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Uses of Class
Packages that use org.alfresco.util.Pair
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.query
Methods in org.alfresco.query that return Pair
abstract Pair<Integer>
          Get the total result count assuming no paging applied.
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.repo.content
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.content that return Pair
protected Pair<String>
AbstractContentStore.getContentUrlParts(String contentUrl)
          Splits the content URL into its component parts as separated by protocol delimiter.
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.repo.copy
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.copy that return Pair
DefaultCopyBehaviourCallback.getAssociationCopyAction(QName classQName, CopyDetails copyDetails, org.alfresco.repo.copy.CopyBehaviourCallback.CopyAssociationDetails assocCopyDetails)
          Default behaviour: * AssocCopySourceAction.COPY_REMOVE_EXISTING * AssocCopyTargetAction.USE_COPIED_OTHERWISE_ORIGINAL_TARGET
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication
Methods in org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication that return Pair
static Pair<String>
AuthenticationUtil.getUserTenant(String userName)
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.model with type arguments of type Pair
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting author janv
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef contextNodeRef, boolean files, boolean folders, String pattern, Set<QName> ignoreTypeQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Lists page of immediate child files and/or folders of the given context node with pattern matching and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting Pattern uses '*' as a wildcard
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef rootNodeRef, Set<QName> searchTypeQNames, Set<QName> ignoreAspectQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Lists page of immediate child objects of the given context node with specification of which types to list and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting
FileFolderService.list(NodeRef rootNodeRef, Set<QName> assocTypeQNames, Set<QName> searchTypeQNames, Set<QName> ignoreAspectQNames, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, List<org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterProp> filterProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Lists page of immediate child objects of the given context node with specification of which types to list and optional filtering (exclusion of certain child file/folder subtypes) and sorting
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.service.cmr.preference
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.preference that return types with arguments of type Pair
PreferenceService.getPagedPreferences(String userName, String preferenceFilter, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.search that return types with arguments of type Pair
abstract List<Pair<String,Integer>>
ResultSetSPI.getFieldFacet(String field)
          Gets the highlighting results.
CategoryService.getTopCategories(StoreRef storeRef, QName aspectName, int count)
          Get the most polular categories
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.security with type arguments of type Pair
PersonService.getPeople(List<Pair<QName,String>> stringPropFilters, boolean filterIgnoreCase, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Deprecated. see getPeople(String pattern, List filterProps, List> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
PersonService.getPeople(String pattern, List<QName> filterProps, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Get paged list of people optionally filtered and/or sorted Note: the pattern is applied to filter props (0 to 3) as startsWithIgnoreCase, which are OR'ed together, for example: cm:userName or cm:firstName or cm:lastName
PersonService.getPeople(String pattern, List<QName> filterStringProps, Set<QName> inclusiveAspects, Set<QName> exclusiveAspects, boolean includeAdministraotrs, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Get paged list of people optionally filtered and/or sorted
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site
Method parameters in org.alfresco.service.cmr.site with type arguments of type Pair
abstract PagingResults<org.alfresco.repo.site.SiteMembership>
SiteService.listMembersPaged(String shortName, boolean collapseGroups, List<Pair<org.alfresco.service.cmr.site.SiteService.SortFields,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Gets the role of the specified user.
SiteService.listSites(List<org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterProp> filterProps, List<Pair<QName,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          This method returns paged result sets of SiteInfo objects, which should be more efficient than the unpaged methods also available on this interface.
abstract PagingResults<org.alfresco.repo.site.SiteMembership>
SiteService.listSitesPaged(String userName, List<Pair<org.alfresco.service.cmr.site.SiteService.SortFields,Boolean>> sortProps, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          List all the sites that the specified user has a explicit membership to.
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging that return Pair
abstract Pair<List<String>,Integer>
TaggingService.getPagedTags(StoreRef storeRef, int fromTag, int pageSize)
          Get page of the tags currently available
abstract Pair<List<String>,Integer>
TaggingService.getPagedTags(StoreRef storeRef, String filter, int fromTag, int pageSize)
Methods in org.alfresco.service.cmr.tagging that return types with arguments of type Pair
abstract List<Pair<String,NodeRef>>
TaggingService.addTags(NodeRef nodeRef, List<String> tags)
          Adds a list of tags to a node.
abstract List<Pair<String,Integer>>
TaggingService.findTaggedNodesAndCountByTagName(StoreRef storeRef)
          Get tagged nodes and count of nodes group by tag name
TaggingService.getTags(NodeRef nodeRef, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Get a paged list of all the tags on a node
TaggingService.getTags(StoreRef storeRef, PagingRequest pagingRequest)
          Get a paged list of all the tags currently available
Uses of Pair in org.alfresco.util
Fields in org.alfresco.util declared as Pair
static Pair
Methods in org.alfresco.util that return Pair
static <X,Y> Pair<X,Y>

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