for the the SiteService which is used by the Share application.
Uses of FileInfo in org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.model.filefolder with parameters of type FileInfo
HiddenAspect.checkHidden(FileInfo fileInfo, boolean both, boolean checkChildren)
          Checks whether the file should be hidden and applies the hidden and not indexed aspects if so.
Uses of FileInfo in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model that return FileInfo
FileFolderService.copy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName)
          Copy a source file or folder.
FileFolderService.create(NodeRef parentNodeRef, String name, QName typeQName)
          Create a file or folder; or any valid node of type derived from file or folder.
FileFolderService.create(NodeRef parentNodeRef, String name, QName typeQName, QName assocQName)
          Create a file or folder; or any valid node of type derived from file or folder
FileFolderService.getFileInfo(NodeRef nodeRef)
          Get the file info (name, folder, etc) for the given node
FileFolderService.move(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef sourceParentRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName)
FileFolderService.move(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName)
          Move a file or folder to a new name and/or location.
FileFolderService.moveFrom(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef sourceParentRef, NodeRef targetParentRef, String newName)
          Move a file or folder to a new name and/or location.
FileFolderService.rename(NodeRef fileFolderRef, String newName)
          Rename a file or folder in its current location
FileFolderService.resolveNamePath(NodeRef rootNodeRef, List<String> pathElements)
          Resolve a file or folder name path from a given root node down to the final node.
FileFolderService.resolveNamePath(NodeRef rootNodeRef, List<String> pathElements, boolean mustExist)
          Resolve a file or folder name path from a given root node down to the final node.
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model that return types with arguments of type FileInfo
FileFolderService.getNamePath(NodeRef rootNodeRef, NodeRef nodeRef)
          Get the file or folder information from the root down to and including the node provided.
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef)
          Lists immediate child files and folders of the given context node.
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting author janv
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, String pattern, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with pattern matching and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting Pattern uses '*' as a wildcard
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef rootNodeRef, Set<QName> searchTypeQNames, Set<QName> ignoreAspectQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Lists page of immediate child objects of the given context node with specification of which types to list and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting
FileFolderService.listDeepFolders(NodeRef contextNodeRef, SubFolderFilter filter)
FileFolderService.listFiles(NodeRef contextNodeRef)
          Lists all immediate child files of the given context node Note: this could be a long list (and will be trimmed at a pre-configured maximum).
FileFolderService.listFolders(NodeRef contextNodeRef)
          Lists all immediate child folders of the given context node Note: this could be a long list (and will be trimmed at a pre-configured maximum).
FileFolderService.search(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String namePattern, boolean includeSubFolders)
          Deprecated. for shallow search use list, listFolders, listFiles, searchSimple. For deep listing use listDeepFolders. Avoid calling this method with any name pattern except for "*".
FileFolderService.search(NodeRef contextNodeRef, String namePattern, boolean fileSearch, boolean folderSearch, boolean includeSubFolders)
          Deprecated. for shallow search use list, listFolders, listFiles, searchSimple. For deep listing use listDeepFolders. Avoid calling this method with any name pattern except for "*".
FileFolderService.toFileInfoList(List<NodeRef> nodeRefs)
          Helper method to transform a list of NodeRef to a list of FileInfo
Uses of FileInfo in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site that return types with arguments of type FileInfo
SiteService.listContainers(String shortName, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Returns a paged list of top level containers for the site

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